Raging bull.

Inherently the rapier was supposed to take a toll on Xavier as soon as it licked his blood, but he existed almost unaffected by the gash and chose to make a mockery of their advance towards him and simply added no effort in dodging the onslaught they flung at him.

The ground beneath Bacillia began to crack open, at that period Alrak retained no hint of mercy, she raised her palm harshly, and immediately thick dark mist engulfed Bacillia and she fell into the dark abyss pit that appeared beneath her. Alrak assembled and sealed the ground to lock her there for a while for her to be filled with enough dark energy so she could be easily exploited after she had been soaked enough. Once again her attack proved futile as Bacillia had managed to break through with the Shangri-la-lit sword she was holding onto and thereafter smirked, she scoffed and rolled her eyes "Hack!" as she spat mockingly.

She would have to finish off Xavier herself since she was his weakness, she planned to use it as an advantage and turned to those who were doing their finest to eliminate the demon, she had to! and besides the other lords should be handling the intruders outside the walls quite well, she was sure by now there would have been blood spillage all over due to her causality.

They indeed have the best soldiers, she was sure they would be able to handle the weight of the situation quite sufficiently even though they hadn't been prepared beforehand. All she needed to do was to eliminate their leader and the rest should be a piece of cake. Now the problem was how? these thoughts rambled through her head whilst she sheathed her sword.


Blood spilled over the ground after the clear sound of a rapier meeting with skin was taken notice of.


Alrak thrust her sword making sure it passed through her spine and penetrated deeply into the flesh causing her to cough up blood as she held her stomach and her throat at the same time.

She afterward had a satisfied grin plastered on her face and the psychopath licked the blood on her blade and made to thrust in one more time to finally finish Bacillia off once and for all.

But the heavily injured hyde managed to doge and tried to ignore the excruciating pain she felt as she staggered backward and balled her blood-stained fist. she then communicated a move that helped her to assemble enough stamina, and at the same time, she unsheathed her sword, and filled it with the light of Shangri-la and charged toward Alrak carefully, she was avoiding allowing rage to devour her and providing the enemy with an advantage against her.

Normally she should be able to heal if it was just any other minor attack, but the spine was an exception, it was a place whereby when attacked, healing is a very difficult task. In other words, it was the weak spot that if attacked could cause Immediate death or extreme weakness to hydes. But she had managed to extract energy from a source of light in the throne room which still sustained her till the present. This energy-extracting process was easy for her in because she possed a healing ability from birth, she is indeed a healer just like most light hydes.

Even after deriving energy from the source of light in the room, she still wasn't fit and struggled to tighten her weapon properly. But something halted her, she glimpsed Alrak's body being flung like she was frivolity across the room as she disembarked on the ground with a vociferous thud!

Xavier sensed part of him being destroyed, he cringed and suddenly something inside his chest pumped even if it was faint, he could still feel it. wait what was it? He held his chest and breathed heavily as turned towards his mate with an uncomfortable reaction. He saw her in a state of despair, a sword was protruding from her gut which she clasped like she would give up anytime soon. he saw the sword was launched directly to meet with her backbone, one of the most vulnerable parts of a dark hyde, but whoever it was that made the attack missed by a hairsbreadth but this revelation seemed unbeknownst to the attacker just yet, but he could easily tell the sword didn't have contact with the spine.

He felt rage bogart over him. Who dares to mess with his mate shall pay a death price!

Burton who was now weak turned to Bacillia immediately after Xavier did, and to his horror he saw the crazy bitch which he had always resented, committing the most absurd blunder that could end her life in an instant. Now everyone's attention was diverted to the scene at the center of the throne room.

Burton felt fury watching Alrak trying to murder Bacillia, his entire face had turned red as he roared in frustration. But before he could lift a finger Alrak had already been thrown across the room hitting a pillar that came crashing down after its unfortunate encounter. Xavier was almost unrecognized, his appearance had changed. He was extremely tall and had thick red-black skin that seemed to have just risen from fire, his eyes were burning and one could see flames in them. His claws were exceptionally long and sharp, very sharp. His muscles had also developed magnificently and the curves of his horns existed also magnificently but his black hair was still in place except now it was much straight, long, silky, and looked smooth and shiny. he growled showing his fully elongated fangs.

He stumped into the not-so-stupefied hyde and dug his nails into her chest as he heard her scream in pain. No! This wasn't enough for him, he wanted for her a much more slow and painful death. He then lifted her by the neck and scratched her face taking up a huge chunk of meat from the left side of her cheek and threw her again. Tobias saw his distraction as an opportunity and planned a sneak attack on the raging bull, immediately he left his position and sent dark balls towards him with raging speed, but then something unexpected happened which left all of them in shock!