Where am I?

Bacillia saw Tobias's motive and without thinking twice, she swung her sword making it cut through his attack, and then manipulated the sword to cut through his head without clasping heretofore.

Before she could concede what she had executed, his head was already cruising on the ground, and his body fell with a loud thud!

Lord Cohen stood in shock, his eyes widened as he stared at the deceased corps of Tobias. He blinked severally just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. Did the Empress just? But before anyone else could react Bacillia blacked out due to weariness.

By now Alrak was virtually extinct, Xavier had battered the darkness out of her and was formulated to finally get rid of her when he felt his mate tumble, quickly he crumpled Alrak with his fist and reached to his blossom who looked dead already, and pocketed her in a bridal style." you'll pay." he said whilst scrutinizing Alrak malevolently with gritted teeth. He stared down at Bacillia who had dried blood plastered on her lower lip and bent his head to suck it up. Xavier didn't give a damn about the people watching them and kissed her right there and then. He withdrew from the kiss and smirked while he stared at the others just to make it clear to them, she was his and nobody else's, afterwards, he teleported out of the throne room with Bacillia's unconscious body and Alrak's half-dead one.

Just then Amadeus materialized into the room, " the demons abruptly stopped assailing and they all have retreated" He appeared confused and sheathed his weapon which was covered entirely with blood, his clothes too were slightly stained and he was perspiring a lot. It seemed they put up a really good fight. He looked around the room and his eyes caught everyone's gloomy glare. He sniffed and bordered his armor, the demon lord had been here? And the blood he caught a glimpse of belonged to... " what transpired? Where's the Empress?" his gaze caught the destroyed pillar, decorated with Alrak's blood and several other kaput places in the throne room. Almost everybody was in their beast form, except for Burton who looked like someone who has gone mental, he looked devastated and collapsed harshly on his knees using his hand to whiff the pool of blood beneath where he was standing and punched the ground beneath him harshly and continued till he broke his fists and seethed in anger.

" Lord Burton!" he rushed forward and was stopped by yargus who shooked his head negatively.

One by one they all reciprocate their normal form and Cohen pointed his weapon at Tobias's deceased body. Amadeus's eyes widened, " will someone explain to me what's going on here?!" he raised his voice.

" I would appreciate it if you keep your voice down, boy!" Cohen looked at him coldly and left the throne room. Telford turned to him, "He's in a terrible Mood now Amadeus, and next time learn to speak to those above you with regards,"

Amadeus's face twisted, even though he was the youngest here they had never regarded him as anything less than them, this was something new to him, " I just wanted to know what transpired" He lowered his voice, and it was a little shaky due to the anger that existed within him and turned to Ekila.

" The demon lord took the Empress," she said and thereafter shrugged. " we couldn't do anything, she was his mate after all"

" Mate? Lady Alrak speaks the truth?" he questioned unsure of what he heard.

"Well apparently, yes" Telford gazed at Tobias's head and sighed. " she killed him when he attempted to slay the demon lord."

" And lady Alrak?" Amadeus quirked his brows.

" she started what she couldn't finish while attempting to prove her claims and at the end," he shrugged "She got beaten badly and was dragged by Xavier" he Sneered.

" Are you sure you saw right?" Amadeus chuckled.

" what do you think?" Telford veered around " I have a feeling something interesting is going to happen" he laughed sadly, " and I'm not sure it's a good one." finally he teleported out of the building. It was then Amadeus realized he was the only one in the throne room. He was sure something was wrong, all that happened but still they did nothing to stop him? Maybe they were too shocked to even act at that moment. But the way Lady Ekila spoke sent chills running down his spine, even Lord Cohen who preferred to usually stay reposed, looked like he'd kill anyone, who dared block his way as he stormed out of the throne room with unadulterated rage.

" My lord, I was told to inform you that there would be a meeting later in the day." Nur bowed after informing. " mmm" he nodded in response and left the throne room.


Bacillia's eyes flew open, but it felt like they were still closed due to the obscurity in the room she resided in. She made the tip of her finger shine bright and used it to look around for a moment, where am I? She then snapped her fingers and all the light source came to life, but it was bearly enough for her to see clearly. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain on her forehead and groaned in response. She was still very weak and was only making it worse by using her powers, even if it was just a little.

Abruptly she felt a cold wind blow past and a figure was standing right next to her bed, although she couldn't see his scent was hard to miss, Xavier? She let out a faint gasp and tried to stand up but was stopped by the demon who didn't look at all happy to see her trying to escape from him.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked rather coldly as he stared intensely into her green irises which he could see distinctly, he didn't have any hardship when it comes to seeing in the dark he is a demon, he has the ability.