Chapter 3

~5 days later~

It's been five days since I meet these two and it's been a fun journey. As I was sitting in the back seat and leaning on the window to see the scenery outside as we drive thru the highway, Tallahassee looks to the rear-view mirror to see me, he said.

Tallahassee: hey kid want to know how did I meet this dufus here?

He said while pointing to Columbus who was in the passenger seat. I look at him and spoke.

Mark: Sure, Tal. I want to know what happened today you two meet.

Columbus: uhm. I think we should pass on that topic. Why not talk about the rules that I made? It can help in our journey.

Tallahassee rolls his eyes at the comment of Columbus because Columbus wants to change the topic that Tallahassee will tell me. I already know how they meet and what happened. But it's fun to hear it to the man itself. I properly fix how I seat, like a kid who is listening to a fantasy story that an adult will tell.

Tallahassee: Well, I meet this f*ck face…

Columbus: Hey Tal, you should be easy on the swearing, his just a kid.

Tallahassee: You think I don't know that?! Don't mind him, Mark, his just embarrassed of what happened that day hahaha. And I think it should be ok the kid hears I swear, it's a f*cking end of the world now. So, I think it's ok a kid hears it, he's going to swear when he grows up you know. Just think of it as an advanced lesson.

Columbus: But I still think that the kid should hear that when he's grown up a little bit you know.

Mark: 'They don't know that my soul is already old enough to swear hehe'

Tallahassee: Ok, Ok I won't swear in front of a kid now, little missy. HAHAHA


Columbus: *sigh* Really funny Tal.

I watch them talk while waiting for Tallahassee to tell me what happened that day when they meet. I'm a patient kid you know. As I was thinking that I see Tallahassee look at me again and say,

Tallahassee: Well kiddo, it was on a good afternoon, while I was driving on the highway, like now. As I was minding my business, I see some idiot walking on the highway with his luggage.

As I was listening attentively to the story of Tallahassee even though I already know what happen. I hear Columbus groan to the side like he doesn't want to hear the rest of what Tallahassee will say to me.

Tallahassee: When I was approaching him, I see him panic and hid behind a car. *Chuckle* You should see what his face is on that day. Like a bunny who's scared when he sees his predator.

While Tallahassee said that, he looks Columbus who was beside him. And I can see that Columbus is embarrassed by what Tallahassee said to me and Columbus being Columbus, he defends himself by saying,

Columbus: What, I am not scared that day ok? I was just being cautious because we are in a world that has been run by zombies.

Tallahassee: Whatever you say, nerd. *chuckle*

Mark: Yeah, Nerd. *chuckle*

Columbus: can we just stop this storytelling Tal, as you can see Mark is copying you, and it's not in a good way.

Tallahassee: Ok now, I guess I should stop. Columbus here being a killjoy in our storytelling time.

As he said that he looks at me and whispered,

Tallahassee: Well kiddo maybe next time when he's not around ok?

Mark: Ok Tal.

And I whisper to him back like a good kid, then I made an OK sign to Tallahassee.

Columbus: Hey I can hear that; we are in a 5-seater van so I'm not deaf to not hear what you guys are whispering.

As the ride became quieter, I think of a topic that can be talked about and not offend someone. That's when I thought about their names. In the movies, I think only Wichita said her real name "in the movies" and I think that her name is Krista.

Mark: 'I should ask them why they are called Tallahassee and Columbus'

I know that this may be a little bit offensive but I can't think of another topic. Well, maybe there is like how Columbus came up with his set of rules, and maybe will I will know what are the other rules he has except what he said in the movies.

Mark: uhm, guys? I just want to ask some questions, this might be a little bit offensive to you guys, but I don't want to force you to answer if you can't.

I said that while looking at the two of them and I can see on their face a little bit of worry, well I might be asking their origin if I ask this but I think some of the fans want to know to right?

Tallahassee/Columbus: sure kiddo/ sure ask away.

Mark: uhm, why is your name *while pointing at Tallahassee* Tallahassee and you *while pointing at Columbus* Columbus? Can I know? I'm just curious because you guys know my real name and I think? Maybe can I know your real names? If you guys don't want to tell it's okay. I understand.

As I said that I look down and played with my fingers, like a kid who asks for an adult candy and wants to have another one.

(A/N: I don't know what other term "playing with my fingers" is, but if there is let me know and I'm going to change it)

Tallahassee looks at Columbus and he does the same to Tallahassee. They are unsure if they can share with me what is the meaning of their names. I maybe know a little why they say to hide their names. Well if you watch the movie you can have a little idea why they hide their names on purpose.

But still, I want to know maybe there are other meanings and not that deep or something else. What can you say I'm just a kid who is a little curious.

(A/N: yeah, a kid with a soul of an adult)

Mark: Like I said guys if you don't want to tell me it's ok. I understand and sorry for asking.

I feel sorry to ask them about their past I know some of you are going to be pissed but if you are in my shoes maybe you will know and you will be going to ask too. As I was thinking that I see the resolve in them.

Columbus: uhm. Mark, it's not that we are hiding our past or something it's just…

Tallahassee: it's just we don't want to remember, remember our painful memories?

Columbus: yeah Mark. In this apocalypse era, we are all abandoned and orphans in Zombieland.

While Columbus said he lean on the car window beside him and look have a lonely face. I feel what they are feeling too right now. Abandoned, homeless, and with no family to rely on in this apocalyptic world. Knowing that I feel it too being thrown into this Zombieland movie with no family or friends to rely on.

Mark: I'm sorry.

As I said that they can see on my face the sad reality that even if you change your name, you can't escape your past. You can only move on and live for those who left you. It hurts knowing it, maybe I should not ask them about it, but there is this part of me that wants to know. To know what should I do to carry on the new life that has been given to me.

The atmosphere became gloomy because of the stupid question, I asked. I see Tallahassee stop the car and look at me at the back and said,

Tallahassee: Mark, we forgive you right Columbus?

Columbus: Yeah, don't worry about it. You are just curious and all.

Tallahassee: How about this you should change your name to. Change it whatever you want. No one will judge you. If there is let me know, and I'm going to shove a Sno-balls in him/her ass. Hehehe.

Columbus: Hey I like Sno-Balls, especially its coconut.

Mark: *chuckles* Thanks Tal, I appreciate that.

Tallahassee: No problem kiddo. Like I said "Live through the moments"

While Tallahassee said that to me, I can see Columbus liking the phrase Tallahassee said to me. I can see him writing something on his rule book and that's why I know he likes it and I smiled at that.

Mark: 'Yeah, Live through the moments.' So, what name should I call myself? any recommendation?

Tallahassee: Well, I'm Tallahassee and going to Tallahassee, and Columbus here being the same. So you should do the same too you know.

Columbus: Yeah, I remember your going to West Virginia, right? Why not call yourself West or Virginia, or maybe just both? It's your choice, Mark.

Mark: Thanks guys, that's a good suggestion. Like the name of you guys.

I nod at the suggestions they give me and because of that, I can change my name to what I want to. I can be Vergil or Jotarou, I can be anything I want no one will care and no one stop me from doing that so I will name myself…

Mark: My name from now on is "WESTLIE"