Chapter 8

Tallahassee: f*ck! There's no more crying over now. Let's just find something before Columbus is back, yeah?

Westlie: ok!

~15 minutes later~

As we are done eating to our heart's content the food that I found in the kitchen and we cook on a makeshift stove, I then asked the two.

Westlie: By the way how much gas did you find?

Tallahassee: found enough to travel far.

Columbus: Well, we share half of our gas with the guy earlier.

Westlie: then why didn't you trade it?

Tallahassee: oh, we did trade it.

Westlie: With what?

Columbus: With this!

I then see what Columbus is holding and it's a freaking MAP!

Westlie: OOH! That's good! I was also finding some maps earlier and all I just found is the map of the hotel. Here you can have this too.

I gave Columbus the map that I found earlier and maybe before we go, he can find something on that map that may help on our journey. The motel is huge so maybe there are items that still laying there that are still useful.

Columbus: Thanks, and I already heard it from Tallahassee earlier, he even tell me that you almost killed him *laugh*

Westlie: It's Tallahassee's fault, he suddenly sneaks up on me. *laugh*

Columbus: Yeah, I heard *laugh*

As we are laughing, we see Tallahassee pouring the gas that they found on the car so that we can now go on the road again.

Then I remember what was I about to ask them and look at Columbus who is studying the map and checking if we miss something.

Westlie: Columbus can you tell what's this?

Columbus: A paper? *chuckle*

I then stare at him like "I know that idiot".

Westlie: I was talking about this?! Can you tell me what it says?

Then I point again at the map where the stains are.

Columbus: Hmm. Let me check.

As he was trying to decipher it, I see Tallahassee come to us and said.

Tallahassee: Are you gentlemen ready to go?

Westlie: Yeah, we are.

Tallahassee: How about you Columbus?

He then looks at Columbus and he can see that he was a bit busy right now. Then he looks at me and asks.

Tallahassee: What's that guy doing?

Westlie: Well, I found the map of the hotel earlier, right? I just want to know what is the name of the hotel.

Tallahassee then looks at me like he's saying we are dumb.

Tallahassee: Are you guys kidding me? *sigh*

Westlie: No. I just want to know, why?

Tallahassee then points his index finger up and says,

Tallahassee: Look up kiddo.

Then he smiled at me and I look up and see what he was pointing and I can only say that I am dumb.

Westlie: Well shucks. If only I ask you first and not him. By the way, he also has the map that the guys give you earlier, right? Why didn't he look up to it maybe it has been easier.

Tallahassee just shrugs and shoulder at me, then we both look at Columbus who is still looking at the map trying to still decipher it. When I was about to call Columbus and tell him that we should go to Tallahassee grab my shoulder and shakes his head at me.

I then smile at him and he just smiled at me. 5minutes have passed and we can tell that Columbus even being one of the smart ones in our group, sometimes do make mistake and just like the saying "No Body is Perfect".

As we watched him still struggling that's when I thought that it was about time that we tell him and make him stop so that we should go on the road.

Westlie: Columbus let's go there's no meaning to it anyway.

Columbus: Are you sure? Because I was about to decipher it.

Westlie: Positive!

Columbus: ok?. So where are we headed to?

Tallahassee: Find us some grocery store or convenience store I want to find some F*cking Twinkies!

I and Columbus just look at each other and stare at Tallahassee, we know that you are a badass uncle but thought that you have no weaknesses but here we are realizing that even the toughest one has a weakness.

We just roll our eyes at him get inside the car and I follow him to the car then Columbus follows me as he was looking at the map trying to find where is the nearest Grocery or Convenient Store.

As I got into the car Tallahassee says to me,

Tallahassee: Westlie, you drive today I want to take a nap.

I then go to the driver's seat and start the engine I see Columbus get into the passenger seat still looking at the map, well we don't want to have an angry Tallahassee, do we?

Tallahassee: Wake me up if we are at the Grocery Store.

Westlie: Okay. So where are we headed Columbus?

Then I look at Columbus and I see him still looking at the map and says.

Columbus: There is a Convenience store near us just a mile away, then there is a Grocery store 5 miles away from us so where should we go?

Tallahassee: Wake me up when we are at the Grocery store, the convenience store doesn't have my Twinkies, you can still go there and find if there still useful to get or we can go straight to where my Twinkies are. Your choice.

I and Columbus look at each other and can tell that we are thinking the same so I then start the car and go straight to the grocery store because we don't want to see Tallahassee getting angry at us.

And boy you don't want to see that.

As I was driving, I ask Columbus an awkward question.

Westlie: So, Columbus are you still a virgin?

(A/N: NOT ME!)


What?! I ask because I still didn't find someone to love even in my past life. So just going to ask if he already bangs somebody, but nothing I know, I think he have sex with somebody in season 2 of the movie but that was in the future.

Columbus then closes the map and had an awkward expression, I think that he is thinking if he should lie or tell the truth. Well, me knowing Columbus he will choose the latter.

Columbus: Well, of course, I'm not a virgin anymore, and hey you're still a child so why are you asking me that?

Westlie: Well, I want you to teach me. You know as teachers do? Sex Study and by the way I'm already 11 going 12 I think? So, I think in this zombie era being a 12-year-old is equal to being a 20-year-old adult.

Columbus then have an expression of doubt then said.

Columbus: Well, for the past 6 days that we are together, I can say that you are mature yourself even if you are only just 11 years old. When the world is not run by zombies I can see an 11-year-old kid still wet in his ears.

He then paused and continue,

Columbus: But you, your matured so maybe I can teach you a thing or two about it.

He looks proud of what he said and I think the things that he will teach me are all knowledge that got from the internet. Well, what can I expect, I just need some time to kill before we stop at the destination we are going to.

Westlie: So, where and when did you lose your virginity?

Columbus: I lost it when the word is still peaceful, I think when I was at my dorm when I was still in college. Some girl just knocks on my door and ask if she can stay for the night because she was being followed.

Oh, I know this story, it's the girl who was the first became zombie that Columbus meet in the movies.

Columbus: She was beautiful you know, with long blond hair, pouty lips, and had a sexy body and also big boobs. Then I offer her some drink and we talk together then as we are having fun conversating, she put her hands on my thighs and slowly massages it.

Westlie: *Gulp*

Columbus: Then she stops talking and she just stares at me and you know me. I stare back at her then she slowly moves her head toward me and I do the same.

Columbus: I see her close her eyes and then I just feel our lips combine, it tastes like cherry. We make out and as we separate our lips, I can see the passion in her eyes that told me to F*ck her. Then I put my hand under her shirt and slowly reach the tip of her boobs and then…

As he was about to tell me what happened next, Tallahassee kick the seats of Columbus and Says.

Tallahassee: Can you shut up?! And you really did tell the kid over here what did you do?! I was thinking highly of you earlier now I'm not.

Columbus: Wha?! He wants to know and I'm just telling him! And I thought that since the start you didn't even think highly of me so no offense taken.


I just laugh at the two of them bickering and then look at the road and tell was about to tell them that we are about to arrive at our destination.

(A/N: did I do good at making R-18? If not then I'll stop)