Chapter 9

I then pulled over in front of the grocery store. I look at the two who are still bickering.

Westlie: Guys, we are here now, you can stop what you guys are doing and just get that f*cking Twinkie.

Tallahassee and Columbus stop talking, and they then got out of the car. I then go out and follow the to at the back of the car. I then see Tallahassee opening the back door of the car and can tell that Tallahassee is not kidding right now.

And if he wants some Twinkies, he gonna get it, whether we like it or not. I and Columbus are like ducklings following where the mother duck where she goes.

While I was equipping myself, I hear Columbus talking.

Columbus: What are you prospecting?

Tallahassee just looks at him.

Columbus: Jesus, f*ck! You are a dangerous man. Don't let Westlie see that.

Westlie: Oh, I already know Columbus. Seen it last time.

Columbus: When?

Westlie: It was 2 days ago when you go to the bathroom. I ask Tal, if what weapons he has and he just let me see.

Columbus: God. You are crazy, and now you're gonna risk our lives for a Twinkie?

Tallahassee: Look here smart ass, there is a box of twinkies in that grocery store. Not just any box of Twinkies.

Then he gets the Hedge clippers in front of him and looks menacing at Columbus.

Tallahassee: The last box of Twinkies that anyone will enjoy in the whole universe. Believe it or not, Twinkies have an expiration date. Someday very soon, life's little Twinkie gauge is gonna go empty.

He said that while getting what needs necessary to get that last box of Twinkies he just wants to taste it one last time.

Columbus: Ok... Ok just don't at me like that you're scaring me.

I then join the two and look at them smiling.

Westlie: Shall we go your highness?

Tallahassee then smiled at me and look at Columbus.

Tallahassee: let's go sh*t faces.

Columbus looks at him and just nods. Telling that what needs to be done, needs to be done. As we are in front of the door of the grocery store, we stop for a bit and look at each other.

Tallahassee/Westlie: Time to nut up or shut up.

I and Tallahassee just look at each other and smiled, while Columbus, didn't even want to know what it is and just sigh.

Columbus: *sigh* you two are getting along now.

Westlie: I want to be like Tallahassee a badass uncle. *laugh*

Tallahassee smiles at me and rubs my head like he saying that he is so proud of me right now.

Tallahassee: Wanna do the honors? Westlie.

Westlie: Don't mind if I do.

I open the door and got inside then I got a feeling that this is where we finally meet our 2 final members. Then Tallahassee follows me while positioning his banjo like an artist ready to start his concert.

I then stand beside Tallahassee and he looks at me on his right.

Tallahassee: Wanna hear me sing? I have a wonderful voice.

Westlie: Sure, and maybe later care you teach me how to play the banjo?

Tallahassee: later kiddo.

Columbus: just don't teach him something weird, ok?

Tallahassee: Oh, look at someone who earlier tells a child his sex experience?

He said that sarcastically at Columbus and rolled his eyes too. I see that Tallahassee is ready to start so I and Columbus just shut up. We just want to end this expedition and just find the Twinkie.

He then played the song "Snuffy Jenkins - Careless Love"

(A/N: I just search on YT "banjo music")

When Tallahassee goes hulk on a zombie, he sets the standard for not-to-be-f*cked-with. No fear, nothing to lose. What can I say? It's like art. As Columbus did narrate that in his head, we see our first prey for the day a fat big zombie.

Tallahassee stops playing then look at us and smile. He then used his banjo like a baseball bat and swing at the fat zombie's head.

Tallahassee: Pretty mouth you got there, but I think mine is prettier.


Westlie: Tallahassee makes a swing and the fatso goes down. It's a hit ladies and gentlemen! HOME RUN!

I copied the baseball commentator and cheer at Tallahassee, I see him smirk at what I was about to continue when I see him hit it again and again and again. And you bet it was scary.

As I was about to ask him if he is ok, I then see in the corner of my eye a zombie appearing behind Columbus.

Westlie: Columbus, BEHIND YOU!

I yell at him because he was a bit further away from us, I think he started roaming the grocery store when the 1st fat zombie appears.

Yes, 1st Fat zombie, because the one that appeared behind Columbus is another Fat ass zombie and I think it's a bit larger than the first one. When I was about to help him another 1 appeared between us Tallahassee and the big guy is looking straight at me.

Like it never heard Tallahassee still killing the first one. So, I pull my knives and position to fight the big fat b*stard. When he sees me finish my preparation. He runs towards me while yelling.

Then when I was about to kick him on his knees like I usually do I heard a groan behind me and in a split second, I look behind me and see another fat b*stard!

When I thought that I was done for, I then feel my scenery suddenly slow down, and my past 2 years of living here flash before my eye. That's when I heard someone saying in my mind "FIGHT!".

That's when my whole body tensed up, not in a bad way, but it was like it boost my body to the limit and then my thinking process speeds up and when I this happen in this a second, that's when I take the opportunity when everything I see was still in a slowmo, like in the matrix "bullet time".

I then turn my body around to face the fat b*stard behind me and drop my other knife to get my gun in my pocket then point at the head of the zombie and then press the trigger to kill it.


A loud gunshot sound alerted Tallahassee who was still killing the 1st zombie. I didn't pay attention to him for too long because there was still another one who was behind me that still running in slow motion, I turn around again and then appreciate it for a second and then move my hand where the gun is and point the gun at the running f*cker in front of me and pulled the trigger.


Another headshot, then the "bullet time" stops and I feel nauseous and throw up. I don't know why did that happen but it was thanks to that, that I'm still alive today. Tallahassee sees me throw up and got a worried face, I wave my hand at him and said.

Westlie: I'm ok! check on Columbus.

Tallahassee then sigh in relief but was still worried, then he turn around and see that Columbus finishing the zombie that was after him.


Another gunshot rang. Tallahassee and Columbus jog to where I am and they check if I am ok.

Tallahassee: Are you ok Westlie? I'm sorry I didn't pay attention and one got past me.

I can see that Tallahassee is still worried about me.

Westlie: Yeah, I'm ok, and no problem. Anyone makes mistake.

Tallahassee: That's good, I promise you I'll be a little bit more careful from now on.

Tallahassee then rubs the back of his head feeling relief and embarrassment.

Columbus: I'm sorry I didn't do much help too. But you know, your just WOAH! Westlie, that's some awesome moves you got there! How did you do it? It's like you're the flash so fast.

As I was about to answer him, we heard another groan behind us and see in the middle there is one freaking huge fat-ass zombie. Looking at us like he found a prey that he has been waiting for a while.

I then ready myself for run two but Tallahassee put a hand in front of us, stopping us from doing anything.

Tallahassee: Let me handle this big guy. I want to have some fun too and get you guys some revenge.

He then pulled his Hedgeclippers and pointed at the fat ugly zombie. He then intimidates the zombie by moving it in the air signaling that his gonna cut his head off from his body.

The zombie got angry and rushed at us. Tallahassee just smirks and is ready to kill some ugly fat b*stard.