Chapter 12

Westlie: Be careful Tallahassee and good luck

I don't know if he hears it but that's only the thing that I can say because he really needs it.

As Tallahassee walks out of the house, I and Columbus peek at the windows and see him hiding behind a car.

~Tallahassee POV~

When I walk out of the house, I then hide behind a car to see what the situation is and if I can attract one zombie and kill it.

I then see a zombie who is alone and whistle at it, not too loud but not too weak either just the right amount so that the lone zombie can hear.

The zombie hears it and I look at the other's zombie if the others hear it too, but I sigh in relief when I know that the others didn't hear.

The zombie then goes where he hears the sound and I see that it was getting closer to me. I then ready the knife that I borrowed from Westlie and when the zombie is close enough, I stab its head multiple times so that I can be sure that it is really dead-dead.

When I see that it's dead, I then carry it behind the car so that I can now do what needs to be done.

I then used the knife again to cut its body and when I slowly cut it, I smelled a horrible stench, it smells like rotting sh*t but worse. I then hesitate for a second and I grab a hand full of its guts and apply it to myself.

When I thought that it was enough, I then stand up and ready myself for the worst. But first, before I do the experiments, I find the least zombie group there is.

I then look around and a second later I found a small group of zombies, numbering from 5-6 zombies. I then steady myself and go where that group of zombies is.


While we peek out the window, we see that Tallahassee attracts the lone zombie and kills it, then he grabs a hand full of it then applies it to his body.

We then see that he stands up and look for something, as we are wondering what it is, we see him look at the small group of zombies then we see him go to where they are.

We see him slowly approaching the zombies and when he was near them, we choke at what we see and almost laugh even though we know that this is not the time to laugh.

But he suddenly copies what the zombies do. He suddenly goes limp and walks towards the group of zombies, as we see that he was near, we can see that his nervous right now, we can see that his holding his knife tightly ready to kill if there's something wrong.

We then see that he walks into the group of zombies, at first, we are scared but as time passed by, we see that the zombie is ignoring him. We then sigh in relief that there is no mishap happened.

We then look again and see that he got a smile on his face and walking back at us, when he sees that he goes inside the door we greet him, but as we are about to say something we suddenly back away from him. We smell a horrible smell, like a rotting sh*t but worse.

He suddenly sees us backing away from him and ready to vomit, he just smiled at us at move a little closer, teasing us, and then laugh at what he did.

Columbus: So, it works?

We look at him like he was stupid.

Tallahassee: Of course, it works, if it is not then I'll be one of them by now.

Westlie: I guess we gonna do what it eh?

Tallahassee: Yup, and it was fun.

Columbus: FUN?! You smell like a rotting sh*t right now and that's not fun.

Tallahassee: Well, you will get used to it. It was a smart idea Westlie.

He looks at me and smiled, I smiled back. I then look at them and say,

Westlie: Let's go, we need to get out of here. Time is running out, and more and more zombies are coming.

They nod at what I said and we got out of the house. We then find a lone zombie and kill it then apply its guts on our bodies. We then ready ourselves again to get our of this town.

I then look at the two and said.

Westlie: Wait before we go, I got another idea.

Columbus: It better be not more of this sh*t.

I look at him and laugh.

Westlie: Don't worry, I just need some rocks or anything that can make a noise then we can go.

Tallahassee then looks at me puzzled at what I said. Then I see that Columbus and Tallahassee slowly got what I mean.

Columbus: You really are a genius!

Tallahassee just smiled at me and then we start looking at some rocks and can or anything that can make a sound.

After a minute of getting what we need, we look at each other and look at the zombies in front of us, praying to any god that sends me here that we can get out of here alive.

We then move forward and mingle ourselves into the zombies, as we walk and copy the zombies, we occasionally throw our rock at a wrecked car, a window, and at anything that will make a noise when we hit it.

We then see that some zombies who hear the sound go there and some don't, but at least we are a bit safer than walking right through it.

As I was moving, I didn't notice a zombie that was walking toward me and we bump into each. I was a bit scared but when the zombie smelled me, he just walks away.

I look at Tallahassee and Columbus, and I can see that they are relieved about what happened but a bit angry at me for not being careful.

(A/N: I can't say "see" because zombies can't see, but they can hear and smell)

The more I do these things I realize that I can maybe command a swarm of zombies. I don't know but I think it is worth the risk. We can survive easily if we can do it and not be afraid of them anymore.

We can go where ever we want because we can easily mingle with zombies or be a zombie. I know that this is a crazy idea but if I want to survive in this world, I need to be smarter and do crazy things and be a person that anyone will be afraid of.

Of course, not with my family or friends, but with foes that will stand in my way and hurt my loved ones.

As I was thinking or planning what to do so that I can survive I see that we are almost out of town and as we slowly got out through the horde, we were now in front of the woods I look at the two of them and smiled worriedly. They also look at me and just smile. We then run away towards it.

As we see that we are far away from the town. We then see that the sun will set and we need to find an immediate place to stay. It's not safe out here in the wild.

We then look for a place to stay and got up early in the morning to find a vehicle so that we can continue our travels. As we are walking, we see a big tree that we can use to rest.

I then sat under it and relax my muscle, it was nerve-racking what we did there. But at least we survive for another day.

I see that they do the same and relaxed for a bit then I spoke to the two.

Westlie: We need to light some firewood and find some food, I'm starving.

Columbus: Okay, I'll get the firewood.

Tallahassee: I'll find some hare so that we can eat.

Westlie: Then I go and find some water so that we can drink some.

We look at each other and nod our heads, then we walk our separate ways and finish our tasks. As I was finding the river, I heard the sounds of footsteps in front of me.

I think that they are running and in need of help, I then equip my knives and ready for combat.

As the sound got closer, I see a silhouette of a group and as they grow closer and closer that's when I see who they are and I'm shocked.