Chapter 13

As the sound got closer, I see a silhouette of a group and as they grow closer and closer that's when I see who they are and I'm shocked.

Because I know these people, but before I tell you who they are I need to help them first. They are being chased by a zombie. One of them saw me and shout at me.


I then go to them and they ran past me. I kick the leg of the zombie and then pierced the head of the zombie. As I was cleaning my knife after killing it, I turn to the people who are behind me.

They are 5 people, 3 boys, and 2 girls. The 3 boys are wearing a boy scout uniform and 1 of the girls wearing a white top tank shirt and the other one is wearing regular clothes, I can say that they are one odd group.

I was shocked when I see their faces because I thought this was only the "Zombieland" world, but now I need to plan because when I see these people's faces, I already know that there is more to this world that I reincarnated to.

I see them sigh in relief when they see that the zombie is killed, one of the two girls looks at me and said.

???: Thank you! I really thought we are dead.

I just nod at what she said and, I just wonder why they are not equipping their selves with weapons, in this apocalyptic world you need them to survive.

I then look at the 3 boys and said.

Westlie: So, are you guys, ok?

One of the boys with a cap look at me and said.

Cap Boy: Yeah dude, thanks.

Westlie: Well, that's good and your welcome, by the way, my name is Westlie, and you guys?

One of the boys who looks like the leader of the group spoke to me.

???: Again, thank you for saving us. My name is Ben Goudy, you can call me Ben.

He then point at the chubby one and said,

Ben: This is Augie.

Augie: Hi.

Ben: Then the one with the cap is Carter.

Carter just wave his hand to me. Then Ben pointed at one of the girls who is his girlfriend maybe because he was holding her hand.

Ben: This is my girlfriend Kendell and the sister of Carter.

Kendell: Hello.

Ben: And lastly this is Denise.

Denise is the last girl and she smiled and said.

Denise: Hello and thank you.

I then nod at them and said.

Westlie: So, where are you from and what are you doing here in the woods?

The one who answered me is Ben.

Ben: uhm, we are from Los Angeles, and as can you see we are being chased by a zombie.

He scratches his head while answering me. They see my shock at what he said. Because there are too far away from their home. Because if I'm not wrong, we are still in Georgia.

Westlie: You guys are too far away from your homes, how did you guys get here?

Ben: it's gonna be a long story, we can tell you later, but how about you where are you from and what are you doing in the woods?

Westlie: Okay. I will take you to our camp and you can tell us the story there.

Augie: We?

Westlie: ahm, I'm with two guys. I can introduce you guys later to them. First, we must go there so that we can be safe.

I then turn around to lead them and they all just nod at me and then follows. Because I was a minute away from the camp where I see them it only takes a minute to get back and I see that Columbus is back.

He waves at me and then had a frown on his face when he sees that I had company. I then wave at him back and then when we are in front of him I said.

Westlie: Where's Tal? Is he not back yet?

Columbus: Nope. But he should be back now. So, who are these people?

He looks at them and then looks at me, I explain who they are and then I see that he relaxes a bit.

Westlie: Guys, this is Columbus. And Columbus these people are Ben, Carter, Augie, Kendell, and lastly Denise, she's the girlfriend of Ben and the sister of Carter.

Columbus looks at them and waves his hand, they do the same.

As we are chatting, we heard a footstep coming near us, we look who it is, and its Tallahassee.

When he was in front of us, he then asks who they are and we explain who they are.

Westlie: Nice here comes our last member, Tallahassee. Tallahassee these people, I save them earlier.

Tallahassee looks at them suspiciously then he just nods. Then Tallahassee sees that I don't have water and ask me.

Tallahassee: Where's the water Westlie?

I look at him and explain what happened he just nods at me and he sighs in relief when he sees that I am okay.

Tallahassee: Good job Westlie. I'm proud of you.

He then smiled at me and was proud of why I did.

As we are circling in the campfire and waiting for the food that Tallahassee hunt, I then ask Ben if he can continue the story earlier, he nods at me and starts talking.

Ben: Well, when the outbreak came, Los Angeles became a sh*t hole, then we go to Arizona to evacuate with the military because they said that they were going to bomb the area.

Tallahassee: Is that true?! Why would they bomb Los Angeles, there are still people there!

We were shocked at what Ben told us. I can't believe it, if I was reincarnated there two years ago, I may not know what happen to me now. Will I escape or will I be like one of those walking corpses?

Carter: Yeah dude, they said that they need to bomb the area so that they contain the virus.

Carter confirms it.

Columbus: Then did they bomb it? And if they did what happen? if you are in a Military base what happens there? Why are you out here?

We look at Columbus shocked at what he asked them.

Westlie: Columbus Calm down. We can ask them one by one.

Then I look at them and said,

Westlie: and guys if you don't want to answer it's okay, we all have a past that we don't want to remember and share with anybody you just met.

Kendell: No, it's okay, and thank you.

She smiled at me and I blush, f*ck I blush?! If only I'm not in a body of a kid, maybe I have an opportunity with her. As I was thinking stupid things, I heard Tallahassee talk.

Tallahassee: We can continue later, I bet you guys are hungry. We should eat now, the food is ready.

We then heard a rumbling sound and look where it came from, we see that it was Augie. He blushed and shy away, we just laugh at him and we start to eat our food.

I then look at them and asked something that bothered me since earlier.

Westlie: So, are you three a boy Scouts before this outbreak happens?

I see that they smiled and look at each other.

Augie: Yeah, I was about to get my condor badge when the outbreak happened.

Westlie: Condor badge? What is that?

Augie was about to answer me but Carter got first.

Carter: Oh, here we go again.

When Augie heard it, he just rolled his eyes at him and said to me.

Augie: It's the Highest Rank/ Award in Scouting & Guiding.

Westlie: Oh.

I then continue to eat because I don't have a question anymore. Then I see that Kendell wants to ask something but is a bit reluctant to say it. So, I look at her and say.

Westlie: Was it is Kendell?

Kendell: uhm, how old are you?

Westlie: I'm 11 right now but I was 24 in my past life.

The 5 of them look at me, shocked at what I said, they then look at Tallahassee and Columbus to confirm if it's true. They just shrug knowing that I was joking. But what they know is I'm telling the truth.

They then smiled at me when they realize that I was joking and I just laugh at them. I want to liven up the mood because it was a bit depressing.

Denise: Are you guys a family?

Columbus: No. Why did you ask?

Denise: Well, you look like one. Tallahassee is the father you are the big brother and Westlie here is the little brother.

We just smiled at what she said. As we are done eating, we now assign who should watch first so that we can rest for the day. It was a hectic day for all of us.

After we assign who is first and last to watch, we slowly relax so that tomorrow we can plan what will our next move, especially now that we got more people.

As I was the 4th guy to watch, I then position myself to sleep, and then I slowly drift into my sweet dreams.