Chapter 14

~The next day~

If you guys hear the sound of birds chirping then we hear the zombies groaning. As I open my eyes and see that it was another hellish day waiting for us.

I stand up and look at the people who are near me. I see that most of them are waking up. I then prepare my things so that we can start our journey again toward a safe place.

As I was packing up, I heard Ben talking to Kendell of what are the next plan that they will do. I then heard that they are considering going with us or go separate ways.

I then look at Columbus and Tallahassee, they just nod at me saying that it's my call. I then walk to the two of them and said.

Westlie: So, what are your plans? Are you going with us or go our separate ways?

I see the confusion in their eyes and then Ben said.

Ben: Well, if you are going Northeast then we could stick together for a while.

Westlie: Well, we are going to the East, is there something in the Northeast that we should know about? We are all gonna travel for a while so why not share?

Kendell: We heard that there is a safe place there. Have high walls and foods that can accommodate people and there are no zombies. A safe haven if I say so.

I was surprised because we didn't hear of that place, I then look at Tallahassee and Columbus, they go to where I am.

Westlie: We don't know that. where did you hear it?

Ben: We hear it when we passed New Mexico, we meet some people there and were about to go there but...

He stops mid-way and we think we know what happens.

Kendell: They told us that there is a safe haven in North from there.

Tallahassee: Where North? Because we are in Macon Georgia right now.

We see that they stay quiet for a while and then Augie speaks.

Augie: It's in Ohio. They said that there is a safe place over North from there.

We were shocked because that's where Columbus is going and then we look at him asking if that is true.

Columbus: Well, not that I know of.

We see the confusion on the faces of the other team.

Ben: Are you guys going there?

Tallahassee: Well, Columbus here is going there, and if there is a safe place there then I might go there, I need to find a home.

We all look sad at what Tallahassee said last, well it's true. We all need a place to call home. I then broke the sad atmosphere and spoke.

Westlie: Well, that's a plan, so should we leave now and find a car that can fit us all?

They all look at me and nod. Now that we have a plan we start packing up and we walk out of the forest. We then go to the road and find check some cars that can still be used and can accommodate us all.

As we are looking, I then spot an RV and a big one at that, I then call all of them and tell them what I see.

Westlie: Guys, there is an RV there and I think it can accommodate us all, what do you say?

Tallahassee: Well, that's one hell of a ride I say. Well, let's go what are you girls and guys waiting for?

We then smile and follow Tallahassee, we also ready our weapons so if there is a danger, we can easily solve it.

As we are closing to where the RV is, we spot some zombies and ready ourselves to battle, the new member of our group also has a weapon of their choice. They found it when we are searching earlier, I also suggest that they get a weapon themselves because we can't protect them all.

We slowly got close to the RV and when we are in front of it, I see Tallahassee smile.

Tallahassee: Oh, All right! This is what I'm talking about. We're gonna be riding in style.

We all just smiled at him. This badass uncle has a soft side too.

Carter: Wow, this is a nice car and maybe my memorable day in this zombie land.

He then walks in front of us and then opens the door, but as he opens it, the car started alarming. We all panic about what happens and we ready ourselves to kill some zombie.

Tallahassee then rushes to the RV and stops the sound so that no more zombies are going to us, but it was too late there are a few zombies that heard it and went on our way.

I see Tallahassee help Columbus go to the top of the RV and say.

Tallahassee: The hood is 12 o'clock, and the trunk is 6. You're our eyes.

Columbus: Yes.

Tallahassee then started assigning us where to go and what to do. As the zombie approach us Columbus started giving us information about where the zombie is going.

Columbus: Westlie 2 o'clock.

I then go to the zombie and kick it in the knees then pierce its head to kill it.

Columbus: Eleven!

Then I see that Ben is there and I see that he smashes the head of the zombie that was on his way.

Columbus: 3 o'clock


Columbus: 6 o'clock


Columbus: 10 o'clock


Columbus: 8 o'clock


As we are killing zombies, I see that Tallahassee doesn't have any more bullets anymore and the was about to reload when a zombie was coming to him fast. I then go to where he is and kick its legs, then I see that Tallahassee finishes reloading and shoots the head of the zombie.

Tallahassee: Thanks kiddo!

Westlie: No problem, Uncle! HAHAHA

I then move away from him and I see a frown on his face when I called him uncle, haha. It's funny as f*ck.

Then we are back at killing again, then as Columbus is giving information to us, he didn't see a zombie climbing up to him and he still shouting.

Then I see it and shout at Columbus.


He then looks behind him and sees a zombie approaching him when it was in front of him, he smashes its head killing it. He then looks at me and said.

Columbus: Thanks, Westlie.

Westlie: No problemo.

Then we killed all of the zombies, but that's what we thought. We heard a scream and see that Denise scream. We then look at her and see a zombie crawling out of the RV and getting a hold of her.

We then rush ourselves to save her and then Ben kills the zombie.

Ben: Are you okay babe? Did you get bit?

Denise: No, babe I didn't. Thank you for saving me.

We then see that she is fine and sigh in relief as we start relaxing, we hear Columbus.

Columbus: uhm, Tal, 1 o'clock.

We then all see a zombie walking towards us and Tallahassee points a gun at its head.

*bang* *bang*

We heard 2-gun shots and see that the zombie dodges the bullets, we are all shocked at what happened.

Tallahassee: What the f*ck?!

*bang* *bang*

We heard another 2-gun shot and we see that it hits the target in the head.


Tallahassee: Try to dodge me, mother*cker.

As Tallahassee turns around knowing that we are done now, the rest of us slowly get shocked at what we see because there is some f*cking crazy happening right now.

We see that the dead-dead zombie slowly got up and that's when it hits me. A F*cking T-800 and the we first ever encounter, named after the F*cking Terminator itself.

Westlie: uh,

Ben: Tal?

Tallahassee: Yup.

He then heard a groan behind him and he then look at what it is, then I see a shock on his face and that he can't believe what he is seeing right now.

Tallahassee then looks at us asking.

Tallahassee: One plus one is still two, right?

Then he points the gun at the T-800 and presses the trigger.

*bang* (Triple Tap)

*bang* (Quadruple Tap)

*bang* (Quintuple Tap)

*bang* (Sextuple Tap)

*bang* (Septuple Tap)

*bang* (Octuple Tap)

*bang* (Whatever the nine-uple word is Tap)

We then see that the zombie is down on the ground but still moving and crawling to Tallahassee.

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang*

T-800 were a mutated strain of zombie, stronger, deadlier, and harder to kill. They were the apex predator, top of the food chain. Once they locked on the target, T-800 stopped at nothing to devour their prey.

Tallahassee: What the ever-loving f*ck?

*bang* *bang* *bang*

It was then slowly coming near Tallahassee and when it was in front of him and reaching for his boots, he then raises his foot and stump on the head of the T-800 zombie.


Killing it finally.