Chapter 15

After the chapter of the T-800 introduction, we all then get inside the RV, Tallahassee checks if it's still working and when he starts the Vehicle, we all sigh in relief knowing that we now have transportation to use.

Tallahassee: Buckle up everyone it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

We can see the big smile on Tallahassee's face, we just smiled too.

Westlie: 'Tallahassee can be a kid sometimes'

As we are on the road again, we check what was inside the RV and found some supplies, as I was checking the back, I see an instrument under a bed.

I then get it and surprise at what I see.

Westlie: it's a guitar!

Ben: Oh, that's nice, we can use some music to liven up our mood.

Westlie: Yeah, but there is one problem. I don't know how to play one, a piano I can play but a guitar?

Ben: Well, I don't know how to play too, my friends? They can't either. Maybe one of your friends can play?

Westlie: Speaking about friends, we are friends too you know. After what we've been through. Even though we only meet a night ago.

Ben smiled at what I said, I can see that the others heard me too I look around and they all had smiles on their faces too.

I smiled and go Columbus who is sitting in the passenger seat.

Westlie: Columbus, do you play the guitar?

Columbus: Yeah, I play the guitar, but only on video games. *chuckle*

I look at him menacingly.

Columbus: Hey, I'm sorry, okay? But if it's an actual guitar, No I can't play.

Westlie: Then you should say that not some random bullsh*t, you otaku!

I then face Tallahassee who is beside me driving, and I can see Columbus asking me what an otaku is. But I still ignore him and asked Tallahassee.

Westlie: Tal, you play the banjo earlier, right? Can you play the guitar?

Tallahassee who is facing the road, peak at me and looks at the road again, he sees that I have a guitar and he just smiles and said.

Tallahassee: Yup, I can play a guitar Westlie. Don't underestimate this Cadillac, I'm good at everything.

He said proudly, and I know that he can do anything but not all. I then smiled at him and said.

Westlie: Then can you play us later some songs?

Tallahassee: Sure, Westlie. Later when we are in the clear.

Westlie: Thanks Tallahassee, and I still didn't forget that you'll teach me how to play the banjo, but now that it's gone, maybe you can teach me how to play the guitar?

Tallahassee: yep, I didn't forget, if you want, I'll teach you anything I know.

Westlie: Hey, no take backs later. Thanks again.

Tallahassee: No, problem Westlie, how about you go to the back and relax a bit, I know that most of you are tired from the fight earlier.

I then look at the back where the others are and I can see that most of them are relaxing, then I look at Columbus and I see him sleeping, I then nod at Tallahassee and walk back into the back of the RV.

As I was approaching, I can see that they are discussing something and I don't want to interrupt so I go to an empty seat and relax a bit, when my eyelids are slowly closing and then I fall asleep.

~6 hours late~

I slowly woke up from a sweet dream and then I look at the front and see that Columbus is the one who is driving and Tallahassee is asleep in the passenger seat. I look beside me and see that the other is laughing and I think they are playing, I can see cards on a table.

Then Carter sees that I'm already awake from my slumber, and he then beckons me to go to where they are. I stand up and walk towards them.

Carter: Hey, take a sit and come play with us.

Westlie: What are you guys playing?

Augie: We are playing truth or dare.

Westlie: Truth or dare with cards?

Kendell: Yeah, come here and join us, maybe we can know each other by playing a game.

I then smiled at them and I find a chair and sat on it. Carter then shuffles the card and after that put the cards on the table and said.

Carter: So, the rules are, who got the Highest card can ask the lowest card a question. How about that?

Westlie: Well, that's good.

Carter: Then let's get started.

One by one we get each a card and at the same time flip it to know who wins and who loses. I can see that Augie got the lowest card and Carter got the Highest card.

Augie: I pick dare.

Carter smiled at what he heard and spoke.

Carter: Oh, confidence, are we? Hmm, then go to Tallahassee and get his hat. *snickers*

Augie: Really? That guy may kill me.

He then looks at me asking for help, I just shrug and say.

Westlie: The only advice I can give you is, Say your prayers. Hahaha.

He then got up and slowly approach the sleeping Cadillac, and slowly reach for the hat as he was about to get the hat, he was suddenly grabbed in the arm and scared the shit out of him.

When we see that we just all bow our heads and silently say our prayers. That Tallahassee won't do something to him.

We then look again at him and see that he was so scared that he farts so loud that all of us can hear. We then all laugh at what happened, and we can see that he was embarrassed at what he did. We see that Tallahassee had a smile on his face and let go at the hand of Augie.

Augie then runs towards us while his whole face is red because of shame. We then laugh at him and he just glared at us.

Denise: Hahaha, okay, we should not laugh anymore and play the next round.

Augie sits again and we started the game once more. I got the Highest and Denise got the lowest.

Denise: truth

Westlie: So, do you have a boyfriend?

After I ask that, I can see the expectation in the eyes of Carter and Augie. Then I see that Carter thumbs up saying that I have done a good job.

I just laugh at him and look again at Denise.

Westlie: So?

Denise: Well, I did have once before the outbreak happen, but now none.

Carter: Any interest?

Denise smiled at him and said.

Denise: You have to win to know. *chuckle*

We can see the fire burning in his eyes and ready to start another round.

We then pick our cards and then I win again and the loser is Ben.

Ben: Truth

Westlie: hmm, are you sure? Because you will be disappointed if you don't pick the dare now.

Ben: I'm sure haha.

Westlie: Okay, so, when did you and Kendell get together?

I see that Ben smiled and look at Kendell, and she did the same.

Ben: Well, we got together when we are still at the military camp. I just kissed her and boom we got together. Well, I already had a hot for her, when I first saw her, and thank God, she loves me back too.

We just smiled at what he said and I can see that Carter is happy for them. We then start the next round. I got the lowest card and Ben got the highest.

Westlie: Definitely a truth.

I said, and I can see the disappointment in their eyes, I just smiled at them.

Ben: So, where are your parents if you don't mind me asking?

Westlie: I don't know who my parents are, I'm an orphan.

They all gasp and look sad at what they hear, well it's true. I don't know where they are and who they are, my past or present parents. All I know is that I'm alone in this world.

Westlie: Don't be sad guys, I don't care about them anymore.

Kendell: Why? They are still your parents.

Westlie: Well, they abandoned me and I don't even know who they are. But it's okay because now I have you guys.

I can see a tear coming out of their eyes and a smile on their faces. As we are about to play again, we heard Tallahassee speak.

Tallahassee: Come here Westlie, I can play and teach you how to play the guitar.

Westlie: Really? Okay, I'll go over there now.

I then look at ben and company, they just smiled and nod knowing that we should stop playing for the day. I then got up and go to where Tallahassee is and he start strumming the guitar.

I can see that the others follow suit and want to hear Tallahassee's song.

Tallahassee: So, I'm gonna play first a song then I'll teach you after, is that okay?

Westlie: Yup, so what songs are you gonna play?

Tallahassee: I'm gonna play "The Sound of Silence"


Hello darkness, my old friend

I've come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains

Within the sound of silence

In restless dreams, I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

'Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night

And touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light, I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never shared

And no one dared

Disturb the sound of silence

"Fools" said I, "You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you"

But my words, like silent raindrops fell

And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

Then the sign said, "The words on the prophets are written on the subway walls

In tenement halls"

And whispered in the sound of silence

After he plays a song, we all have a tear in the corner of our eyes. Then we all clapped our hands at him. He smiled at us and then looks at me. We realize that Tallahassee has a good voice even though he is a bit scary.

Tallahassee: Now, I'll teach you how to play the guitar.

He then gives me the guitar and teach me how to use it. He is a good teacher, after 3 hours of him teaching me, and that's how we pass the time, we then see that it's already nighttime and it's time to rest.

I am also a bit sleepy, so I then go where I sleep earlier and slowly close my eye and I slowly drift into my sleep.