Chapter 16

~two weeks later~

It's been two weeks since we are traveling in the RV, we stop at a city to get some supplies for our daily needs. We also found another car with lots of guns. Tallahassee was very happy that we found the car and promise that he would shoot Wichita and Little Rock when he sees them.

I know that Tallahassee won't do that, he may be scary on the outside but a softy on the inside. The newcomers also know what happens to us in the grocery store.

Now we are using two cars, one is the RV that I'm in and the other one is a 2004 Hummer H2 painted in yellow.

I also wondered why we still didn't meet Wichita and Little Rock, it's been two weeks, and I'm slowly worried about them, In the movie, if I remember correctly, it should be the day when we found the Hummer and the same day that we will encounter them, but we found the hammer a week ago.

And still no signs of them. I know that they take our stuff but still, I'm worried that something happens to them and that the future will change, I know in my that the future already changes especially since we have met another movie character but a different story.

As I was thinking about what will happen in the future the RV stops and I hear Ben talk, he's the one driving by the way.

Ben: uhm, I think we got company.

He points at the road in front and we all look at where and that's when I sigh in relief and thank God again for what he did.

I see a car in front, to be specific it's a 2003 Cadillac Escalade that Tallahassee owned before it was robbed by Wichita and Little Rock.

I then signal at the back to get the attention of Tallahassee. As he stops the hummer and got out, he looks at me why did I stop him.

Westlie: Look up front Tal, you would love what will you see.

I smiled at him and point at the front, he look at the front and was shocked at what he see and then slowly turned into a fit of anger. He then walks in front and spoke.

Tallahassee: You guys cover me, Westlie, and I will be checking the Car in front. I'll signal you if it's clear, but armed yourself, we know who these people are, and when they do something, they will get what's coming to them.

I then see he cocked his Benelli M4 Super 90 shotgun that was also found inside the Hummer, he then looks at me if I'm ready, then I cocked my desert eagle with I silencer. Yes, my Desert eagle got a silencer/suppressor. We also found it in the Hummer.

We then jog towards the Car, when we are closer Tallahassee signals me that I check the back and the front. We count to three and point our weapons inside the car, but there is no one there.

Tallahassee: F*ck! They are gone, sons of b*tches.

Westlie: We will get them next time when we see them.

I know that Wichita and Little Rock got the RV and the Hummer. Tallahassee then signals that it's clear on our sides and they should drive in front of us.

As the RV and Hummer were slowly stopping in front of us, Tallahassee said.

Tallahassee: it's clear, no treat. We should move it's not safe here.

He was about to get inside the RV when a gun points at him from the window, he was wondering why, but then he heard a voice, a voice that made him angry.

Wichita: ow, not again. I thought it was a different group this time because I see new faces, but it looks like you're with them. I'm so sorry about this. hahaha

She laughs at him, knowing that he can't do anything to her. But that's where she's gonna mess up because she still didn't notice. I'm small and Tallahassee covered me with his body, I slowly sneak behind him and got to the RV.

I then slowly rest my muzzle on Wichita's head and speak.

Westlie: How about you drop the gun and walk away? We won't kill you. You are outnumbered we are 8 people and you are just two.

I see that Tallahassee smiled at what I did, but Wichita just laugh at what I said.

Wichita: You got me, kid.

Tallahassee then takes the gun from her. He was overjoyed because his favorite gun the Winchester 1892 was returned to him. I just smiled at him and see that the rest are being tied, I then look at Ben and said.

Westlie: Ben, untie the rest and give me the ropes, I'll tie this intruder.

He nods at me and begin to untie the others when he was finished, he hands me a rope and we tied her.

Tallahassee: Where's the little one?

He asked Wichita.

Wichita: His with your other friend at the back.

We look at the Hummer and see that Columbus who is driving smiled at us. We then bring Wichita out of the RV and speak.

Westlie: Hey your sister is captured by us, if you don't want to hurt her, I advise that you step outside with your hands up.

The Hummer back seat door opened and see a little girl my age get out of the car. We then tied her up too and put the sisters in the RV where many of us are. So, that we can easily guard them.

After that, we hit the road again. As we are driving, we then go to the front and talk about what we should do with them.

Wichita: Hey, can you release us? We won't hurt you I promise.

Little R: Yeah, and I'm sorry about what happened before, it's just that we also need to survive.

We look at them and we start talking.

Ben: I say that we should release them, one of them is a kid, I know that they did something wrong about you guys but I think we can give them a chance.

Carter: No way man, what if they betray us?

Tallahassee: Yeah, we should not. I hate them for robbing me. They should not mess with a Cadillac.

Westlie: I know Tal, but maybe we can compromise? As Ben said, we give them a chance and maybe let them stay.

Tallahassee: Stay?! Are you really okay that we let them stay after what they did to us?! backstabbing b*cthes.

Westlie: Look, Tal, I know you are angry but one of them is a kid the same age as me. Do you want them to die out there?

Tallahassee looks down and doesn't know what to say. Because I'm right and I know that Tallahassee still cares and doesn't want to see them become a walking corpses.

Denise: Then why not we vote?

Tallahassee: Vote?

Denise: Yeah, we vote if they stay or leave.

Westlie: I'm good with that.

Ben and Carter said that they are also good with it, I can see that Tallahassee still don't want to release them but he doesn't want to just leave them outside. I put my hands on his shoulder and said.

Westlie: Come on Tal, Let's just be mature here.

He looks at me and sighed, got up, and said.

Tallahassee: If we are going to vote, we need the others.

We nod at them and tell them through the walkie-talkie what will be deciding on. We hear them agree.

After that, we were done voting, and I was shocked at the result because all of us vote that they stay. I then smiled at Tallahassee and sees me. He just turned around and said.

Tallahassee: Westlie, release them and tell them what we decide.

I smiled at him and go where the sisters are. I then untie them and said.

Westlie: We release you, but don't think anything stupid that will make us regret it.

Wichita: Thank you and I'm sorry.

Little Rock: Yeah, thanks, and sorry.

Westlie: Don't say sorry to me, say it to the one you guys rob.

I then smiled at them and go to the side to take a rest.

Wichita: I'll talk to Tallahassee and maybe talk to Columbus when we have time.

Little Rock just nods at what her sister says, then Wichita goes to Tallahassee and they started talking. While Little Rock goes where I am and sit next to me.

Little Rock: Thank you again for releasing us and letting us stay.

Westlie: Nah, it's okay and it's the right thing to do.

I smiled at her and I see that she blushes a bit.

Little Rock: So, where are you guys going?

Westlie: We're going up north, some say that there is a safe place there.

Little Rock: Really?

Westlie: Yeah. How about you where are you guys going? Are you gonna stick with us?

Little Rock: Uhm, we are going to Pacific Playland.

Westlie: That's nice, I want to go there too.

Little Rock: Well, you can come with us?

I then shake my head.

Westlie: Nah, maybe next time. Why are you going there?

Little Rock: Well, they said that it's zombie free and I just want to go there one last time.

I smiled at her.

Westlie: is that true?

She nods.

Westlie: Now, I want to go there too. If it's safe.

Little Rock: It's safe, maybe you can make us stop by there?

Westlie: Maybe? Well, let me ask them later first.

I smiled at her and we start talking anything comes to mind.