Chapter 24

I feel that someone is shaking me in my slumber telling me to wake up until I heard a beautiful girl's voice calling my name.

???: Hey, Westlie wake up.

Westlie: 5 more minutes.

I then turn my back to the person who was waking me up.

???: Come on we're about to get there.

Westlie: Where?

I heard someone laughing behind me.

???: Just wake up Westlie and you'll know.

I felt that she left my side, I slowly open my eyes and rub them, then I look who is driving and see Carter. He then looks at me and smiled, I smiled back. I yawn and stretch my arms and slowly woke up then I was shocked at him and panicked but before I said anything he got to me first.

Carter: Good morning dude.

I look at him and said.

Westlie: Carter! Why are you the one driving? Where's Denise?! Do you even know how to drive?!

I see him laugh at me and then answered my question.

Carter: *laugh* Chill dude. I know how to drive you just didn't see it yet, and Denise is at the back sleeping.

Thank God he knows how to drive. I sigh in relief at what I heard, then I look at the back and see Denise sleeping on the couch, and beside her is Kendell talking to Ben. I search for the others but I don't see them. I look back at Carter and said.

Westlie: Where're the others?

He answered me still looking at the road ahead.

Carter: They are at the Hummer.

I laugh at what I heard, and Carter notices that and asked.

Carter: Why did you laugh?

I answered.

Westlie: Didn't even think that they will be in the same room together, oh I mean car. *chuckle*

He then ponders a bit and slowly realizes what I said.

Carter: Oh! *chuckle*

We exchange looks at each other and then both laughed at the same time, after laughing I asked Carter.

Westlie: I thought you didn't know how to drive.

Carter: Why do you say that dude?

Westlie: Well, I thought you only know how to joke around.

I laugh at him and he looks a bit pissed.

Carter: Hey, I know how to drive. You just didn't know.

Westlie: Well sorry about that. So, what's the time now?

Carter: Almost 7 pm I think, don't know.

I was shocked at what I heard and then I look outside and it was dark.

Carter: You sleep almost a whole day dude. Are you okay?

I look at Carter and I see in his eyes that he is worried about me.

Westlie: Yeah, I am okay, maybe because I am a bit stressed out right now.

Carter: You're not the only one dude, we all do. After what happened yesterday and heard earlier that someone might be after us. I couldn't even sleep. *sigh*

I heard him sigh. I understand what he is feeling right now. All of us are on the edge and still don't know who is following us.

I immediately change the topic because the surroundings feel a bit heavy.

Westlie: So, how long until we arrive in Rainbow City?

Carter: We are close, a couple more hours, I think?

After saying that we heard Tallahassee talking us through the Walkie.

Tallahassee: Guys, we should stop for now its already dark and we should all rest.

I then get the walkie-talkie and reply.

Westlie: Sure, but where do we stop?

Tallahassee: I see something up ahead just follow me.

We see the Hummer get past us and lead the way.

After a few minutes of following Tallahassee's car, we see a sign "The Hound Dog Hotel", then we heard Tallahassee talking to the walkie–talkie.

Tallahassee: This is where we gonna stay tonight so stay sharp.

After that, we slowly drive into its parking lot to park the cars.

Carter: Westlie, go tell the others that we are gonna stay here tonight. Oh, and don't forget to wake up Denise.

I nod at what he said, I got up and walk to the back and tell the others what are we gonna do tonight.

Westlie: Guys, Tallahassee found a place to stay for the night.

Ben and Kendell look at me and smiled.

Ben: Okay Westlie, and can you wake up Denise? Me and Kendell gonna get our things.

Westlie: Okay.

The two of them got up and get their things then I go where Denise is sleeping. I nudge her carefully so she won't be surprised then I say.

Westlie: Denise, wake up, please. Tallahassee found a place where we can stay for the night.

I nudge her more, when I so that she was waking up I then smiled at her and say.

Westlie: Rise and shine sleeping beauty.

She chuckled at what I said and then rub her eyes and said.

Denise: What time it is?

Westlie: Well, I think it is past 7 o'clock in the evening.

Denise: Oh, I thought it was already morning. Hahaha

She laughs for a bit.

Westlie: No, and by the way, as I said earlier. Tallahassee found a place where we can stay.

Denise: Yeah, I heard you.

Westlie: Okay. So, I'll go get my things and you should follow us.

As I said that we felt that the RV stop moving.

Westlie: I think we are here. Come on.

I then go to the passenger seat and get my things. I then follow the guys outside and see that the hotel has so bright because of all the lights that were placed on it.

Then I look at the group and see that we are all outside, then I heard Tallahassee say.

Tallahassee: Welcome ladies and gentlemen. So, who's going first?

He looks at us, telling us that someone should check first before we go in.

Columbus: Why not we all go in? I think it's safe.

Wichita: Yeah, see all the lights? I think this place still has electricity

Ben: And I think there are people living here.

Carter: Why do you say that?

Denise: Well, for the whole 2 years when the outbreak happened, there should not be any electricity running here.

When I heard that, I realize that they are right. This place should be abandoned like the one we use in Macon, but looking at this place. It's clean and has electricity, maybe there are really people living here.

Little Rock: So, what's the plan?

Westlie: We should check the place first. How about we split into two groups?

They all look at me and nod, I continue.

Westlie: Ben, Carter, Denise, and Kendell are the first group, and Me, Columbus, Wichita, Tallahassee, and Little Rock are the second group. Ben's group will be the ones checking outside. While we are gonna check inside. Is that good?

Tallahassee: That's cool with me.

Ben: Yeah, same here.

Wichita: No problem here.

I then look at the others and they just nod at me.

Westlie: Okay, that's settled then. Let's go.

We then split up and do our tasks. I then go beside Tallahassee.

Westlie: Hey Tal, how are you?

He then look at me puzzled.

Tallahassee: Good, how bout you?

Westlie: Same.

After a light conversation, we got to the door and Tallahassee cocked his Gun and said.

Tallahassee: Columbus open the door, Me and Westlie will cover you. Wichita and Little Rock you cover our backs.

He looks at us and we nod at him.

Then Columbus opens the door and we point at the front. Tallahassee slowly goes inside the hotel followed by me, Columbus, and then the sisters.

Tallahassee: Damn. Wow, this looks like Graceland and I want to go there someday.

Wichita: Yeah it does.

I then questioned him.

Westlie: Graceland?

He then looks at me and smiled.

Tallahassee: Well, Graceland is where the king of the king lives.

Columbus: King of the king?

Tallahassee: Yup, and that is Elvis mother*cking Presley!

He explains to us. We then have a shock on our faces.

Westlie: Well, that's too bad this is not Graceland.

Tallahassee: Yeah. So, here's the idea. We'll split up.

We then nod and walk our separate ways. As I was going to another hallway I heard footsteps behind me, I turn around quickly and point at the person who was behind me.

Little Rock: Woah, relax it's just me Westlie, you can put the gun down.

When I see that it was Little Rock, I sigh in relief.

Westlie: Hey, don't do that okay?

She then giggles at me and said.

Little Rock: You should loosen up.

Westlie: Sorry about that, it's just I'm on the edge right now.

Little Rock: Yeah, you're not the only one.

Westlie: I'm sorry.

Little Rock: Hey, don't apologize, okay? It's my fault.

Westlie: I'm sorry.

Little Rock: Hey I said don't apologize.

I smiled at her and scratch the back of my head.

Westlie: Hehe, okay. So, why are you here?

She looks down at her feet, and I then see a tint of red at the tip of her ears.

Westlie: 'Is she embarrassed at something?'

Little Rock: *whisper* I just want us to be alone for a while.

I didn't hear what she said so I asked.

Westlie: What?

She got panic and said quickly.

Little Rock: I said we should stick together; *Whisper* we are kids so we should be together.

I didn't hear the last part of what she said.

Westlie: Okay…? Come we should check the room on the left.

I then open the door and Little Rock follows me.