Chapter 25

~Tallahassee POV~

I said to them that we should split up, and they all nodded at me. As I was about to search on my right side, I see Westlie going to the left and Little Rock was about to follow Wichita but suddenly stops and go where Westlie is.

I laugh at what I see, this little b*stard… I then hear Columbus talking.

Columbus: Woah, is this….

I look at what he was about to touch.

Tallahassee: up bop bop bop…

I then wiggle my finger at him.

Tallahassee: Little respect.

Columbus: Why? He's dead probably.

I then lift my leg to him and signal to take off my boots and put on the shoes that he was about to touch.

Columbus: Oh, So, you're the one who wants to put on the shoes. *sigh* Okay.

Tallahassee: You don't complain to me boy. Put the shoes on me.

I see him kneel in front of me and place his Shotgun beside the rack and shake his head.

Columbus: This is so degrading.

Tallahassee: it's not for me.

Columbus: Yeah, I know. Gosh, I wish Westlie was here.

Tallahassee: op..op..op..op Don't bring that sly little demon here.

Columbus: Hey, that's not a way you should treat a kid.

Tallahassee: huh, if only you see what I see earlier.

I say in a low voice.

Columbus: A what now?

Tallahassee: Nothing, just took off my shoes and put the damn Elvis replica shoes on me.

I then see him take my shoes off and got up and get the shoes of Elvis and put them on me.

Tallahassee: Oh, yeah. That's not—

Columbus: Smells like a wet dog died.

Tallahassee: Push it.

Columbus: I am.

Tallahassee: Square peg, round hole.

Columbus: Okay now I don't know what you are saying.

Tallahassee: Just pushed the damn shoes.

Columbus: Okay, okay, okay…

After a few seconds and the shoes still can't get into the foot.

Tallahassee: Stop it.

Columbus: Sorry.

I feel a little disappointed that the shoes don't fit me. As I was about to put my boots on, I see Columbus checking the shoes and then putting them on himself. I ignored him and put on my boots.

As I was done putting on my boots, I heard Columbus's joyful voice.

Columbus: Oh, my God. It's uncanny.

I look at him and he suddenly turns in a 360 while saying.

Columbus: This is incredible. It's a perfect fit. I feel like Cinderella at the ball.

He then poses like a girl, one hand on the hips and then lean. I look at him unsure of what to say.

Columbus: What, are you jealous that I have the exact same size shoes as Elvis Presley?

He said to me smugly. I just smirk at him and said.

Tallahassee: No, it's not like those are Elvis's actual Shoes.

I said to him.

Tallahassee: Sorry to say Columbus but---

I was about to finish what I was about to say when he suddenly shows me the tag that had a written. "ELVIS'S ACTUAL SHOES".

Columbus: Sorry.

He said to me, deep inside me anger is rising and I really want to punch this son of a b*tch face. I look at him menacingly and he just shrugs it while saying sorry.

I then left him there and go search for something else. I go to the right side and see something amazing that the shoes.

There it lay in front of me an altar that has the ACTUAL ELVIS'S DRESS put on the mannequin of Elvis himself. I then snap my fingers after checking it and look beside me, I see a white piano ready to be played by yours truly.

I sit down and press a key checking if it's still playable. When I heard that it is still working, I then think of what to play, then I just go with the flow.

Tallahassee: Well, I'm never been to Spain~

Well, I never been to Spain

But I kinda like the music

Say the ladies are insane there

And they sure know how to use it

They don't abuse it

Never gonna lose it I can't refuse it, mhm

Well, I never been to

England But I kinda like the Beatles

Well, I headed for Las Vegas

Only made it out to Needles

Can you feel it?

Must be near it

Feels so good

Whoa, feels so good

Well, I never been to heaven

But I been to Oklahoma

Oh, they tell me I was born there

But I really don't remember

In Oklahoma, not Arizona

What does it matter?

What does it matter?

Whoa, I never been to Spain

But I kinda like the music

Say the ladies are insane there

And they sure know how to use it

They don't abuse it

Never gonna lose it

I can't refuse it, whoa

Well, I never been to heaven ---

(A/N: Song not mine credits to the owner)

As I was about to finish the song someone suddenly slams the fall board in my hands and as I was in pain that person quickly grabs my head and slam it at the music rack.


I drop to the floor and suddenly a woman steps on my body and points a revolver at my face.

???: Start talking.

Tallahassee: You first.

I see that she pulls the hammer spur and I heard a clicking sound. I got scared and quickly said.

Tallahassee: Hi, my name's Tallahassee.

???: Nevada

Tallahassee: Which part?

Nevada: Nevada's as close as you get.

She said at me still pointing the gun in my face.

Nevada: Now, what the f*ck are you doing in the Hound Dog?

Tallahassee: I got a thing for the king.

Then I heard footsteps coming at the top of me and at the side. Then I see Wichita first to arrive second is Columbus then Westlie and Little Rock they all aimed at her.

I see that she was scared and I quickly got up and said.

Tallahassee: No, no, no, don't shoot my friends.

Nevada: Anybody else here with you?

She then points the gun at me.

Tallahassee: Well, there are others outside, but don't worry we are not bad guys. We're all civilized people. Right guys?!

I look at them and said.

Tallahassee: Let's just put the guns down.

She then points her gun at us and then looks at Columbus and Westlie's feet.

Tallahassee: 'f*ck Westlie, why did you put Elvis's actual shoes too it's not even fit for you?!'

Nevada: Why the hell are you wearing Elvis's actual shoes? And you too little man it's not even fit for you!

Columbus/Westlie: Comfort.

These two idiots said at the same time.

Tallahassee: 'what are you teaching Westlie, Columbus?!'

I see Little Rock giggle beside Westlie.

Wichita: You live here?

Nevada: Yeah.

Tallahassee: How about we put the guns down?

They all look at me and they slowly put down their guns. I sigh in relief when they did that.

Nevada: What are you doing here?

Westlie: We just finding a safe place to stay for the night?

I heard Westlie answer, Nevada. I f*ck I forgot to introduce them to her.

Tallahassee: Well, uhm Nevada this is---

As I was about to introduce them, we heard footsteps coming from the door and see Ben's group getting inside, when they see us and see Nevada, they suddenly point the guns at her. Nevada was shocked and look at me. I just sigh at her.

Tallahassee: Put the gun down Ben, she's friendly.

When they hear what I said, they slowly put the gun down and have a puzzled looks on their faces.

Tallahassee: I'll explain later, and relax. Okay?

I see them nod at me and go where Westlie is then I continue what I was about to say earlier.

Tallahassee: Ehem! As I was saying, Nevada, this is Wichita, Little Rock, Columbus, Westlie, Ben, Carter, Denise, and lastly Kendell. And guys this is Nevada.

The group: HI!

Nevada: Hi.

We all exchange looks at ourselves and can see the atmosphere turning into awkwardness.

Tallahassee: *sigh* 'This is gonna be a f*cking long night'