Chapter 26


After what happened earlier, Nevada took as at the bar of the hotel.

I was shocked when I see Nevada now because the Movie was in the second season when she first appeared and it was released 10 years after.

Westlie: 'f*ck! The events don't follow the story at all! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!'

I then realize that if we meet Nevada now then does that mean we will meet the exact same copy of Columbus and Tallahassee tomorrow? That's gonna be fun and one of the funny events that happen in the movie and if I'm not wrong, they gonna get bit.

Westlie: *sigh*

Little Rock heard me sighing, she then looks at me and said.

Little Rock: Are you all right Westlie?

I look at her, oh, this cute little girl worried about me. I then smiled at him and said.

Westlie: I'm okay don't worry

She was concerned about me, I smiled at her telling her that I'm really fine.

Tallahassee: So, can we stay for the night?

Tallahassee asked Nevada.

Nevada: Sure, why not. There are so many rooms here and I think that you guys are good people, I hope.

Columbus: Oh, we are, we really are good people, never hurt anyone in this life.

We all look at him and sigh at what he was doing.

Nevada: Well, I think that some of you are tired. How about you guys rest first and we'll talk in the morning?

Denise: That's a good idea.

Ben: Thank you, Nevada.

Nevada just waves her hand at him.

Carter: Man… I'm exhausted.

We then allocate where we sleep. As I was about to enter the room that was given to me, I heard Carter speak behind me.

Carter: Hey, Buddy. How about we share a room?

I look at him and said.

Westlie: Sure, there are two beds in every room so you take the other one and the last one is mine.

He nods at me and he enters our rooms. Before I enter I see Columbus and Wichita entering the same room. I wave at him to get his attention; he then looks at me and I moved my mouth without saying a sound.


I see him blush and then smiled at me. I then see him enter the room and closed it.

Westlie: 'motherf*cker'

I shake my head and enter the room.

~Tallahassee POV~

Tallahassee: This is a very good replica of the King's Jungle Room, where he recorded his last two albums.

I look around the room and I was happy, I then look at the beautiful woman who almost shoot me in the head. She poured two glasses of wine for both of us.

Tallahassee: From Elvis Presley Boulevard, Memphis, Tennessee and—

I was about to finish the sentence when she got to me first.

Nevada: And Moody Blue.

I see her smile and that was the most beautiful one I've ever seen, since the apocalypse.

Tallahassee: You know your Elvis.

She gives me a glass of wine and said.

Nevada: Every lover of the King has a story.

I look at her in the eyes and she did the same. That beautiful eyes of hers, it's like sucking my soul out of my body.

Nevada: What's yours?

Tallahassee: My mama took me to see Elvis when I was a kid. Something about him. Attitude, the music…

Nevada: The hips, the ass.

Tallahassee: Well, I was 10, but, you know, with Elvis, there is something for everyone.

I stop and smiled at her while she smiled back.

Tallahassee: Cut to later, I'm in high school. And my buddy Frankie Hammond says: "Do your Elvis" I said, "We're in a library. It's gonna be loud." HE convinces me. He starts tapping his pencil, and I get up.

I then got up from my seat and show what I was saying to her. I move my body like what the King do and started singing.

Tallahassee: You ain't nothing but a hound dog Crying all the time.

I dance and sing to her, I see she was happy at what I did then I stop and go closer to her, continuing my story.

Tallahassee: Everybody starts gathering around and clapping, and I jumped on a table. I finish off with a flourish. You ain't never caught a rabbit You ain't no friend of mine.

I see her laugh and it was so gorgeous, it was like music in my ears.

Tallahassee: Yeah! And the whole place, thunderous applause. And up come the cutest girl in school, Robin Rogers---

I get back on my seat.

Tallahassee: Who never gave me the time of day before. She plants a kiss on my cheek.

I point at my right cheek.

Tallahassee: And for a moment, just one, I felt like the King.

Nevada: I suddenly feel a little jealous of Robin Rogers.

I was a bit taken by what she said, I gulp hard and said.

Tallahassee: You don't say. We then look into each other eyes.

Nevada: I don't know about you…

He then smacks her lips and looks at me with lust in her eyes.

Nevada: But I feel my temperature rising.

I was shocked at what she said and almost spit my drink but I prevented it from happening and swallow it hard and then look at her.

She just smiled at me and I do the same.

~Westlie POV~

Westlie: Hey, Carter are you asleep?

I turn around and look at Carter on the other bed and asked.

He then turn around to face me and said.

Carter: Yeah, why buddy?

Westlie: Do you think we can stay here?

He ponders for a bit and answer

Carter: I don't know Westlie.

Westlie: DO you think we should stay here for a while?

Carter: I don't know that too. Why, do you want to stay here?

Westlie: Maybe, I don't know it's just I'm a bit tired because since the outbreak happen I never stay in the same place. But here, I don't know why I want to stay.

Carter: What about Wichita and Little Rock? I think they want to go to Pacific Playland.

I remember that Little Rock does want to go there, and now I think I'm just being selfish, I don't know why I have this feeling right now. it's just what happens to us earlier, the danger we face. It's scary.

I thought that I can be strong but I guess I'm still weak, is this because I'm in a child's body or because in my past life I live in a safe environment where there is no danger luring every second.

Westlie: I don't want to hurt Little Rock.

Carter shakes his head and I can see a smile forming on his lips.

Carter: Why don't we ask the group tomorrow? Especially, Nevada, this is her home.

Westlie: Yeah, goodnight, Carter and thank you.

Carter: No, problem buddy, and good night to you too.

I was about to sleep but I heard something in the right-side room and it was like someone is moaning. I then look at Carter and he looks back at me and just shrugs and turns around to sleep.

But as I was about to, I heard something in the left-side room, doing the same thing that is happening in the right-side room.

Westlie: F*ck this!

I covered my ears with a pillow and try to get some sleep, but I can't.

Westlie: These people are in heat, why does this hotel don't have a soundproof room?

I complained. Then I heard a voice beside me and said.

Carter: I know right?

I look at Carter and we laugh at the same time. But we were interrupted by the moaning of the 2 rooms beside us. And we got annoyed again.

Westlie: 'I'll give guys a hard time later, remember that!'

As I was complaining, I slowly fall asleep and started snoring.