Part 2 - Hell.

The fall lasted for several minutes, each second becoming harder to breathe. It was so hot that Raziah thought she was going to melt. Maybe she would have melted by now if not for the cold in her veins.

She tried her hardest to knock out of this vice grip he had on her, but it was impossible with all that Magma flowing out of him. Darkness had surrounded them, with the only source of light being her ice and his fire. No wonder he was always burning and needed the cold oozing from her pores to cool down.

The Light coming from below was not a good thing. It had a red glow, and the heat intensified so much that she struggled to breathe.

As soon as they dropped into the other side, Aragon let go of her and caught himself on his feet, while Raziah fell harshly on the boiling ground. But she was immediately back on her feet, ready to defend herself against anything when her eyes flew open, and the shock of her surroundings had her trembling In fear.