Gateway to Hell

It's been raining heavily since morning. The heavy downpour didn't look like it was gonna be ending soon with more dark clouds that kept on gathering and letting down their rage. Thunder and lightning were taking turns to make the sky growl, and the night was pitch black in the witch's Forest.

Bellerus had confirmed that this kind of rain was very unusual, and what was even more rattling about it was that it wasn't just raining like this inside the Amethyst Forest, the whole world was being drowned in rain.

The Crown witch appeared inside Fabia's room, with Acacia seated in a corner, her legs crossed. Everyone in the room was confused, unable to comprehend what was going on with the little bundle of joy, Cleandro.

Cleo has been crying out his lungs since morning. He doesn't usually cry this much, and it was already too much. The baby had been crying his eyes out, and everyone in the room had tried their best to calm him down but to no avail.