They Who Control

Weeks had passed, ODTA and the Allies hadn't heard a peep from the NWO since Rothschild gave his speech. They had boosted their air-patrols, and ground-patrols knowing something was up.

Life in the NWO was on the upside for those who supported them, remained loyal. The "rebels" were hung, and slaughtered in the city streets by their fellow citizens. They demanded the head of the Ghost of Ottawa, demanding life return to normal, under the rule of the NEw World Order. The various undergrounds had went dark, fearing they'd be discovered. The Ghost looked at the grim outlook of the world's future as the Bureau planned their move against ODTA.

One normal night, NWO strike bombers hit ODTA, trying to level the city. After the bombers left, the citizens of ODTA took in the damage of their city. Camera crews readied for Ghost's speech.

"Today, about an hour ago, Rothschild and the NWO attacked ODTA, we have suffered no casualties', and we are quite pissed off. Rothschild, you and your old world money need to leave the people of the world alone. You say we bring anarchy to peaceful streets, there was never any peace, nor did we bring anarchy. We brought hope to those dying under your rule. We brought back honor to our world, this dying world. Humanity needs to move into the future, not revive the past, if the nuclear holocaust wasn't enough to shake you, seeing everything collapse, I'm not even sure you are human, let alone have human emotions. We demand your immediate and unconditional surrender. We are the People, and we won't back down."

The speech of the Ghost was heard around the globe, giving ordinary people something to consider. The Ghost wasn't a vengeful leader, rather someone who'd seen what the work of Rothschild had done.

The Ghost was about to step out of the Roxy Theatre when Rothschild responded.

"Really? You demand my surrender? How ridiculous. I am the very essence of this world, I brought down the nuclear fire, leveling your home Ghost, and I will do it again. In less than 24-hours, I will rain nuclear fire across the world unless you surrender before time is up. You will fly to Washington D.C, unarmed and be taken into custody, tried as the anarchist, murderer you are. You will be found guilty, and executed publicly. You will not win this battle, and I see you have underestimated my resolve. This world belongs to me worm. ME! I OWN EVERYONE AND EVERY INCH OF LAND! YOU HEAR INSECT!"