So, This is Justice

The Ghost was flown to Washington D.C.

The Plane ride was silent, nothing but the hum of the propellers of the PBY Catalina. The Busch Hunter, Tigress, and a few others that knew the Ghost went to say their goodbyes.

"We can find another way."

"That only works if we had more time. Unfortunately, we have no such luck."

"We can fight back! Let us fight!" demanded the Busch Hunter.

"Fighting now will only jeopardize the people we are trying to protect."

The Boat-plane landed and the Ghost stepped out, met by the NWO armed and ready to take him prisoner.

"Smart choice Mr. Boe."

The Ghost looked up to see Rothschild look at him holding a pistol.

"Sorry but for your people to live in my world you must die.

The shots of a 1911 pistol rang out as the Ghost of Ottawa fell to the ground, The PBY was taken into custody of the NWO as their troops poured into ODTA and fully taking back the United States.

The world held their breath as Rothschild made his speech.

"TODAY! The New World Order has scored a crippling blow to the Remnant United States! THE GHOST OF OTTAWA IS DEAD! ALL HAIL THE ILLUMINATI!"

The crowds erupt in praise, and cheers, the terrorist, The Ghost of Ottawa, had been slain by the hands of Rothschild. This would mark the death of freedom, the end of the last true Americans as the NWO rebuilt America in their image, to their liking.

Weeks had passed and those captured former Americans were tossed back into society, a new world, lead by corrupt fools.

Ottawa mourned the loss of the Ghost, and their defeat in silence as life moved on under the constant eye of the NWO. This was life, there was no way no to escape the matrix they'd built.