Beauty's Fight 1

after this he returned to his room where he would take his prize.

He had been pushing his new maid all the time.

Of course he didn't miss the chance to kiss all of his woman. He first did Ely and Nicole and then went to his sister.

After that he went to Chen Yi and Chen Qi where he made them both give him a blowjob after neglecting them a bit in the past few days.

"~~~SLUURRP~~Thank you hub~~SHLUU~~by for coming~~MMHHH~~to me". Said Chen Qi while doing her best.

"~~Don't wor~~MMMMHHH~~ry. Let MO~~SSSSLUUURRP~~MMY take care of~~HYYAA~~you". Said Chen Yi.

He saw them take their turns making it feel amazing and not long he cummed. He then left and went to his room where his fun really begins.

After entering his room he saw Elly stand wearing a night gown showing her amazing curves.

He thought she would be a blushing mess but he saw just happiness.

"MAster, You're slave really missed you". She said while rubbing her face on his chest and her bountiful breast on his tummy.

"Master will always be with Elly, right". She said looking at him whit puppy eyes.

"A slave needs to work to stay with her master. So why don't you do your best and maybe i will take you back with me".

"Of course master. This slave will do anything to stay with master". She said with a face full of determination.

She first took of his suit and then did the buttons on his shirt while liking her way down to his trousers.

She then opened them revealing his massive weapon slapping her face.


"~~AAHHH~~masters weapon slapped me~~AAAAAHH". She said while showing a crazy expression full of love.

She then continued by making his whole shaft wet with her saliva and when it was wet she undid her night gown revealing her big breast.

She then took his weapon between his and started squeezing it.

It felt amazing how her big soft breast were squeezing his raging shaft. How her face was constantly looking at him whit love and devotion.

She also started taking his tip in her mouth and licking it whit her tong.

And then he cummed. He shot his load all over her pretty face and big bosom.

He saw his masterpiece. Her legs in a M form and a big putle showing her several orgasms from just serving him.

How she was panting like a dog while thankfully looking at him. How her whole face and body was covered by his seeds.

"~~HHHhhh~~thank~~hhh~~you master".

He her on the bed making her hold her legs forming a M form.

he then put his fingers deep inside her pussy. He felt them all get soaked and then pulled them out and tasted them.

It tasted sweet like jello and some other things but it was definitely very good. he re put his hand inside while this time also playing whit her p*ssy.


"Lick". he said after taking his hands outside and putting it before her.

"of course master". She said and then took his hands and put one finger inside her mouth and licked it all over whit her tong.

So she did with the rest and made sure they all were very clean. he then saw her looking expectantly at him.

"Good job". he said and put his hand on her head but also pushed his spear inside.

"~~Thank you mast~~AAAHHHYYYYYAAAAAHHUHH". She said feeling an amazing pleasure even thought this was her first time.

"~~Pleas~~HYYAA~~e never~~UUUGHH~~leave me MASTER".

"Of course, You're mine forever". He said while putting his hands on her jiggling breast.

He felt they're soft feeling when he squeezed their soft texture. he saw how her moans increased when he played whit her nipples.



This continued till it became too much. Her soft but strong walls squeezing his d*ck while his hands squeezing her big breast.

her expression of amazing pleasure and happiness.



Although the night ended for her his just begone.

He then had a big orgy whit all his woman.

But that is for a future chapter.

Next day.

Today would be a fun day. Why, because when he made new memories yesterday he also invited both of them to have tea with him.

He would have tea in a private booth in the best restaurant in the city where he would enjoy the company of 2 beauties fighting over him.

He also decided that after this he would return back to his empire and although using a detour putting kingdoms under his control.

He would also go visit all of The Four Great Clans. They were big clans who made most of the power besides the royal family in the Aurora Empire.

But they also had some control outside the Aurora Empire making them give him probably a total of 10%.

And the reason for their name was them having a special bloodline which comes from the four great mystical animal from the Chinese mythology in his previous life. He was a big time novel reader so of course he knew them.

The Azure Dragon, The Vermilion Bird, The Withe tiger and The Black tortoise.

If those four clans have something special then the imperial family of course also has something special.

these bloodlines would make it possible for them to control an element.

The dragon is wind. The bird is fire. The tiger is earth. The tortoise is water.

It also has some other benefits but this is the most important.

Well 2 things actually. The first being talent. It sounds basic but its impossible to not be talented in the imperial family.

It isn't always martial arts but can go to many things.

The second is gold. Yes gold. Although it doesn't sound the best for fighting its very strong and has many uses outside of only that.

There is even a legend that deep inside the bloodline lies the founder of the Aurora empire.

This is probably bullshit being that that is all there is about the legend.

Well after all this he arrived at the restaurant and was guided to a private room where he would wait for them.

(Founder's pic here and in chapter comment)


This chapter was mostly to bring a bit more to the Aurora empire because that will become the world after his conquest and want to make it more worked out.

I hope the information was still okay to read and makes this world or at least the important places more known.