Beauty's Fight 2

He sat down and waited for them. He could also have come later but he wanted to be the first.

It didn't take too long for them to come making him not wait much.

"Welcome saintess Maria and lady Aria. I hope your journey was good". He said while fake smiling making both girls blush.

"Of course crown prince Jing. I am sorry i was delayed because while coming her some commoners stopped because a child was sick and i just couldn't turn away because i have a duties as a saintess". She said while making her look weak but determined at the same time.

"Don't apologize I understand that you have your duties as a saintess".

"My journey good having not needed to stop". Said Aria to stop their conversation.

"It makes me happy knowing both beautiful ladies had a good journey". He said while also going to the table to stop the pleasantries.

While going back to table he heard a scream from behind and saw Maria on the ground on her knees while Aria behind her in a position which could raise the thoughts she pushed her.


"Are you okay saintess Maria". He said while picking her up.

"Yes don't worry your highness I just tripped". She said while looking him in the eyes while taking little not super secret glances at Aria.

"Good if it hurts just tell me". he said while taking her by the arms and picking her up.

And when she stood up she suddenly fell in his arms which would look quite cute from an outsiders perspective.

"I am sorry your highness. It hurts a lot so i can only ask your highness to support me". She said while looking pitiful in his eyes.

"Of course, don't worry". he said while giving a gentle smile.

He was enjoying himself. Although it was the beginning he saw how Maria dominated the competition and could only wait how Aria would retake herself having confidence that she would.

(I know if you think about it is weird her being injured whit her realm but think about some way its possible.)

Aria seeing this knew she would need to put up her game. She never was a good at acting and even with her extra memories the best she could do was use her body.

They then sat at a table with 3 chairs were not so obvious Aria put her seat closer to his. Maria seeing this did the same which made him almost sit between them.

"I heard your highness is a very strong warrior and i would love to see your swordsmanship". Said Aria while putting his arms between her melons and then squeezing it with her arms.

"I heard about his highness care for his care for commoners and am honored to talk with such a person. I hope his highness could help me someday in my duties as saintess and help me become a better person". Said Maria while giving a beautiful expression one just can't ignore while not doing the same whit her not very big chest.

"I would be honored to show my swordsmanship to someone like lady Aria and i would love to have the chance to talk more with saintess Maria". He said while bringing his hands behind their back and pulling them even closer to him.

This continued for a while. Some things happened like Maria getting spilled whit hot tea or Aria dropping some water on his crotch and then cleaning it whit a handkerchief.

And while talking his hands didn't stay still. And whit them being in love with him they never refused his advances even if he would start taking them on the table.

First he kept rubbing their waists while slowly going down to their butts.

He then took both of their butt. Aria's was more firm and big while Maria's was more perky and little but very soft.

They both realized he was doing the same to both of them but didn't care as long as his hands were on their asses. If he said that he would want them both to be his concubine's they would accept and fight their battle by receiving more of his affection.

The day was approaching its end and although he could take some more days he wanted to go back and leave this kingdom sooner so he was very straightforward.

"Both of the ladies are very beautiful and i would propose for both of you to join my harem. And regarding your statuses you can let it all on me". He said while roughly squeezing their asses.

"Of course i would love to be part of your highness harem. Your highness is such a great person and i can only be lucky to be able to be with his highness". Said the Maria very fast and in an exited tone while giving him a peck on the cheek.

"I could only accept such an offer of my future hubby". Said Aria sexy in his ear while rubbing her breast making sure she isn't outdone by Maria".

"Great". He said before kissing Maria and taking Aria's breast in his hands and molesting it.

He then went to kiss Aria while his hands in Maria's robe was pinching her erected nipple.

"Then from now on both of you are mine".

"Of course hubby". Both of them said in sync before hugging him and giving him a kiss on his cheeks.

A few days later

He had left the kingdom. He had fake killed both princess Elizabeth and and queen Nicole while no one would car about Ely he didn't do anything special.

And with Aria he had a also fake killed her and regarding Maria he had hypnotized people in high positions in the Church and spread a fake story about the saintess going on a journey to get closer to god while not saying she went with him to the public.

Right now he was going trough some smaller kingdoms and cities while expanding his power.

He was currently sitting in a big luxury carriage lying on the lap of the milf Chen Yi while she was playing with his hair and giving him a great view of her big breast and naked erected nipples.

On his head was sitting the Maria naked while shoving her naked dripping pussy in his mouth.

He found out that he liked her nectar the most being the most tasty thing he ever tasted.

His butt was on the lap of Chen Qi who was giving him a hand job while his balls where attended by his sister who was kneeling.

His legs were on the lap of Aria who was massaging his legs and a kneeling Ely massaging his feet with her mouth.

He than had the pair of mother and daughter taking care of his nipple while generally licking his whole body.

Every time he cummed they would switch places. The girls found this the most effective technique to make him cum and whit the amount of cum in all of them it wasn't a surprise.

He also had decided to some of his woman pregnant when he returned.

He would of course make the child a girls and while it sounded messed up she would later on her 12 birthday be part of his harem.

He already felt possessive over her even though he didn't even know who the mother would be.


I know the first part wasn't very good and a bit rushed but i want to shed mostly light on the Aurora Empire and its development which would later become the whole world.