Return 2

Thanks for all the support till now. also the chapter is mostly info so for people who like that here.

And for people who don't like it you can find some interesting things here but it wont be needed to follow the important parts of the story.


Few days later

After his journey he finally arrived at the capital again.

Although there could be a big feast for his return it wasn't really made something big in public and to be fair he wasn't someone who liked a lot of attention on him and his woman.

He just arrived at gate where he saw his mother and behind her his maid waiting for him.

When his mother saw him she immediately went for a big hug putting his head inside her soft breast.

"Are you alright my little Jing'er. It must have been hard outside without mommy. Don't worry mommy's here to protect you now. Mommy missed you a lot". She said while striking his head like a baby.

"I also missed mom a lot. But i have a gift for mom. But first i want to introduce you to my new wives". He said while putting his hands on her ass and also giving a quick kiss to his maid who was standing on the side not daring to interrupt her master.

He then introduced his new woman and it was quite easy besides Chen Yi and Nicole.

He could see the jealousy in her eyes which she carefully hid when talking to him.

But after some careful worlds saying stuff like they will help her protect him or they make him happy she quickly gave up and accepted them.

Although it did hurt her pride as long as her baby boy wanted something she could never refuse.

And besides she would make sure that they can also protect him if ever needed.

He also noticed that 2 of the weaker man of his mom's harem went into 'seclusion'.

He knew it comes from the fact of how he told her he didn't like her having a harem and other people than him ever seeing her naked.

He also knew he couldn't just kill of the whole harem knowing it would start a war so he laid it of for now and would do it when he had more power.

After this he had ab big night were he took everyone but Charlie who he didn't want to do it with yet and wait.(Just doing this so can make a separate r18 chapter.)

He also turned of his mother not being fertile and made sure that after this night she would be pregnant.

He didn't knew what exactly he wanted to do with his kid.In the way of like how he did with Charlie or Maria.

He wants to make something special making them also more powerful and mature than a baby.

He didn't want to do it only mentally but also physically which came normal from training but he wanted more because he wasn't a person who would feel attracted to a baby.

He felt bored of the usual regressing so he wanted to mix it up.

(I have no ideas so pls help me if you know something fun.)

Well he wasn't worrying too much because it was still some time away.

He stayed here for 2 days when he heard the return of his older sister and decided to wait for her.

His older sister was someone who didn't like him very well because she also has eyes for the throne even though there is the law of the same genders.

Of course it is hard getting strength comparable to an family which is the head of one of the biggest empire's in the world.

Especially in a world where your strength really also depends on your age and just talent wont be able to make you compare to some old monsters.

Of course he couldn't just hide behind this law because in the end if in a way his sister won against him and it is clear that she is the better leader there is a chance that she would become the empress instead.

Although a rare case it did happen twice where the opposite gender was just much better leader than the crown prince(sses).

but besides that the real reason he is waiting for his sisters return is because he wants her.

His sister is beautiful, talented and shares the same bloodline.

She had black hair and black eyes and a face which looked like an idol from the modern world but more beautiful.

She had a good body which is in the big from normal sizes.

And he felt a great desire to make her his.

He had confirmed his mother is pregnant which he expected but still made him happy.

He of course made the baby a female but that is also to be expected.

He felt quite relaxed these days and he had even found his protagonist.

She was part of the Hou family which is the vermilion bird. (put wrong in auxiliary chapter but don't wanna chance because will make picture disappear. So this is the right version of.) Hou

She came from a very talented father but herself having almost no talent in martial arts herself.

While her mother is still quite unknown because there was little time to get information on her. So for that he still needs to wait.

after the dead of her parents her relatives put her into the countryside where she was bullied.

He got this after the disappearance of her she came back full of power to face slap her two faced cousin.

Besides that her background matches that of a protagonist.

She comes from a side branch of a powerful family while actually having the right to the position of family head.

Her parents were originally very powerful and talented and suddenly died.

Although he couldn't get a good drawing of her he did get a description of her.

Beautiful white skin with a face of an angle which gave a cool and athletic vibe.

She had medium long black hair with beautiful golden shining eyes.

Her body is more on the athletic and fit size having the biggest curves but her breast were quite perky but not supper big.

How he got such a description came from some commands he gave his spies.

Although he wanted nothing more than to go there and meet her he held himself back for now.

He put a lot of focus in making better appliances like toilet paper and such very easy things.

He used the memories of Max from the modern brain while using the brain of Jing to re invent some of the harder things.

This was just in its test face of course but it was going well.

And although it would be a long time before her could use it overall in his empire he could slowly use it in the future around him.

Also the money in the future he could make is a lot.

And then a day later his sister came back and unlike him she made a big festival which is quite like her character.