Sister And More

He rented a room of a restaurant where he then could see his sister's arrival.

And after a bit of waiting he saw her.

She was wearing her armor of the battlefield to show of her merits while she wasn't the strongest to be a good leader strength isn't everything.

Although her armor hid her curves quite well he could still appreciate the face of the person who would be moaning under him.

He had decided to make her a brother-con.

Making her cold to anyone besides him.

After she was outside his sight he returned to the palace where he would hypnotize her.

"Hello sister, I hope your fight on the battlefield was satisfactory". He said smiling without any mocking tone.

"Huuhh~~ Of course". She then wanted to go but before she could she was hypnotized.

"From...BLABLABLA (the usual stuf but with bro-con)".

"Are you alright brother". She taking his head onto her shoulder because she is still wearing her armor.

"Well I heard sister was talking about getting engaged to someone else than me". He said making a pitiful face.

"OF course not. Those are just bad roomers from bad people who want to destroy or relationship. Sister would never be with someone else than Jing'er". She said with a terrifying glint in her eyes which turned gentle when looking at him.

"How will sister prove it to me that sister is mine and mine only". He said still a pitiful face while his tone not so.

"Of course sister will show you. Just trust me". She said while taking him to a secluded mansion.

When inside he saw how his sister undid her hairband while revealing he white crane like neck.

She then undressed her breastplate making her breast jiggle when revealed.

She then did the rest of her armor and then went to his face.

She took him into deep kiss with her hands on his cheeks.

He loved how her slippery little tong all over his. How her tasty saliva was smeared all inside his mouth.

He of course couldn't let himself be out done and then took control which his sister handed over happily.

He then went to taste the deepest corners of her mouth.

His hands went to squeeze her breast over her robe. They were incredible soft having an amazing texture.

He also pulled to test their elasticity which was also great.

Besides that he just molded them in any way possible while pinching her nipple which was basically tearing her light robe.

He then undid her robe while kissing which revealed her amazing body.

White skin whit to big melons ass breast also being very white but a pink nipple on top.

Her very fit and athletic body which he loved. Especially her tummy which looked very nice to rub.

He dripping cute p*ssy which leaked a yellow all over her thighs which not thick but very fit but not having too much muscle.

And her ass which could be compared to her amazing breast being big but not the biggest he had ever seen.





"Sister is very beautiful naked". He said while his eyes glued to her amazing body.

"Thank you. Brother is also very beautiful. Especially his very big sword. I am such a lucky sister to be able to be your sister". He said while also looking at his naked form.

If you question how he got naked so fast. Martial realms are useful in multiple ways.

They then both went to each other and her then pulled her on the bed while breaking the kiss.

He saw her red face with harts filled in her black eyes.

He then attacked that pink nipple which was standing out to be attacked with his mouth.

"AHHH~~ Brother is su~~HHYYYAA~~ch a good boy~~AAAAHHH".

He then felt her sucking on his neck like a baby which felt very good.

He then took her between her ass and thighs to attack.



the room then filled with the sounds of flesh slapping and moans of his sister.

"~~AA~~I~~AAAAHHHH~~" "~~PAAHH~~"




He then went to her mouth while attacking her breast with his hands.

He molested them till they were surely fully felt till every part was felt by his hands.

He also loved seeing her back making an amazing arch every time she orgamsed which was a lot.

Or how her pussy just becomes more tighter every orgasm.

How every time her reentered he felt her tight, warm and wet p*ssy gripping him ass hard as it could.

F*cking such a quality woman it didn't take long before he also cummed even with his stamina.



And this last loud moan then ended the s*x moment.

He then made a feast with all his woman and of course a giant orgy.

From Milfs like Wang Mei, Nicole and Chen Yi to fresh woman like Wang Xiu, Chen Qi, Aria, Elly and Yuna Ya to loli's like Wang Li, Ely, Maria and although he didn't take Charlie's ass virginity he did use her body.

He saw in a throne room full of empire toppling beauties all panting and painted with his cum.

He sat in the throne with little Charlie on his lap being the only person he didn't do anything with.

In these last few days she did get a lot of her fat making her still on the skinny side but much better and showing more of her beauty.

She was currently sandwiching his dick between her little ass while his hands on her small nipples.

And he then felt her leaving his lap and putting her asshole on his dick and dropping it. Although surprised he did accept it.

"~~AAAAAAAHAAHHYYAY~~". Moaned her young face while showing a face of pure bliss.

He then sucked her neck while pinching her nipples which made her moan even more and louder.



She said before falling unconcious leaving his raging dick in her amazingly warm and tight asshole.

And although he could wake her up he just masturbated using her body which also felt very good.

This would also signal the last day before departing all alone.

He had already talked to them about him leaving and although they were sad what could they do before their GOD.

He of course didn't leave his woman in such state and all put them in a giant bedroom his mother mad for him and his future woman.

He all put them on him in a way making their amazing bodies and skin be on him.