Birth 3

So after a day of "working", he went to his daughter's room who awaited him.

"Hello daddy". Said Wang Hui.

"Good evening daddy". Said Wang Ming rubbing her eyes cutely.

They were both covered by a blanket causing him not able to see their beautiful body's. And to make it easier for him he made it that they slept on 1 bed.

"Hello my cute little dragons, are you ready to sleep with daddy". He said meaning a lot more with sleeping.

"Before sleeping daddy, we want to tell you something". Said Wang Ming while showing her beautiful body. She showed quite some skin which was beautifully smooth and white.

"Daddy, we love you. Not only as a father, but also as a man. So please daddy let us join your harem". Said Wang Hui putting up a though front but you could see that it was hard for her.

"How could I refuse my beautiful daughters". He said smiling while giving their cute red lips a good kiss.

"Really daddy". Said an exited Wang Ming jumping on him.

"Does daddy really accept us". Said a Wang Hui who looked to be euphoric. She also jumped on him.

"Yes yes, From now on you can both be my little s*x slaves". He said but instead of rubbing their back, he squeezed their but. They had a very good softness with a young developing elasticity. Their but had a lot of potential.

"~~AAHHA~~Thank you daddy". Said Wang Ming moaning from his touch.

"I will~~AHAYY~~love daddy". Said Wang Hui while stealing another kiss from him.

After having enough from their butt he threw them on the bed revealing their full body with a flushed face looking at him, begging to be devoured.

After looking their body's up and down he had decided to take Wang Hui. Why? Because she had the biggest breast.

He started leaning above her body bringing their faces together and kissing. Tasting her heavenly lips. He didn't wait long before entering her mouth battling her tongue which was small and soft. And generally amazing.

His hands had crept under her shirt and went to her already medium breast and started kneading them. And off all her quality's, her breast were the best. they had a softness beyond words and were just made to be touched by him.

"~~AHAHA~~DADDY IS TOUCHING~~MYYAHAY~~BREAST". She kept moaning at every touch off his.

After having tasted enough he took of her skirt revealing her panty less p*ssy which was already dripping oceans.

"Who wants to become a good girl". He said teasing her while rubbing his d*ck on her clint.

"~~AHAH~~I WANT TO B~~AHAGAHH~~ECOME DADDY'S~~HHYYYAA~~GOOD GIRL". She said coming all over his d*ck.

Not waiting anymore, he pierced her virgin p*ssy destroying all resistance.

"~~AHAHYAYAAHAHA~~DADDY'S IS INSIDE ME". She screamed feeling his warm d*ck getting enveloped her warm walls while stretching them to the limit.

He didn't wait and kept trusting inside her making her nothing but a moaning mess. He loved her extremely tight walls sandwiching his d*ck to the max.

And besides the pleasure she caused him, he knew he had a incest kink. So it didn't take long before he came fully inside her creaming her.

"~~AHAHYAH~~DADDY'S SEED IS HERE". She said stretching her p*ssy showing his cum. Having apparently inherited his insane s*c stamina she was still conscious.

And although he wanted to take her again, it was his other's daughter's turn.

He turned to Ming'er and saw her heavenly breathing making her breaths rise. She was clearly very exited for him to take her.

"Do you also want to become a good girl". He said hanging his d*ck before her.

"Me, I want to. Daddy, make me your good girl". She said very exited.

"Good". He said before ripping her top apart revealing her small red nipples. He went to it and started sucking on it like a baby. She started holding his head keeping him sucking.

"~~AHAH~~DADDY, IS SUCKING ON MY BREAST~~ÃHAYAHAYAH". She moaned while holding my head. After having enough off her nipple, I gave it one last bite before thrusting in with my lower weapon.


Her walls felt similar to the ones off Hui'er but did have some differences. Hers felt warmed and more calm while Hui'er walls were very active.

But both of them felt heavenly, so after trusting in her young p*ssy while feeling her also young butt and kissing her still young mouth. He took less than usually before creaming her p*ssy.

"~~AAHAHAYHA~~AAHAYH~~HAHGJHGHAGHJ~~DADDDDYYYYY". She moaned before coming again. And just like Hui'er, she was still ready for more.

"Since both of you dirtied my d*ck, why don't you clean it together". He said and just like that they went off the bed crawling towards his d*ck letting him ogle their hanging breast.

Hui'er on the left and Ming'er on the right. Their similar looking faces created a beautiful spectacle.

They first started rubbing it on both of their cheeks while staring at it in awe. After that they started cleaning it up with their cute little red tongues.

Then Hui'er went for the tip, putting it in her warm mouth while licking it all over with her tongue.

Ming'er on the other hand went for his balls, taking one in her hot mouth first before licking it all over and then doing the same.

They kept this going till they finally succeeded on pleasuring him enough that he came. He held Hui'ers head down making sure she didn't waste too much and let the rest over's drip on Ming'ers face.

"~~AHAHAHYY~~GDHADDY'S FCUM~~". She said in ecstasy.

And to not be unfair he lifted Ming'er by her hair towards his d*ck before roughly putting it in her mouth. And getting the signal Hui'er started focusing on his balls.

And like that he also tainted Ming'ers mouth with all his godly seed.

For the rest of the night he tortured their body's with incredible pleasure. Going in their asses, P*ssys and mouths while molesting their butt's and breasts. And even though they inherited his stamina, sometimes he was just having s*x with an almost mindless doll.

But all in all, his daughters were great woman in bed and he could only wait till their body's developed even further.


Liked this, check out my other novel called Reincarnated But All The Heroines Love Me.
