After Birth

Since he didn't want anything to come between his hand his daughter's, he waited before putting down the placed portal. But now since he woke up with both his daughters laying naked besides him with their holes filled with him. He thinks it is time.

His decided position for it was on top of a medium tall mountain which was a good place because it wasn't directly close to any city, but easy accessible for him. It was also full of qi which should hopefully make the time only 3 months.

So after placing his portal, he took his mount by her breast and flew towards the only powerhouses left in this world untainted by him.

1 month later

In total it didn't take long making the ancestors become his slaves, but what took time was the traveling. But with his new mount which was incredible fast, he could accomplish his task very fast.

'Maybe I should reward her'. He said looking at the slutty mount of his who was now in human form.

"For helping me I will give you the reward to get f*cked in doggy style". He said looking like a saint who is helping someone else.

She showed her ass to him faster than he hypnotized someone he wants. Her massive butt jiggled from her movements making it look very sexy.


"Who is a good pet"? He said leaving a red handprint on her white but. He decided to do some dirty talk and feeling up before he would take her in her ass.

"I Am master, I am". She said wiggling her ass while turning her head and smiling. And this with her do ears made her look like a adorable dog.


"Who wants to get taken in her ass". He said feeling her massive ass after giving it another good spank. He loved how it jiggled.

"Me master, me". She said drooling. She had already come from his spanking.

"Good". He said before pushing his d*ck far inside her tight asshole. Not only did it have an extreme warmth, it was so tightly hugging his d*ck he would come already was he an virgin.



This were the only sounds left in the room.

Although her ass was beyond amazing, he wanted to feel more off her amazing body. So with one hand he took her beautiful blond hair and pulled her head towards him and took her in a passionate kiss.

He exchanged their saliva, exploring every part of her mouth while dancing with her tongue. But he wanted more so with his other hand he started feeling up her giant breast.

He felt their amazing softness which couldn't be described while pinching her nipples which made her moan just harder.

Having all these outlets for his lust, it didn't take long before he came deep inside her hot ass.


She moaned like never before getting her ass creamed by her master. She felt his hot seed inside her ass going all the way to her core.

"Master, I love you". She said after getting her mind back.

"I know you do, my little sexy pet". He said stroking her head which was now resting on his thighs.

While one off his hand was going trough her golden silk like hair, the other one was roughly kneading her breast making her moan.

'Show me the rewards'. He said to his system. He had breached the 75% and was waiting for his slaves to hypnotize the last ones.

[DING! Congratulations to the host for reaching 75% conquered of the world. As rewards the host gets.

Since the host has reached the maximum strength level off this world, the host wont be receiving realm related rewards.

1) Thunder dragon storms sword technique: One of the strongest sword technique the world has to offer.

2) Unbreakable yin yang tortoise defense: One of the strongest defense technique's the world has to offer.

3) Background card: Using this the host can create a background in a different world. It will be 100% normalized for that world and anyone will accept it.

4) Harem Web: Can be connected to your harem members. This will reveal their location and if ever in danger will be teleported to you. Is someone is added their and your strength will be raised depending on their strength. You will also receive their best talents.

5) Aura Of Trust: Makes anyone trust you at first impression.]

He wasn't very surprised by the fact that he couldn't increase his realm anymore because when he trained her already felt it.

But besides that he truly loved these rewards. The 2 techniques were very useful because besides the ones her received from his status, he didn't have any special technique's.

The background card seemed very useful, not only for easier conquering worlds but also to find a potential MILF.

Regarding the harem web he already felt his strength raised and although regarding talents he didn't feel anything knew, he knows it will come along the way.

And the aura if trust was completely useless. Maybe if he lost his hypnosis such things could happen but else it would be useless.

Almost 2 months later

The world was fully his. Everyone was his to command and use. He had send his guard conquering everyone so he could have his perfect 100% and although he need to take some actions trice. That was only for some animals he needed to take care off.

Society was shaped to his liking with every woman dreaming to become part off his harem. Other men were just there for the worst woman who existed.

And inside his massive palace was not only every servant beautiful and hoping to get used by him but he also had a massive harem of beauties he f*cked every night.

His research on qi stones was getting better every day and his team had almost found out stones which could hold qi forever but also seaming less transport energy from on object to another.

And although those righteous people would say he is the devil, if you look how the woman in his empire lived, you could say that it wasn't so bad. Just don't look how the men live.

But now the thing everyone was waiting for, the rewards.


1) Portals: portals which connect to the host second world will appear random over the world when the host decides to activate this.

2) next world knowledge: gives the host knowledge of the next world.

3) Heroine catcher: makes it possible for the host to go into a fiction he likes and take 3 woman with him. (I probably wont make it a fanfic but I will use picture's from medieval romance manga's. Probably not their story's but can't say for sure.)

4) XXX (Since I wanted to drop a chap today but can't find 2 good rewards anymore I decided that you guys/girls can choose what you want as rewards. I know, how kind am I)

5) XXX

6) System upgrade: like the name says, use this and the system will be upgraded. Will be instantly.]


This and probably the next will be mostly information about the new world and such things so maybe its boring maybe you like that I don't know. Put your ideas above there so I can steal it plz.