Power manifestation

When the sun aroused, Zarin took Andrien to a hidden magical room in his house for practice. "take this." Zarin held a wooden box.

"Burn it." Andrien's notions were that his uncle was being delusional. "I'm not delusional. Focus on burning the box and it might happen." Andrien indecisive of what to do, imagined if the box was already burnt.

Instantly, a burning sensation flew out of his palms nonstop. Not only did the box burn but he was about to set the whole house on fire.

"Turn it off!" His Uncle yelled. "I can't!" "Concentrate Andrien!" Andrien closed his eyes taking in a deep breath and the burning sensation faded completely.

"I did it!" Andrien beamed like he accomplished something. "Barely.." Zarin mumbled catching a glimpse at the smoke he caused. "I think we should be training outside.." "You're right" Andrien complied at the mess.


In the morning, the children ate their breakfast on time."Again?" grumbled Anna when she saw another tasty dish for her.

She was getting furious about this because everyone ate ordinary bread and tea and there they served toasted sandwich with orange juice for her. She would absolutely complain about it when she got the chance.

She also observed how the three fat girls gossiped bad things about Susan behind her back, but then behave as if they like her.

Despite Susan's terrible manners, she was unlikely to know how to make friends or even what friends really is. No wonder everyone fears her here, Anna pondered. As she wanted to bite into the sandwich, she saw a blurry vision that rushed like the wind.

"What the heck what that." Anna's brain fogged up. What did she see? and most importantly, Why did she vision something like this? Confusion overwhelmed her at that point.