Chapter 8

Yang Jingshu was still thinking about the expression on Yang Changyu's face when he saw Chen Qing last night. It didn't seem to be accurate to say that he was shocked because she saw a trace of fear on his face.

Since the incident with Secretary Yang Jing, the Yang family had a detached position in Nanchuan. As the eldest grandson of the Yang family, Yang Changyu was naturally the first son of Nanchuan.

For so many years, Yang Jingshu had never seen him show fear in front of any young man.

Who exactly was this Chen Qing?

With a head full of fog, Yang Jingshu came to Yang Eternal's room. "Brother, did you sleep well last night?"

"Very good." Yang Eterni glanced at Yang Jingshu. "What can I do for you?"

Yang Jingshu stroked the loose hair on his forehead. "There's nothing urgent. I just want to ask my brother if he knows Xia Xue's husband, Chen Qing."

"Jingshu, why are you asking about this?" After thinking for a while, Yang Changyu added, "How is your relationship with Xia Xue? If you have time in the future, you can hang out with Xia Xue more often. It's not bad for you."

With the strength of the Yang Family, even if it was Li Hongjiu, Yang Jingshu would not take him seriously. Why did he have to take the initiative to be on good terms with Xia Xue?

But since his brother had said so, he must have his reasons. After thinking about it for a while, Yang Jingshu could only think that it might have something to do with Chen Qing.

"Brother, I heard that Xia Xue and Chen Qing have divorced. Just yesterday, Chen Qing was expelled from the Xia family on the spot and looked extremely embarrassed."

"A divorce?"

Yang Changyu was suddenly shocked. "Is this Xia Xue's idea, or is it Xia Xinghe's idea?"

"It seems to be Xia Changhe's idea. I heard that Chen Qing offended Li Hong. Xia Changhe was afraid that he would implicate the Xia family, so he got rid of Chen Qing." Yang Jingshu frowned. "But even if they drove Chen Qing away, the Li family would not let go of the Xia family so easily. After all, it is impossible for the Li family to die in vain. This morning, Xia Hai was also disabled. It should have been done by the Li family. And I also heard that the Li family has begun to suppress the business of the Xia family. I believe that the Xia family will be squeezed out of the third-rate families soon."

"For the sake of Li Hongjiu, he drove Chen Qing away. Hehe, perhaps this is the will of heaven. The Xia family is destined to only be a third-rate family." Yang Haoyu smiled faintly. Now that they had distanced themselves from each other, it would be difficult for them to curry favor with him in the future.

"Brother, who is that Chen Qing? According to you, is Chen Qing a very powerful person?"

"Jingshu, there are some things that I can't tell you for the time being, but you must listen to me. Even if everyone in Nanchuan looks down on Chen Qing, you can't look down on him, let alone provoke him, understand?" Yang Changyu said solemnly.

Yang Jingshu's delicate face was full of shock. She never thought that a person who was regarded as a good-for-nothing by everyone would be so unfathomable.

Before the shock on Yang Jingshu's face disappeared, the housekeeper's voice came from outside the room. "Big Master, Miss, Xia Xue of the Xia family is here. She wants to see Miss."

"Xia Xue?" Yang Jingshu was stunned.

Yang Changyu said with a faint smile, "The Xia family is in danger. At this moment, she came to you for a favor."

"Brother, do you mean that Xia Xue came to me to help the Xia family?" Yang Jingshu frowned slightly. "Then how should I answer?"

Yang Changyu frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Jingshu, you go to see her first, and I'll come to you later. I'll tell you when the time comes."

Yang Jingshu nodded and went out. Yang Eterni closed the door, then took out his mobile phone and dialed Chen Qing's number.

Chen Qing's phone was specially inquired by Yang Haoyu last night, but he didn't expect it to be used so quickly.

If his guess was right, Xia Xue came to ask for help. If it weren't for Chen Qing's relationship, the Yang Family wouldn't help, because it didn't suit the interests of the family.

However, since Chen Qing had once been the son-in-law of the Xia family, he had to listen to Chen Qing regarding this matter.

"I'm not from the Xia family. This has nothing to do with me."

Chen Qing only said a few words and hung up the phone. Yang Eterni had already made up his mind.

As soon as Yang Jingshu walked out of the living room, he saw Xia Xue standing inside with an uneasy look. Yang Jingshu coughed lightly first and then said with a faint smile, "Xia Xue, what kind of wind has brought you here? For so many years, you rarely come to me."

While speaking, Yang Jingshu walked in and sat down.

Although Xia Xue and Yang Jingshu were classmates in high school, because Xia Xue was not good at flattery and did not want to please anyone, she rarely took the initiative to find Yang Jingshu over the years. If this time she was not desperate, she would definitely not shamelessly come to ask Yang Jingshu for help.

Xia Xue secretly pinched her thigh and tried to calm down. She replied with a smile, "Miss Yang is a busy person. I am afraid of disturbing you."

"Xia Xue, sit down. You don't have to be so polite in front of your old classmate." When Xia Xue sat down, Yang Jingshu said, "By the way, I heard that Xia Jun made trouble a few days ago. Is it okay?"

"Miss Yang, to tell you the truth, I took the liberty of disturbing you this time because of the Li family." At this point, Xia Xue had no choice but to say, "Although the Xia family is in the wrong about this matter, it is not necessary for everyone in the Xia family to die with Li Jie. The Li family threatened to eradicate the Xia family. Of course, with the strength of the Li family, it is not difficult. What the Xia family means is that as long as the Li family can let go of the Xia family, no matter what the conditions are, the Xia family can accept it, but the Li family will not agree. After thinking about it, it seems that only the Yang family can suppress the Li family, so I boldly ask Miss Yang to save the Xia family."

"Xia Xue, this matter is a little troublesome." She didn't expect that her brother was right. Yang Jingshu frowned. At this moment, Yang Haoyu came in.

Seeing Yang Changyu, Xia Xue hurriedly stood up and said, "Childe Yang, when did you come back?"

"I just came back yesterday." Yang Eterni smiled and said, "Sit down, Xia Xue. You're welcome."

"Brother, Xia Xue wants to ask the Yang Family for help..."

"I heard it." Yang Eterni raised his hand to interrupt Yang Jingshu.

Xia Xue blushed slightly and said, "Young Master Yang, Miss Yang, if it weren't for the fact that I had no choice, I wouldn't have dared to disturb you. I hope you can help me to help the Xia family survive this crisis. I'm very grateful."

"Alas." Yang Changyu sighed heavily. "Xia Xue, it's not that we don't want to help, but we can't help. To tell you the truth, the real trouble of the Xia family is not the Li family, but the person we can't afford to offend. Whether the Xia family can turn bad luck into good will depends on what the Xia family does. I can only say this. If there is nothing else, please go back."

Hearing this, Xia Xue's heart skipped a beat. Who on earth was a person who couldn't even afford to provoke the Yang Family?

Xia Xue racked her brains. She didn't know who this powerful person was. Besides, except for the Li family, the Xia family didn't seem to have offended anyone.

No matter how much Xia Xue thought about it, she would not think of Chen Qing. After all, she would not believe that the man who had accompanied her silently for two years was actually the young master of the provincial capital.