Chapter 9

Not long after Xia Xue went home, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Xia Xue hurriedly went to open the door, but when she saw Xia Yu, a trace of disappointment flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"Sister, brother-in-law asked me to take his stuff. Does he have a lot of stuff? Can this box be put in?" While speaking, Xia Yu went straight to the bedroom.

Chen Qing would rather ask Xia Yu to help him get things than come back to see him. Was he really going to be a stranger in the future?

Xia Xue's face was pale. Seeing Xia Yu walking straight to her bedroom, Xia Xue said with a bitter smile, "He slept next door."

Xia Yu was stunned. "Sis, didn't you sleep together?"

When they got married, to put it bluntly, Xia Xue just used Chen Qing as a shield, and Chen Qing only wanted to repay her kindness. Neither of them offered to be in the same room. In the blink of an eye, two years had passed.


"Ah? You've been married for two years, yet you're still sleeping separately?" Xia Yu said in shock.

Thinking that Xia Yu liked Chen Qing, Xia Xue felt uncomfortable. "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Xia Yu stuck out her tongue and didn't say anything else.

She pushed open Chen Qing's bedroom. The furniture inside was spotlessly clean. It looked brand new and the bed was neatly arranged. This was completely different from Xia Yu's impression of men.

"Brother-in-law, do you only have these clothes?" Xia Yu opened the wardrobe, only to find that it was empty. There were no more than ten pieces of clothes in total.

Xia Xue rarely came to Chen Qing's bedroom, nor did she pay attention to his wardrobe. Seeing that the wardrobe was empty, Xia Xue realized that she had never cared about Chen Qing's life in the past two years. Her heart seemed to be pricked by a needle and it hurt very much.

"Hasn't brother-in-law bought new clothes in the past two years?"

"I... I'm not sure."

"Even ordinary countryside people need to buy a lot of new clothes every year. After all, brother-in-law is the son-in-law of the Xia family. His life is too life-saving. Even if he is reluctant to give up, you should buy him some new clothes."

In the face of Xia Yu's questioning, Xia Xue was speechless. In the past two years, she owed Chen Qing too much.

If there was regret medicine in the world, she might buy half a kilogram.

"I'm not a qualified wife. Maybe it's right for Chen Qing to leave me." Xia Xue's eyes were a little blurred. She quickly turned around, not wanting Xia Yu to see the regret in her heart.

Xia Yu accidentally saw Xia Xue wipe her eyes and felt very emotional. She comforted her and said, "Sister, I also know that you are very difficult to do. On one hand, you are my brother-in-law, on the other hand, you are my grandfather. From the perspective of the family, it is right for you to listen to my arrangement, but I always feel that it is unfair to my brother-in-law."

"Little Yu, you like Chen Qing, don't you?" Xia Xue couldn't help asking.

Xia Yu was stunned when she heard this question. She couldn't help but think of a handsome face. She had to admit that her brother-in-law was quite handsome, not to mention that his brother-in-law was the young master of the Chen family.

Unconsciously, Xia Yu's face turned slightly red. She avoided her eyes and said, "Sister, what are you talking about? I'm just admiring my brother-in-law."

Enjoy it?

The so-called love started from appreciation, didn't it?

Seeing Xia Yu's blushing face, Xia Xue knew that she must like Chen Qing.

Xia Xue felt extremely uncomfortable. Although she was very clear that she had nothing to do with Chen Qing after the marriage, she was very unhappy when she thought that Xia Yu liked Chen Qing and got so close to her.

For a moment, Xia Xue really wanted to snatch Chen Qing back.

"Sis, shouldn't you call my brother-in-law? I heard that Li Hongjiu was searching for my brother-in-law in the entire city. My brother-in-law must have come to this point because of you." Xia Yu said carefully.

"Call me?"

She had to call Chen Qing and at least apologize for what had happened in the past.

Xia Xue walked into the living room and made a great determination before she dialed Chen Qing's number. But as soon as the bell rang, it was hung up.

Xia Xue suddenly felt as if all her strength had been drained. She was very weak and her heart was empty.

"Sister, maybe my brother-in-law is busy. Why don't you call him later?" Xia Yu comforted her.

"Give me your phone."

Xia Yu hesitated for a few seconds, but she still took out her mobile phone and handed it to Xia Xue. She found Chen Qing's number and dialed it. Soon, Chen Qing's slightly magnetic voice came, "Little Yu, thank you for your help. Put it in your car and I'll pick it up by myself later."

Hearing this, Xia Xue threw her mobile phone on the sofa, turned around and walked into the bedroom. She locked the door and lay on the bed, tears falling quietly from her cheeks...

The news that Xia Hai of the Xia family was destroyed quickly spread in Nanchuan City. Anyone with discerning eyes could see that this was the revenge of the Li family. The Li family had lost a male descendant. Any other family would not let this matter go easily, let alone the feud between the Li family and the Xia family.

In addition to getting revenge on the young people of the Xia family, the Li family also completely suppressed the business of the Xia family. Although the Xia family's company had done a lot of things, it was still so weak in the face of the huge Li family and had no ability to fight back.

In just a few days, the Xia family's company had lost tens of millions.

This level of oppression was not something that an ordinary family could bear. It was a heavy blow to the Xia family.

Xia Changhe tried his best to fight against the Li family's revenge and even found the Yang family for help, but no one was stupid. Who was willing to offend a first-class family for a third-class family?

A week later, the Xia family suffered heavy losses, and there was a faint tendency for them to be squeezed out of the third-rate family.

Xia Changhe was worried that Xia Hai's affairs would happen again, so he had to restrict the freedom of Xia Jun and others. Unless there was no other choice, no one could leave the Xia family without permission.

On this morning, Li Hongjiu came to Grandpa's study. She looked respectfully at Li Shanhe, who was sitting on a stool, and said, "Grandpa, I have done everything you asked me to do. All my relationships in all aspects have been smoothed out. Now, can I go to the Xia family to ask for someone?"

Li Shanhe was the current head of the Li family. Although he was old, he still looked energetic and energetic.

"Go ahead. We must find an explanation for Jie's death. At present, the whole Nanchuan is watching our Li family. This time, we must let the restless people know that the status of the Li family in Nanchuan City is unshakable. Whoever provokes the Li family will end up with the Xia family." Li Shanhe said.

Li Hongjiu nodded. "I understand. On this trip to the Xia Clan, I will bring a few people in my circle to kill them as a warning to others."

"Hong Lingtong, I heard that you suffered a loss to the son-in-law of the Xia family not long ago. What the hell is going on? Isn't it said that that person is a good-for-nothing?"

Li Shanhe's words were full of blame. Li Hongjiu hurriedly explained, "Grandpa, last time I was careless and humiliated the family. But Grandpa, don't worry. This time when I go to the Xia family, I will find a way to lure him out and then kill him."

Li Shanhe nodded and said, "Well, your grandfather can rest assured. Hong Lingtong, you can't keep a low profile when it's time to show off. Just do it. The Li family will always be your strong backing."