Familiar feelings

when Jason stared at her saying the words 'i do trust you' Celina couldn't help her gaze from boreing deep into his eyes. His sky blue eyes looked so familiar,she was sure she had seen it somewhere but where exactly?There was also the look,there was something about the way he looked at her .As if he wasn't only looking at her face but something more,it was just Soo confusing. Did he attend their university?maybe that's were she saw him but he said he was new in town,gosh this whole feeling is so confusing.maybe it just her mind playing games on her, but she have never been wrong about familiar feelings towards someone before.

Jason thought of telling her the truth but decided to get to know her more,to know if she has changed and just how much. But he didn't want to lie to her so he said the only logical reply he could think of

"let me think.....am not sure"


"why do you ask?"

"it's just that you look really familiar and feel familiar too"she said in a low ,calm tone

"maybe we have met before"

"yes,maybe"she mumbled and they continued walking.

Jason had decided to hide his identity until he was sure of .....well many things,so he quickly took off his ring and hid it when Celina wasn't watching. But he was still thinking about her own ring,did she really throw it away?she didn't have it on any of her fingers and didn't have a lot of jewelries on either except for her white diamond earrings and a necklace which was covered halfway with her dress.

They finally reached a small restaurant and entered. Jason was surprised at first since it was not a fancy restaurant as he had thought it would be.Not that he minded which kind it will be,he was just surprised because he thought Celina would have gone to a fancy restaurant as most rich people do,turns out he was wrong. she really haven't changed at all.Even when they were kids she always preferred simpler things . They went in and took a seat while Lina called for the waitress who seemed to know her .The place looked empty as they were the only ones there.

"good afternoon mam,you are here again, welcome"The waitress greeted

"Hi, how is work?"Celina asked with a polite smile

"Not so good,we barely have any customers "

"oh, am sorry about that. Don't worry am sure you will have many customers soon"

"I hope so too. what can I get you ?"

"my usual, what would you like Andrew?"

That was when the waitress turned towards Jason

"can I have a burger and water?"

"water?"Celina asked raising a brow


"okay ,if you say so"turns to the waitress"that would be all,I think"

The waitress didn't move at all, she just stared at Jason with a slight smile playing on her lips

"excuse me"Celina tapped her for a bit

"yes"she answered flinching as if waking up from a dream

"That would be all "Celina repeated "did you get the orders?"

"yes mam "And she turned to leave when a voice stopped her

"excuse me"Jason called and she turned around slowly , Jason got up and handed her her book that she had left behind

"you forgot this"he said with a smile as his dimple came in view and the waitress's face almost turned into a tomato from all her blushing

"thank you"she took the book and left while Jason went back to his seat

"you are quite the ladies man,I see"Celina teased

"I was just trying to help"he sighed

'why do they always have to make it awkward?'he thought

"Am sure you did "she giggled"Anyway since you didn't tell me your name,I will tell you mine, it's Celina"

"Celina"Jason repeated"nice name, I think it means 'heaven' or 'moon' right?"

"Am not sure"

"it nice to meet you , ' heaven' "he said with a smile

Celina blushed a little'what was that'?"

"what's the meaning of your name?"she asked

"I think Andrew means strong and manly or brave"

"no ,I mean your real name"

Jason didn't respond

"I don't know the meaning of names so I won't know your real name even if you tell me the meaning and I promise not to dig into it"she said"pinky promise"she added as she entwined her two small fingers together

"Healer, my name means healer"

"Healer, nice name"she said"How do you know the meaning of names?"

"well I study onomatology and floriography"

"so you are a flower lover too?"

"I can't say I am and I can't say am not either. I just do it for fun when am bored"

"you study when you are bored?"Celina asked looking amused

"I don't really call it studying, it's a kind of entertainment"
