
"What do you do for fun?"Jason asked her

"music. I love listening to songs"

"you always loved singing"Jason said smiling while thinking about their childhood not noticing what he had said

"what?"Celina asked surprised,how did he know ?she didn't mention singing.

That was when Jason realized what he had said

"I mean, you always loved singing?"he said trying to make it sound like a question.

Celina looked at him questioningly with a raised brow

"well ,most people who love listening to music ,do love to sing ,right?. so I thought maybe you also loved singing but I see I am wrong "

"well, I do sing"

Jason finally let out his breath,at least she believed him.

"oh, so I was right?"he asked


The waitress arrived with their orders and they started eating in silence. Turns out Celina's usual was spaghetti, chicken and a glass of juice. After a while Celina finally broke the silence

"why aren't you asking?"

"About what?"

"you know....the whole ' boyfriend act 'and all"

"should I?"

oh right,they were not friends. so why the hell did she ask that? why was she so concerned about what this stranger thinks ? she didn't usually like to explain herself but now she felt like she should ,what was this?And she didn't even know his name,she had so many questions. really the one of the strangest days in her life.

"oh right,you definitely shouldn't ask. we are not friends after all"

Jason stared at her silently as she continued eating,he just looked at her as if studying her every expression and action. she was just a really fascinating person to be with for him.

He took a burger , split it into two and handed one to Lina who just looked at him confused without taking the burger

"want to be friends?"Jason asked with a smile

"you don't have to do this because of what I said"

"Am not. Am doing this because I like you Celina"

"what?"Celina asked with a slightly widened eyes

"I said I like you"he repeated"of course you have to 'like' someone to be their friend right?"

oh,so that was the like he was talking about

"And I really need one since am new here, I might need your help. so would you like to be friend?"

Celina took the burger from him

"yes ,I will like that very much. thanks healer"she said

Jason chuckled"you are welcome heaven"

After their lunch ,Celina paid the bills leaving a huge tip for the waitress and they left.

"so where do you want to go?you do know the address right?"Celina asked as they stepped out


"How about you take a taxi?"she suggested"so you won't get lost again"

"good idea. But there is one more thing"


"how can I contact you if I need help?I don't have your phone number yet"

"oh right, give me your phone let me dial it"

Jason gave her his phone and she entered her number ,then she also gave him her phone and he also dialed his number"

"I will call you,when next am lost"he teased

" I will think about picking up "she smiled"now let's get you a taxi"

They waited for a while and then a taxi finally approached them. Jason got in

"good bye for now healer"she then took out some cash and handed it over to the driver

"you don't have to"Jason said

"it's okay,you don't have any cash remember?and am happy to help . Take it as a thank you for you company"

"Thank you for the lunch and also this"

"No problem,hope to see you soon boyfriend"she said

"me too ,good bye"


And the car finally left