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rush to get there


while I was beating the living daylight out of the guards I got a phone call. it was zia so I immediately picked up the phone. she was crying and she sounded like she would pass out any second. she gave me instructions and before I could think I yelled at jasmine since she was closest to a blue book. after she said "please help me" I heard silence and then another girl start speaking like zia was in danger. after I beat the guards jasmine found the blue book but I couldn't get near them because of the silver and right now they can't do anything. the book opened a secret vault and inside I seen zia and the girl that was with her. zia looked to be asleep and the girls looked as if they were starving. I walked towards the girls and I felt the affect of the silver. luckily for me alpha children/soon to be alphas didn't feel the silver as hard as common folk. I jumped over Bruce and Jasmine to get zia and what i thought looked like Alex's girlfriend out of the cages. since zia was passed out and the other girl could barely walk because of a nail lodged in her foot I decided to carry them. the young girl in the cage offered to get the silver off of jasmine and Bruce and once she did her foot started to bleed profusely. Bruce carried the girl on her back and I carried zia in my arms. we had a little while left before we could get back into the pack. while we walked we started up a conversation....

ZACH: how did you two end up there?

BRUCE: yeah did those people follow you guys?

ASPEN: what do you mean follow?

JASMINE: well....

ZACH: she went out to make some money to help her brother. are you related to Zia?

ASPEN: well not by blood but her brother, Alex is my boyfriend.

JASMINE: what's your name?

ASPEN: aspen, yours?

JASMINE: I'm jasmine, the person carrying you is my brother Bruce, and this is our alpha zach

ASPEN: alpha?..... ARE YOU GUYS?

ZACH: yes we are but we won't hurt you I promise

ASPEN: well if you all know zia then I trust you

BRUCE: how did you get that nail in your foot...ITS SO DAMN DEEP BRO

ASPEN: well the cage wasn't clean and it was kind of dark

ZACH: guys hurry up we might have company

BRUCE: do you want us to transform to be quicker?

ZACH: yes but I need your scarf jasmine

JASMINE: what for?

ZACH: I'm going to tie it to my scarf and tie zia to my waist. Bruce put aspen down and transform.

BRUCE: (following his instructions) yeah sure aspen can you stand?

ASPEN: well kind of just not on that leg

JASMINE: I've got you... here you go zach

as aspen climbed down Bruce and got support from jasmine I tied zia to my waist and transformed. my wolf was pitch black while the others were a dingy brown color. aspen climbed back onto Bruce's back and held on waiting for my signal to go. once we all were ready I gave the signal and we sprinted into the forest. jasmine was so much faster than us so she decided to stick behind us just incase the men were following us. (or trying to). once we got back to the village we were greeted by some gaurds....