WebNovelTHE VOICE57.14%

The House Arrest

Detective Cole arrived the crime scene in a matter of seconds to meet a small crowd of people already at the scene. He made his way through the curious crowd shoving his ID card in their faces as he screamed "Make way. Excuse me, leave the road please"

He had an intimidating figure which was more than enough to make way even if he doesn't have his ID with him. He had broad shoulders with rippling biceps. He was 6ft tall and always wore very tight black shirts. He bent and got into the yellow tape area. The medics were talking to a few pressmen and some other officers where huddling around the crime scene looking for more evidence. There was a body by the lagoon in white cloth. He moved closer to the body, bent down and pulled away the white cloth.

The white, lifeless and decaying body of Bamidele Williams stared back at him in the face. He looked at the body closely, there were no gunshot wounds, no marks, no fracture, nor bruises. It looked like a suicide, but why would he kill himself?

The question was eating him up and he needed answers. If Bamidele Williams was innocent as he had claimed but why would he take his own life?

Was there foul play?

Did somebody kill him and make it look like a suicide?

This and more of the questions throbbed his worried heart.

"You shouldn't be here"_ a voice sounded behind him.

Cole looked back, it was Inspector kunle, the trouble maker. He was clad in a black trouser and a police cop vest.

"Why are you here?"inspector kunle asked.

"The same reason you are here"Cole replied nonchalantly.

"But I thought you're off the case already"inspector kunle said looking at him in the eyes with a hidden smile

"I am but I can still carry out my own investigations which is none of your business". Cole replied and walked away, his mood more messed up.

"Its none of my business indeed!"inspector kunle shouted after him but Cole never looked back nor replied.


Cole opened the door to his sitting room and entered the house, he needed to cheer up but Nora is the only way he could do that.

He missed her too much and he had to see her, little wonder why he found himself in his house instead of his office where he would be battling with unsolved crimes.

"Honey!"he bellowed out but got no response. He walked to the bedroom, turned the door knob and pushed it slightly open. He peeped in, but she wasn't there.

Where could she be?

He checked the kitchen, she could probably be cooking but she wasn't there too. He was now getting scared. He ran, checking all fours and corners of the house screaming at the top of his voice. He even checked the basement but he couldn't find her, his heart was beating fast now.

Where could she be?

Has she been kidnapped?

His heart skipped a beat at the thought as a shudder of chills slid down his spine.

"Nora where are you!"he screamed but the only answer he got was the echoes of his voice. He ran his fingers through his hair as he paced the house dejectedly.

Eureka! He hasn't checked one place, the pool. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the back of the building. He suddenly stopped abruptly in his tracks, and stared in awe and admiration. It was Nora, she came out of the pool drenched with water, picked a white towel and wiped her face. She became more exquisitely beautiful as she freed her hair and let it fall freely.

Cole watched as she bent down drying off her body with the towel, her back side was turned to him. Cole couldn't wait anymore as he ran towards her and inadvertently jumped on her, Nora screamed oblivious of who it was as they both fell into the pool making the water splash on the surface.

"Oh baby! Its …"Nora couldn't complete her statement as Cole kissed her on the lips, she held him more tightly to herself as their lips intertwined in a long passionate kiss.

They dived deeper into the pool and continued kissing and smooching. The intensity of the kiss and romance session heightened that they almost choked. Cole swarm up with Nora in his hands as they panted catching their breaths.

"I love you baby"Nora said with a wide grin.

"I love you more my honey pie"


He stepped out into the frosty night air, the night was cold and hawkish and it caressed his skin frigidly. He shook his head, that wasn't good. He looked up and stared into the sky, the stars were up and shining and the moon shone brightly. He was clad in his suit yet again but this time, he adorned the suit with a hood but it looked odd and that wasn't good too. He had to take extra measures, he couldn't afford is cover to be blown, that was the dreaded thing he could ever imagine. He walked down the alleyway like he always does, humming to an imaginary song. He suddenly stopped in his tracks when he saw her.

Who was that?

She stood 5ft tall, her hair ragged and it looked haggard, her eyes were sunken red with hollow circles which scared him. He looked for the smile that she always had on her face but it wasn't there. Instead he saw a frown, a deadly one at that.

That wasn't good at all.

He knew what it meant, she was angry again, he needed to kill and take revenge. At least, to make her smile, but the night was not a good one, he knew it, things might go wrong.

The detective, he is getting closer to him day by day but he is always a step ahead. The figure standing faded away, at least that was what he thought. He continued walking, things weren't just right but he had to shake it away. He stopped and hid behind the coconut tree, covered his head with the hood and wore the gloves. The type of gloves he used for the previous murder. It was a false finger print hand glove which had the detective prints on it. He shook his head, she wasn't coming and doesn't look like she would come anytime soon. He shook his head again, nothing was going well at all.

He suddenly heard the tyres of a car screech from afar. That was it, he knew she was coming but not this way, she ought to be on foot. He brought out his hand revolvers getting ready to kill. He stepped out onto the road and fired sporadically at the tires as the car approached. It wasn't a propitious time to attack at all but he already did anyway. The tires busted making the car somersault and skid off the road. He fired continuously and suddenly stopped when the car went up in flames.

"Holy sh*t",he cursed under his breath.

Nothing really was going well.


Cole opened his eyes slowly as the sun penetrated into his eyes, he knew immediately that it was morning. He rolled the duvet away and made to sit upright but felt a body resting on his legs. He turned his head sideways to see Nora.

Nora was still sleeping peacefully half naked, the duvet did a little with covering her body. Cole remembered their last night sex escapade and he smiled. It was mind blowing and he couldn't get enough of it until he was exhausted. It was such a great night that he decided within himself that he would take a week off at work, its worth it and he had to succumb to Nora's plea. He smiled again, Inspector kunle wouldn't have to bug him anymore for any case whatsoever, he had already abdicated the case over to him and he never thought he would be glad for it until now, he was more than glad.

Cole stood up and covered Nora with the duvet carefully not wanting her to wake up. He yawned hard like a dog waking up from its slumber as he peered out of the Louvre, the sun was shining brightly as it illuminated the room. He could see houses of different sizes and shapes right from where he stood, his house was a four storey building which was the tallest in the entire area. He narrowed his gaze on people walking along the ever busy city road of Calabar, different car horns blared loudly and hullabaloo of vast activities soared high in the whole city. He dropped the curtain and walked to the bathroom which was attached to the bedroom. He was about to take his toothbrush which was hung in its case when he heard his phone ring.

"My problems are over now"the speaker of the phone resonated to the music.. The song was Cole's best music, he usually put the music on repeat whenever he turns on the car's stereo. The song was sang by his favorite musician, Praise bliss as he was fondly called.

Cole wondered when his problems would be over, he had always believe in the song and it became an incentive move to him which taught him never to give up until his problems are over. Cole checked the caller as he got back to the room with a towel tied to his waist. It was agent Bola, Cole knew she would call as it was uncalled for him getting late to work but he wasn't going anyway.

"Hello",he said immediately he answered the call.

"There is another murder",her voice sounded terrified.

"What?"Cole gasped.

"And …"

"And what!?"Cole shouted over the phone which woke Nora up.

"The culprit left a note for you"

"A note?"

"Just turn on your TV, the news is on",agent Bola said and hung up on Cole which angered him. He doesn't know what infuriates him more, the murderer? Or agent Bola's rude behavior.

Cole switched on the TV with the remote control in his hands. The noise that emanated from the TV was deafening that Cole had to low the volume.

NEWS at 10am.

A lady was shown casting the news and then the scene was shown. A burnt car was shown, and then five burnt bodies, three were burnt beyond recognition and the remaining two bodies had some part not burnt.

Inspector kunle was also shown talking to a reporter.

"Good morning people of Calabar, we are sorry for the loss and the family of the deceased should please accept our condolences. I and my team are working tirelessly on this case and am sure the culprit would be brought to book. You have nothing to worry about because these killings would be over soon, we the state police CID would ensure the perpetrators meet their waterloo.Thank you."he said and the scene faded away and the lady continued casting the remaining part of the news.

Cole found his mouth opened wide agape throughout the speech of inspector kunle. He wondered the type of game inspector kunle is playing, he is giving the credits to himself and his team and not the CIB. Cole shook his head, well he got what he wanted and that was good for him.

"What's going on?"Nora's voice sounded behind Cole.

Cole looked back, she was already walking towards him and was just inches away. She had changed into something more flexible and coverable, she was putting on a bum short and a blue armless top.

"I'm sorry babe, I have to get to work now"cole said and hurried back into the bathroom to take his bath.

Nora shook her head, this wasn't going to go down well, not for once.

She locked all doors including the door out of the sitting room and sat down on the bed awaiting Cole's arrival.

Cole came out in a jiffy, dressed up and made to leave. He looked back at Nora, his hand was on the door handle. He turned, walked up to her and gave her a peck on her cheeks.

"I will be back soon babe"he said glancing back at Nora who never smiled.

Cole turned the door knob but it didn't give way, it was locked. He shook his head and looked back.

"I'm sorry, you ain't going anywhere throughout this week"Nora said as she stood up and cat walked towards Cole.

"Oh No! Nora please I have to go"Cole begged.

"I guess you already promised me you going to stay for the whole week"

"Yeah I did but plans do change, and this is one."

"I don't care, just make love to me baby"Nora said unbuttoning his shirt.

"Oh my God!"Cole gasped


Emily sat on a settee in the sitting room, she had her gaze fixed on the TV screen but her mind was far from it. There was a program going on that she usually loves to watch and she rarely misses it but today was just exceptional. She wasn't in the mood at all, the program usually interest her but instead, it bored her. Emily couldn't think straight, she had varieties of thoughts ranging from her near death experience to her husband and to her work . She took the remote control from a low stool which was in front of her and switched off the TV, it wasn't helping matters instead it got her incensed. She sank into the settee as her thoughts wandered off in wonder land.

Is five years of marriage not enough to bore a child?

Is my husband impotent?

No, she dare not say he is impotent. They've done several medical checkups which proved that he really was okay but yet the solution to their problem never surfaced.

Emily knew too well that her husband could marry a second wife all because she bore him no child, and she doesn't want that . She posses all the qualities a wife supposed to have but one thing is just not right with her, which was the ability of making babies. Although, Nora is yet to bore Cole a child too but it was just one year of their marriage and they don't seem to be ready for it, her thoughts was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell and she immediately sprung up and went for it. She opened the metal door wide enough to accommodate her head as she peered outside. A smile quickly crept over the frown on her face as she continued to stare at the handsome man standing before her.

"Are you gonna use a decade staring at me?"Ben asked with a smile, his hands at akimbo.

"Oh! am sorry honey"Emily said and embraced him tightly.

They disengaged, and both walked into the house.

"Its good to be back, sweetest home"Ben said as he fell heavily on one of the couch and heaved a sigh of relief.

"How's work?"Emily asked settling down beside him, staring keenly at him. "Work is fine and tiresome"

"I hope you back for real"

"Am back baby, honey wants to take a cold shower",Ben said as she caressed Emily soft skin and kissed her on the lips while Emily giggled.

"Alright honey, am gonna prepare you lunch"

Emily watched as Ben climbed the stairs, the smile still flourishing on her face. She loved Ben with all her heart could muster but the funniest thing is that she had never set her eyes on his parents ever since the day they wedded as couple, she had always pestered him about it but he would always say she can't see his parents if she doesn't have a child to show off but then what could she do? She only had to keep mute and wait for God's intervention. She heard sounds of steps coming downstairs and she immediately sprung up to her feet and ran to the kitchen. She had to prepare his best food, pounded yam and egusi soup which would take her time and energy but she was less perturbed.

"Work calls baby!"Emily heard Ben's voice shrieked from the sitting room. She suddenly stopped what she was doing and headed for the sitting room.

"Work?"Emily asked surprised.

"Yeah baby it'surgent, I have to ship in a car which would be an hour time."

"Oh No"Emily stamped her feet on the tiled floor almost closed to tears.

"You just came in here which is not up to an hour and you already going back"

"Am sorry baby, I just have to go and I will be back soon before you know it"Ben said and pecked her on the cheek.

"Soon?"Emily asked bewildered..

"Do you know your soon? Your soon is probably three months or if not more"

"No I won't take that long baby"Ben said as he adjusted his tie properly, he took his briefcase and made to leave but Emily stopped him.

"No I won't allow it, not again"she held unto him tightly in such a way that Ben couldn't move, even if he did, she would get hurt and she knew too well that he wouldn't allow it.

"Ben it's been six months you last walked in here, six months Ben and all your excuse is work, so you chose work over me…huh?"Emily lamented obviously in a loud pitched voice.

"No baby, its not like that …"

"Its like what?"she objected.

"keep your voice down Emily, shouting won't get you anywhere__"

"And lying won't get you anywhere too!"

"Sorry, I have to go"_ Ben said and slightly pushed her away but she held his shirt strongly.

"You ain't going anywhere Ben"Ben heaved a sigh of frustration, he never knew she would be a hard nut to crack. He gave in, and relaxed back on the couch with a pensive mood.

"Alright accepted, am not going anymore"he said without looking at her. "Oh yes, you just talking"Emily smiled.


Cole was in the pool with Nora, both enjoying the bliss of the moment, the water was cold and it suit the evening atmosphere. Cole couldn't believe he could use the whole week with Nora not even stepping a foot outside. He smiled, he doesn't even care about his job anymore, nothing on earth gives him much happiness as Nora does. Now that he reasoned it, he would love to spend more time with Nora than solving a mysterious case.

Nora threw a ball at Cole, Cole saw it coming and he caught it with both hands. He threw it back at her, Nora tried to catch it but she wasn't a good catcher, it hit her on the head. She lost control and sank into the pool. Cole saw her drowning and gasping for breath, he raced there with a professional front stroke but she was already down.

Cole's heart skipped several beats, he searched frantically for her with his hands but he couldn't reach her. He quickly breathed in and out immersing himself in the pool, he got to the bottom and stood for a few seconds. Cole tried opening his eyes, but he couldn't even if he did, his vision would be blurred and vague. He swarm up fighting for his life as he struggled to catch his breath. Just then he saw her, Nora was up, she grinned at him, her trick had worked and she won this time.

Cole smiled too, he was fooled and he was happy he fell for it.

"My problems are over now"

Cole heard his phone ring, he swarm up and stepped out of the pool. He took a towel, wiped his face and picked up the phone. He checked the caller, there was no number.

Probably it was a mistake, so he thought but the phone reverberated for the third time indicating that the call was on purpose. He answered it fearfully and pressed the phone to his ear without muttering a word.

"Hello detective"a customized computer voice said.

"I see you're really enjoying yourself in the pool, I bet you do miss me and the troubles I make but its not my fault, the monster made me do it and I won't stop until I have my revenge."the voice stopped and laughed for a while.

Cole's mind wandered off, different thoughts running through his mind.

"Your end is near detective, believe me you will surely pay for this"the voice said and the call ended.

Cole opened his mouth in bewilderment and trepidation. Fear engulfed him at the threat.

He glanced back at Nora who was still in the pool, their gaze met. Nora still had a smile on her face but Cole's smile had varnished since a while ago.