WebNovelTHE VOICE64.29%

Nora is missing

Mr Akinola sniffed and adjusted himself before the cameras for the third time. He would go live on all stations but he wasn't just okay. It was more of being afraid or the fear of being shown live on all stations in the whole of Nigeria but it wasn't his first time and he couldn't attest to why he was feeling awry. He comported himself for the last time as he faced the cameras, he had to appear calm before the cameras. The director sensed his anxiety and gave him a reassuring smile.

"All is well"she muttered to him and smiled.

And that was all he needed, he smiled too and he braced himself up. He looked at the lady who sat in front of him, she would interrogate him but he wasn't sure and ready for the questions she would ask.


"Two …"

The camera men counted when he would go live.


The Lady turned to face the cameras as she spoke into the set of microphones before her.

"Good morning, am Kyle Florence and right here beside me is Akinola Richard, the director-general of the state Criminal Investigation Bureau. This is another interview showing live on AIT."Kyle faced Mr Akinola and the cameras shifted to their side.

"Mr Akinola, what would you say about the recent murders happening in Cross River and your investigations so far"

"Good morning great people of Cross River. We are sorry for the recent murders and bomb blast which occurred months ago in rivers state. We beg the family of the deceased immensely to please accept our condolences. And with our investigations so far, the culprit behind the murders is not just killing because he wants to or because he likes it, it was known to us through different devices that a spectacular voice do emanate from. In one of its voice messages, he made it known to us that he was killing because he had to and he was being compelled by a monster."Mr Akinola said with a cool but gruff voice.

Kyle hummed, tilted her head towards the camera and shifted her gaze back to Mr Akinola.

"But sir, why would a monster compel him?"

Mr Akinola smiled. "I really don't know why a monster would compel someone to kill but with the way I reasoned it, I think he is killing for revenge"

"Revenge? But the killer may not just be killing for revenge, there might be more to it."

"Yes that's true"Mr Akinola nodded his head.

"Sir, with the killer out there free won't there be more murders?"

"I pray there should be none and we will do our very best to impede any impending attack by the killer."

kyle heaved a sigh and turned to face the cameras.

"This would be the end of today's interview with the director general of the CIB."She directed her gaze back at Mr Akinola, "Sir, what message do you have for the people of Cross River"

Mr Akinola looked at the cameras. "Great people of Cross River. I have nothing to say but I will say this, I assure you that we will catch the perpetrator and justice will be done like the previous serial killer that was convicted. Thank you."he finished saying and faced kyle who smiled at him.

"Thank you sir for coming and we will sure reach you some other time"Kyle said and they shook hands. The camera light blacked out and the scene faded away.

Mr Akinola stepped out of the AIT station and slid into his car, he ignited the car engine and sped off.


Cole opened the case file on his table for the third time, he flipped through the pages but nothing made sense to him. He closed the case file and heaved a sigh of frustration. Inspector kunle couldn't allow him do anything on the case and he was worried. Inspector kunle wasn't and would never be the hero but he was and he would be again this time.

The credits are meant for the CIB and not the CID. He wouldn't allow things to continue that way. He heaved another sigh of frustration, he was fatigued and exhausted. Probably because he was already missing his heartthrob.

Cole stood up and walked out of the office. Agent bola stepped out of the elevator while he stepped in, he spun around and met agent Bola's gaze, she winked at him and scurried away. Cole shook his head, that wasn't good. The elevator door dinged open and he stepped out and walked into Mr Akinola's office. He pushed the door open without knocking, he had forgotten his manners. He abruptly stopped in his tracks, Mr Akinola wasn't present in the office, he spun around and made to leave but he didn't. He just felt like checking Mr Akinola's personal investigations. He sat down heavily on the swivel chair and looked at the two laptops at his front. He saw the logo of the CIB on one and the other was the logo of the CID. Inspector kunle might have left his system there but he felt like checking it. He opened the system and powered it on. He couldn't operate it as it was passworded. He shook his head, he never thought it would be passworded. He closed back the system and stood up, he felt weary and he needed to rest.

An hour later, Cole got to his house and opened the door. It was locked but he had a spare key. He opened it and stepped in, the house was eerily silent.

That wouldn't be the order of the the day again. Soon enough there would be kids flooding the house. Cole brought out his phone and dialed Nora's number, probably she had gone to the clinic for check up. It was now an open secret that Nora is two weeks pregnant, and he would be a father soon.

Cole smiled, the baby would be a girl. He knew it, his guts were never wrong. He dialed her number again but he kept on hearing the annoying words of the network agent. 'The number you dialed is switched off, please try again later or you …"

Cole angrily clicked the hangup icon and slipped the phone back into his pocket.

Why would her phone be switched off?

He had to go check for himself. He entered his car, poured life into the engine, and sped off. He sped past several cars, speeding like a maniac as if he was one. He got to the hospital in five minutes'time which on a normal day would cost him nothing less than twenty minutes'drive from his house.

Cole pulled into the carport and stepped out of the car. He raced inside the hospital and walked over to the receptionist attendant.

"Sorry nurse"Cole said raising his index finger.

"Is Nelson Nora registered here?"

"Yes sir, she registered here but she hasn't checked in for today."the receptionist replied. Cole shook his head, where could she be?

"My problems are over now"Cole's phone rang out loud.

He brought it out from his pocket and checked the caller, hoping it would be Nora but it wasn't.

There was no number, Cole immediately feared the worst . He answered the call and pressed the phone to his ear without uttering a word like he did the previous time he answered the unknown call..

"Hello detective, don't disturb yourself much, Nora your wife is trapped in here. I told you, I will take my revenge and don't come looking for me because you will never catch me." the voice threatened and hung up. Cole went cold immediately, his face went pale and he gasped with fright.

"What's the problem sir?"The receptionist asked as she noticed his sudden demeanor. "I'm screwed"Cole replied.