WebNovelTHE VOICE71.43%

Was the trap a coincidence?

Emily sat on a swivel chair in her spacious office, pile of files graced the desk at her front not excluding a laptop system. She was working on a news article for publication but her mind was far from it. She had edited the news article countless times but yet, it wasn't just perfect. She proofread it for the last time but to her it wasn't good yet for publication. Something was certainly missing, she shook her head and closed the system . She was done for the day even though, she hasn't done what she ought to have done. She crashed back on the backrest of the swivel chair and it swirl around in rotation. Her mind wandered off again, this time it was Ben. She couldn't think of anything else except him. Ben wasn't back since the day he left, it was now a week since she had last set her eyes on him all in the name of work. She just can't sit idle watching fire burn her roof. Nora should be of help, so she thought. She picked her phone on the desk, squinting her eyes at the phone.

There was a message, she opened it hoping it would be from Ben but it wasn't. The message had no sender and it looked bizarre. The message was encrypted in numbers. She couldn't comprehend what it meant.

"4151420–21598518–2515211819518–1415181 –919 –715145".

She was puzzled and confused on what to do, an idea suddenly crept in and she smiled. She scrolled through her contacts and dialed a number.

"Hello, please help me decode this numbers and get back to me as soon as possible" Emily hung up and send the coded numbers via messenger. Within a minute, a message popped up on her phone. She opened it, the message had been decoded and it reads.

"Don't bother yourself, Nora is gone".A confused look appeared on Emily's face.


Cole sat down at the corner of the ever wild Miracles bar. He hummed and nodded at the groove of the music being played as he opened another bottle of beer. He drank it all in one gulp and dropped the empty bottle on the table. He took another bottle, opened it and gulped it in again. He sighed and belched loudly.

Drinking wasn't his thing but he had to and he did anyway. He considered drinking as the best thing to do. Nothing could ever make him good, except that he drinks but this wasn't going well at all. He looked at the dancers on stage, he squinted as his eyes were very blurry and obscured. He could only make out hazy figures dancing and he couldn't distinguish between a male and a female. He looked back at the empty bottles on the table, he counted it and smiled. He couldn't have believed if he was told he drank twelve bottles but he did anyway, the killer made him do it, just the way the monster possessed the killer and now, he was possessed by the killer.

Nora is gone but he's going to find her one way or another.

Cole drooled over the bottles, he saw a figure hovering above him. He looked up, looking straight into the eyes as though he was looking for a lost treasure, he couldn't see anything rather than a blonde hair and a hidden face.

"Who are you"Cole asked in a gruffly but drunken voice which was barely audible to the ears.

Agent Bola sat down ignoring his question, he had called her himself to meet him at the bar only to show up and ask her who she was. She opened her mouth bewildered as she saw the number of bottles littered on the table.

Something is amiss. Cole doesn't drink this much. Perhaps, he doesn't drink at all.

"What's wrong Cole?"Agent bola slammed the table and two bottles rolled over and crashed on the tiled floor.

Cole could recognize the voice but not the face, he knew who it was. She was clad in a red gown which looked like blood to him.

"Please fix me"Cole said with pleading eyes.

"What?"Emily furrowed her eyebrows in surprise.

"You heard me right?"

Agent Bola still looked on with surprise written all over her face. She knew he was drunk but never the less, he knows what he was doing.

"Please …"Cole drooled over the word, like its a life saver.

Agent Bola shook her head, he really needed to be fixed because he looked distraught like he just lost something valuable. She smiled, the moment she had been waiting for has finally presented itself. She just had to play her card well.

"Let's go"Agent Bola muttered to him as she stood up.

Cole tried to stand up on his feet but he failed horribly as he fell back on the chair drunkenly. He was heavily drunk, hardly could he lift himself up. Agent Bola walked over to him and gave him a helping hand and both managed to get out of the bar to where he parked his car. She pushed Cole into the back seat while she sat at the front seat. She ignited the car engine and stepped on the throttle of the car as she sped off.

"Where are we going?"Agent Bola asked glancing back at Cole who was half asleep. "Anywhere"Cole muttered drunkenly.


Agent Bola slammed on the brakes and pulled over to her house. She helped Cole out of the car and they both walked into the house staggering as they walked. Cole's body was wet as he had spilled the drinks on his body. She dropped Cole on the settee in her sitting room, the house was pitch black and void of light. Agent Bola switched on the lights, it's flickered and came on. She looked at her body, it was messed with Cole's body and it reeked of alcoholic stench. She undressed and pulled off her gown.

Cole watched as she undressed, he gulped in the lump that came to his throat as he stared at her not too massive boobs fighting to be freed in the tiny bra she wore. His sight became clear as he looked on downwards to her backside which was turned to him. Cole looked away immediately their gaze met, he felt tempted but he couldn't resist the urge. Bola smiled, she would surely get what she wanted. She walked over to him smiling seductively.

"Am gonna fix you now",she said as she unbuttoned his shirt.

Agent Bola couldn't help it, a wide grin appeared on her face. It would definitely be a long night.


The rays of sun peered into the open louvers and it illuminated the room. Agent Bola stirred on the bed rolling sideways, she reached for Cole but her hands only grabbed the duvet. She opened her eyes immediately and tilted her head sideways.

Cole was gone.

She sat upright bewildered as she looked around the room for any movements of Cole. The entire house was eerily silent which made it obvious that Cole wasn't in the house. She rolled the duvet away and stood up. She was stacked naked from head to toe, not even clad in undies . She smiled as events of the past night replayed in her head like a filmstrip. The night was indeed heaven on earth, too superb and awesome.

Cole drove her nuts, she couldn't tell where the rage and vigour came from, but she could tell it was due to pain and anguish which triggered him to thrust continuously and tirelessly but the question is why? She was less perturbed by it, in as much she got what she craved for. She reached for her phone which was on the bedside table and tapped the screen on, then she stopped the video she had been recording. She had recorded their sex capade for a reason best known to her. She stood up and walked into the bathroom naked, her nipples were erected due to the amorous thinking of getting laid with Cole.


Cole downed the glass of scotch at a go and swallowed a cube of ice. He looked distraught and worn out . He was seated in a chair in the mini bar which was situated at the back of his house beside the pool. His conscience pricked him as he remembered every part of the event which accidentally happened the other night.

That was not good.

He coughed till his eyes were red and watery. It looked like nothing was going well for him, not even drinking. Nora is missing and the best he could do was to sleep with some slut.


He poured another cup and took a sip. He had a lot to think about but his mind was numb. Alcohol was not the solution but it certainly could not make things worse, but it did the other night, it really made things worst from worse.

He swallowed hard, why did he do it?

Why can't he control himself?

The anger brewing in him grew with each and every passing second as he reminisced over the dreaded act. Tears welled up in his eyes, they could spill any moment.

What has he done to deserve this?

The killer was really at his neck, playing pranks with him.

Was it realy a prank?

No it wasn't. This was real. It was f**king real!

Cole grabbed the glass and threw it into the pool. The splash did not have the crash effect he wanted. Nothing was really going well at all. His phone beeped and the lights came on. Cole hissed, it was another message from the network provider. He thought presumably but wasn't sure. He felt the urge to open it but he didn't.

He just doesn't want to.

He heard footsteps coming from behind him and he sprung to his feet.


It wasn't her, instead it was the DG.

"Looks like you are expecting someone really important."Mr Akinola said as he settled down facing Cole.

"Hey man, What's wrong? what happened?"Mr Akinola asked with concern as he noticed Cole's distraught mood.

"Nora is gone"Cole said blinking his eyes, trying hard to fight back the tears as they threatened to spill but he couldn't keep them in. Tears trickled down his face like down pour. He sniffed as snots came running through his nose.

"Gone?", Mr Akinola looked confused. "Gone where?"

"They've kidnapped her", Cole sniffed again but he couldn't help it as he busted into another round of tears.

"You got to be kidding me"_ Mr Akinola stood up gobsmacked, it doesn't look like he was kidding.

"This can't be possible Cole"

"It's__ "Cole was interrupted by the ringing of his phone.

'My problems are over now'

Cole hissed loudly, he felt like throwing the phone too.

When would his problems be over?

The phone rang for the umpteenth time, still he didn't pick up nor check the caller. Mr Akinola persuaded him to answer the call, but he was adamant to his decision.

The phone kept on ringing and the lyrics of the music aggravated his anger. He finally answered the call as he pressed the phone to his ear.

"Detective, please come to my house alone. I now have the information in full"a voice said impatiently.

"Please who is this!?"Cole snapped.

"Its the guard, the …"

"What do you have?"

"Come alone please"

The line went dead, Cole stared at the phone like he was just seeing it for the first time. He gazed at Mr Akinola and stood up fiercely.

"What's wrong?"Mr Akinola called after him but he was gone already.

Cole drove tremendously fast, a hand on the steering wheel and the other on his phone. He quickly checked the database of the guards and he got the location. He drove more faster and he got there within a twinkle of an eye. He dropped down and clutched to the gun in his hand.

He didn't even think before he swung into action.

It could be a trap, who knows?

He moved stealthy towards the main door of the house. It was a flat and the door was wide open.

Cole shook his head, he had no accurate plan.

"Hello"he bellowed out as he stepped in.

Silence answered.

He looked back and forth there was no one but he couldn't be sure. He pushed a door leading to a room open. He halted, an horrific sight welcomed him.

The man sprawled on the floor face down, blood leaked out from his side. He took three steps forward and bent low, he was stiff and motionless.