Chapter 18: Team Change?

Allen went back to his barracks after the doctors confirmed that he is fine.

Allen was unable to scavenge his arrows from the battlefield as the left while the battle was still ongoing.

He later came to know that it took another 10 hours to exterminate the ant hill and that the giant ant queen was a mid-level specialist stage monster.

When he opened the door of the barracks, he saw the members of team two discussing and Kim was also there.

"I was so worried about you" Kim said coming near him and catching him in a hug within seconds.

Allen was stunned and didn't know what to do. The team two members were also shocked to see this.

"They said all members of your team fought against an ant hill and in the emergency treatment centre. They wouldn't tell me how you are doing." Kim said.

"I was not seriously injured and so, they let me go early. I didn't go to the Emergency treatment centre as I was not seriously injured." Allen explained.

Kim let him go as the scene was getting awkward and demanded a treat for making her worry so much.

Allen agreed to give her a treat tomorrow at lunch and Kim left with a huge smile on her face.

"You have a persistent girlfriend you know" Sanjay said while Joshi nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. She is persistent. Wait! She is not my girlfriend." refuted Allen.

"Yeah Yeah." Arti said in a teasing tone.

"I know buddy." said Sanjay with an I know it all face.

Allen didn't listen to say anything to them as they are not willing to listen. He was worried about his teammates.

Until they get discharged from the Emergency treatment centre he won't be able to get any updates on their health.

He was worried even though he knows there were no fatalities in their short mission.

In the evening Kim came to check on Allen again to make sure he is fine leading to another teasing session.

Allen went out of the barracks to get some fresh air and to divert his mind from worrying too much about his teammates.

He also went to the Hunter's Guild and sold his two empty quivers at a lower price as he wants to purchase another two quivers of arrows.

This quiver of arrows can be strapped to his back at the same time so it would save him time from getting his 2nd quiver from his shoulder bag.

This quiver has 35 arrows each but is the same price as his previous quiver.

He sold the remaining meat and mana cores which he got from his hunting trip. He now had 50,000 credits.

It may sound like a huge amount compared to his salary of 10,000 credits. But in reality, it is too less and he can't buy even 2nd-grade equipment with it.

"Allen, can you come here for a minute?" He heard a familiar voice calling him on his way back to the barracks.

It was Bones. "Sir, is there any update on my teammates?" Allen immediately asked what he had in his mind.

"They are fine, but need at least 15 days to recover fully and return to duty." said Bones.

He added "I didn't call you for that. I want you to meet someone tomorrow. Come to the training ground tomorrow at dawn".

Allen agreed to him and went to the barracks wondering who he has to meet.

Allen went to the training ground at dawn and saw Bones and Emily waiting for him and greeted them. Serina was walking next to him.

She immediately puffed her chest on seeing Emily and got petted by her.

"Walk with us." Emily said after petting Serina and started walking towards the trainer's quarters.

They reached the Commander's quarters which is in charge of the entire training camp. Bones knocked on the door.

The commander opened the door and let them in. "You must be Allen." he said gesturing them to sit.

"What we talk about in this room stays in this room." he said to them to which they all nodded in agreement.

"I have been watching you for some time Allen. You have great potential to grow." the commander said.

They were shocked to hear that the commander said that. "I want you to be in a special squad which will allow you to grow." he said.

"But the choice will be yours as I can't order you to do it." the commander added before they could come out of the shock.

"Leave us for a few minutes." he said to Bones and Emily to which they reluctantly agreed and left the room.

"This will be a great opportunity for you if you agree. But you will have to replace your mana purifier for that." the commander said in a serious tone.

Allen was unable to say anything as he knows it is hard to change his purifier in the private stage. It can be done by people who reach the Lieutenant stage.

"It needs to be created by you from the beginning. You can't use pre-assembled engines to reach your potential." commander dropped another bomb on Allen.

But Allen agreed to it nevertheless as if he succeeds, he will be able to purify his mana more easily.

Allen got a small wooden box from the commander and he transferred the blueprint of the mana engine Allen has to create.

He also got simulation software to practice the assembly of the mana purifier using it before creating it.

Allen was given 10 days to do it and he left the Commander's quarters to reach his barracks.