An Arm's Length


"Good morning Lobdell," I chirped in immediately to break the tension between what seemed to be the two growling men.

Lobdell continued to glare at Runihura before he turned to look at me with a bright smile. He had performed a complete volt face in less than a second, "Good morning Pharai. I hope you're feeling better."

I nodded, "I am thank you. I'll be in for work today. Runi and I just had a quick morning meeting about today's schedule."

"Ah," he raised his eyebrows, "I didn't know Runihura was capable of thinking this early in the morning."

A loud growl came from behind me and I was quick to place my hand on Golden Eyes chest so he did not lunge forward and rip Lobdell's head off. "Calm yourself," I hissed at him and he instantly calmed down as his exterior softened as he looked down to me.

"You should learn to respect your elders Lobdell," Runihura glared.

"If you think you're a part of that group you should check your mental-"