One More Time


A loud scream left past my lips as Suetekh pushed into me without any warning or stretching. The pain that enveloped my body was so viscous that it felt like I could barely breathe as I held onto him as tears ran down my face. 

Even though he had downsized it had not helped me at all as he was still big for me to even compare to. In my mind even though my body felt like it was on fire I had no faith that he could ever fit into me. He proved me wrong in a few seconds. 

Never in my life had I felt the way I had then. An overwhelming sense of lust had taken over my body so much that all I could think about was sex. That if I did not get that release right then that I would die from desperation. 

My blood was pumping through my body at an alarming rate and my balls had grown too heavy that it got to the point it hurt. Everything was too much and Suetekh's body was driving me wild with need as he throbbed inside of me.