Ask Me Nicely



"Do you trust me?" 

"Depends on the context," I eyed Suetekh as he slowly flew us back to the Palace.

"Just in general Pharai," he chuckled as he held me close to his chest then spun around making me terribly dizzy. Knowing his tactics he was probably trying to get me to agree to whatever he wanted. 

"You have to tell me in what context for me to answer you," it felt like my brain was spinning in my head as I pressed my face to his chest just to get a breath in before I became sick. 

"Mer Ek, trust has no bounds or context. It is like love. You can't pick or choose why you love me, you simply do. It's like hunger you can pick or choose-"

"Okay, okay," I pressed my hands to his chest desperate to stop his long and wise explanation, "I trust you."

"How much?" he grinned as his flying slowed down so I could look up to his face without the wind drying my eyes.