Bais of Me


For as long as I could remember learning about the Egyptian Gods had always been one of the biggest fascinations and mysteries for me. My parents never raised me to believe in any specific religion because they were scientists just like me. The biggest thing for us was evidence and for me the Egyptian Gods never felt solid. 

I wanted to laugh now that I thought about it. To know I, myself, had been a god in my past life just felt surreal to me. Even though my name had never been mentioned before in the scriptures of the ancient Egyptians, it was a marvellous thing. 

The fact I was in the same room with the God of Destruction was both intimidating and fascinating. My eyes had constantly left the papyrus I was studying to look at Suetekh. To me despite the fact I had now seen Horus with my own two eyes, I felt that Suetekh was the definition of a god.