Little Princess


"What do you mean temporarily?" 

Suetekh shifted slightly in his seat before he let out a sigh, "If Anubis could have temporarily made you forget about me long enough, he had the window of opportunity to make you fall in love with him."

I shook my head, "Whether I fell in love with him or not it wouldn't change a thing. It wouldn't undo the fact you're my mate especially after this long."

"Well the thing is in our culture one can take on multiple partners as you know with the Pharaohs who had multiple wives. I figured he hoped he could work his way into your heart before you got a chance to remember me," he frowned, "However the part Horus, Hathor and I are struggling to understand is how did he manage to suppress your memories of me for so long?"

"Has that happened before?" I raised my left eyebrow in question. 

He shook his head, "I always managed to find you before he could."