Home Sweet Home...or not?

[Milim's POV]

Several minutes have passed after father and Veldora left the room, father came back and check on me and my mother's condition. After confirming from the doctor our condition, he told my father that we can now leave the hospital and return to our home.

As we are leaving the entrance of the hospital, I can see several people in costume being surrounded by their fans on the other side of the road.

'So, this is really is the world of My Hero Academia, huh. I can't wait to grow up and become one of those heroes'

After a few minutes of my father driving us home, we arrived our destination. My eyes widen to see that our home is a FREAKING mansion!! I mean, calling it a mansion is an overstatement, rather it looks like a large two-story house with a relatively huge garden.

My dad parked our car at the garage and he picked up my mom because she is exhausted from the birthing while I was carried by Veldora on our way inside. I find it strange that Veldora looked quite sad this pass few minutes despite looking like a clown when I first saw him.

'Perhaps father scolded him so hard that time that he managed to straighten his guy up, heheh'

After going inside the house, I see that the interior is quite simple and relatively normal. It has wide living room with three large sofas facing a square coffee table and huge flatscreen TV on the front. The dining room has a huge dining table, perfect for eating with the family and guest. The Kitchen is quite nice and spacious. Then there's a row of rooms on the second floor, each for every member of the family to sleep into. However, I was inside put inside a room on the first floor. It designed for taking care of me, the baby and became my temporary room until I grew up. It has a small crib, a desk with baby supplies on it and small drawer.

I was then place down on the crib by Veldora and he stared at me with a solemn look on his face.

"sigh...that father of yours is such an idiot, why can't he just stay put in the house for once" says Veldora as he gently caresses the top of head.

'Ehh? what does he mean by father staying put?'

"I mean seriously, he has already a child of his own and yet..... he can't stay for a while and take care of you"

'Wait a minute? Father is leaving? But why? why is leaving after I just been born?' I confusedly pondered on why my father suddenly decide to leave after just returning home.


The door of the room quietly opened and Veldanava come inside to check on Milim and Veldora. He looked at Milim with a gentle look on his face but turned into a calm expression and faced Veldora.

"You know what to do, Veldora?"

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'll babysit the daughter of yours while you go to that business trip"

'Ah I see, father is just going to a business trip' I sighed of relief in my mind.

"But how long that business trip will take?"

"I don't know, about a few years maybe, but I will check on the condition of the house for a whi-?" Before Veldanava could finish his sentence, Veldora rush towards him and grabbed his collar.


"You don't understand, Veldora! The heroes, they need me"

then suddenly, Milim cried loudly and tries to reach out to her father with her small limbs pointing at him. Veldanava picked her up and bring her close to his chest. She then latches to her father tightly, refusing to let him go. He then tried to hum her to sleep and comfort her in his arms. It might take him a while to calm her down, so Veldanava prompted Veldora to leave the room and wait for him outside. Veldora reluctantly leave the room with a dissatisfied look in his face.

Few minutes later and Milim finally closed her eyes and went to sleep. Veldanava gently put her down to the crib and cover her with a small blanket. He stared at her for a few minutes and lightly place his hand on her forehead.

"I'm sorry my daughter, but I can't just leave those heroes with my company's support. I hope you will understand one day and forgive me for not spending more time with you"

He then slowly retracts his hand and quietly exited the room to meet with Veldora. But then after he's out of the room, small drop of tears came out of Milim's eye as she was been listening to her father's words the entire time.

'Stupid father....' she thought as she slowly went back to sleep....


Hello everyone, Author-san here

So, this is the chapter three of the story, is it fine, right?

I decided to leave Veldanava out of the picture for a while, but I will be going to mention him in several occasion in the story.

As for Lucia, I'm planning for her to leave after Milim became one year old. I haven't thought for a good reason for her to leave, so it might take some time for me to write when that time comes.

As for Veldora, he'll be staying for the majority of the story. He'll be the cool uncle for him and he'll be taking care of her in the house.

I'm also planning to add few more characters from Tensura to the MHA world. Those characters will be closely related to Milim. So, it will be a surprise in the future chapters.

That is all of the things I have to say for now. I hope you reading the chapter and please comment your thoughts down below.