It's Baby Time

[Milim's POV]

After a whole night of internally sobbing about how stupid my father is while I am sleeping, the next day has come.

I opened my eyes and thought 'well, another day for baby Milim'. I tried to move my body to sit myself up but my baby body can't even lift my own weight.

'Well, this what do I do'

I tried to look around the room and nothing out of ordinary can be seen. The room is very quiet and only the noise of the outside can only be heard. Even the other side of my is quiet.

'Wait, where is everyone?'

I tried to figure out on where the heck is my mother or Veldora have gone to and why I was left unattended. This is quite unresponsible of them to leave me here.

But then I heard something.....



A sound of stomping feet can be heard from upstairs. The sound startled me a bit.




The stomping noise can be heard is getting closer and closer. I think someone is going down the stairs and towards my room. The nervousness grew as the noise gets closer to my room. What if the person making that sound isn't my mom or Veldora...crap...




The stomping noise stopped right before my doorstep. A sweat run down my forehead as I nervously waited for the person to open the door.

And then the person on the other side opened the door.


*Door noises*

"Milim dear, are you awake?"

'Oh thank god, it's just my mom'

I then made baby noises to catch my mother's attention. She approaches me with a gentle expression on her face.

She then lifts me up and carries me on her arms.

"Look at you, you're such a sweet child"

I giggled at my mother's comment about my appearance. When she heard my baby laugh, her smile grew brighter.

and then....


"MWAHAHHAHA! Where's my lovable and adorable niece?!" Veldora opened my door in an outrageous manner and walks inside.

'Urgh, this guy. Can't I have a mother-daughter moment in peace?!'

"Ah, Veldora-san, can you please keep it down. You might scare my sweet precious Milim"

"MWAHAHAHAHA, but of course, Mrs. Lucia. However, I want to look at Milim for a bit"

"Of course, dear. Here...hold her"

My mother passed me to Veldora's arm and he looked at me with a smug smile on his face.

"Wow, she really looks like you, Mrs. Lucia. Quite charming"

"Ara, thank you dear"

"I'll be on the kitchen, Veldora-san. Call me if you need something"

"Sure thing, Mrs. Lucia"

My mother walks out of the room, leaving me with this smug clown with me.

"Don't worry Milim. I'll do my absolute best to be the BEST uncle ever"

'yeah yeah sure, whatever. Can you put me down already'

I tried to squirm my body in order for Veldora to put back to my crib.

"Ah, looks like my dear niece wants to play"

'Wrong!! I don't want to play! Put me down'


Veldora then suddenly threw me in the air, nearly hitting the ceiling, and then he caught me with his hands.


Even though he caught me just fine, I thought it's all over. BUT NO~ He throw again and again until I almost peed myself...I think

'I am going to die...'


Veldora then checked my diaper and his expression became serious.

"Ah, you peed your diaper"

'Oh geez, I wonder why!?'

Veldora then walks back to the crib and put me down facing him. He then takes out my dirty diaper and replaced it with a new one.

"All done, see~ I told you I can be excellent uncle!"

'An excellent uncle doesn't juggle his niece like a freaking ball!!'

And then, the door slowly opened and my father, Veldanava, entered the room.

"Ah Veldora, you're here"

"Tsk, Veldanava..I thought you already left"

"No, I'll leave for the next day. I still have time for my daughter"

"That's good, I'll be leaving the room for you and your daughter"

Veldora exited the room, leaving me with my father. He looked at me with an apologetic face.

"Sorry dear, I'll be leaving you soon. But I ordered you a special gift to keep you accompany"

'A gift?'

"It will soon arrive before I leave the house, so please take care of it"

'Hmm? I wonder what would it be?'

I continued to ponder on what will my gift will be

Heheh, I'm excited...