Growing Youth and Research

Hello everyone, Author-san here

I am going to quickly discuss some few notes pertaining about the last chapter

First is that someone pointed out our dear Milim already learned to crawl in just 3 days

Which is a blunder in my part because I didn't know how babies work

So, my only excuse on that one was Milim have a very fast growth rate due to her mutation in her genes

And no, her quirk hasn't manifested yet, you have to wait for the next few chapters for it to be awaken.

Another thing I wanted to point out is that Veldora and Veldanava are not true dragons that turned into humans like in the Tensura world, but rather it's the other way around. They are humans with quirks that allow then to transform into dragons like Ryukyu.

That's all I have to say



[Milim's POV]

Ever since my father had left the house, my baby life has continued as it is

I have to say, that my day-to-day life is.....surprisingly boring

No, I mean really, my everyday life routine is always the same goddamn thing

First is waking up in the morning, which is the worst

I can always see that blonde bastard waking me up in the dumbest way possible

I always see that stupid-ass grin on his face every time I open my eyes in the morning

Then I get to drink my breastmilk from mother in intervals between the morning, afternoon and the evening

In which, is the only time where I am in peace

AND THEN, that clown shows up again for round two of being annoying

I mean seriously, give me a goddamn break, will ya!

The only thing that calms me down after that is Gaia who always ran my room to stop him

Him and Veldora are always rivals in giving me affection

So, every time Veldora has audacity to annoy me, Gaia is always there to guard me

and finally, after a whole day of tiring day of accumulating the frustration, I then fell asleep in my crib in the evening.

This day-to-day rollercoaster ride of annoyance and peace continued throughout my infancy life without a change whatsoever

The only thing that is new in time to time is that my dad often calls my mom and I've got to hear his voice from the phone. He often checks about my condition and the status of the house.

Another thing that is new was my abnormal growth. I have noticed it I while back before my father's departure is that I can already move my limbs very early. It continues to grow in fast yet fixed intervals every month.

I don't know if it's because of Veldora's everyday antics that forced my baby muscles to grow or is it something else that I am not aware of.

Meh, I have no idea how my body works, so I leave it just that.

[One year later]

A whole year has passed and I am now one year old

My mother has stopped lactating, which means I have graduated from drinking breastmilk

Which also means that she has to go to join my father at work

This made me sad and hugged my mom while begging her not to leave

Then she gently says to not worry and she'll come home before midnight.

I calmed down and sighed in relief.

Since I am a year old now, I can now walk and stand in my own two feet.

I can also speak properly and say simple and concise sentences.

Also, because of my growth rate, I looked twice as older than a normal person

With my body able to stand upright and able to run away, I can now able to escape from Veldora's annoying antics whenever I want.

"MWAHAHAHA! try to annoy me now! you blonde useless bastard, you can't catch me MWAHAHAHA"

wait, oh god! Am I starting to sound like him? Is this the result of a whole year of hearing that stupid laugh that I subconsciously mimic him?! Urgh, scary.

Well anyways, a few months later, I explored the house with my own convenience.

I first explored the entire first floor, I have got to see the living room and the kitchen up close.

Mother and father bought so many luxurious and expensive porcelains and furniture

I'm surprised that we haven't got robbed yet with these much luxury in the house

Next, I climbed the stairs and went to the second floor, which has a row of rooms lined up through the hallway. One of which is my parents' bedroom and other rooms must be Veldora's room and probably my new bedroom.

Last room on the end of the hallway is the study room. The room is wide, it has huge bookshelves with many kinds of book, and a computer on the side of the room.

I entered the study room and I take a good look of the books lined up in a row. Most of the books are about biology and genetics. Which leads me to believe that my father and mother are some sort of scientists or doctors.

When I thought about this, I walk towards the computer and used it. I decided to search for the name of my father and mother in the internet to see what kind of profession they have. A few minutes searching in the internet and..... "Found it!"

I found out that my father, Veldanava, is a genius doctor and researcher with a Ph.D. in biology and genetic engineering. He founded a huge company named Nava Corporation that tested and created so many genetic-engineered animals with dragon quirk DNA. The corporation is heavily guarded and the scientific methods of their creation remained a top secret from the general public.

I don't know why my father has this bright idea of mixing the genes of random animals and the quirk of our family. Is it because it is cool to turn everything into dragons? Or is there an applicable purpose for it to the society? Only time will tell.

As for my mother, she doesn't have the profession just like my father, but rather she is a nurse. She takes care of the genetic-engineered infant animals and nurse them until they grow up. She also has her own division in the corporation. In that division, she is the leader of nurses with [Angel] quirks and her division is called "The Angel Division".

"Woah, mom's job is so cool!!"

Angel quirk? I wonder what does that quirk can do? I want to ask mom when she come back home.

After of hours of research, I feel satisfied in finding out my parents' job.

"Well, I still have more time before dinner comes. What else I should search?"

I tried to think of something to search in the internet.

"Ah, how about if I search the name of Veldora"

I searched for Veldora's name in the internet and I am shocked to see the result.

"WAIT? Veldora is a hero and he graduated from U.A?"

"Yeah, people called me [Tempest Wind] in public"


I quickly turned around and saw Veldora who is right behind me.

"How do you get here you bast- I mean uncle Veldora"

"Hmm? I can't find anywhere in the first floor or outside the garden. Then I found you here in the second floor and decided to sneak up to you just mess with you" He explained with a smug expression.

" Hrrrph, how long have you been there?"

"About 5 minutes ago"

"Well, there's nothing I can do about it then" I deadpanned said it to him, then I asked him "Can you tell me about your hero life, uncle"

"Ah, your great uncle is great superhero who almost got in the top-ranking heroes"

'Well, if you were more productive with your work, perhaps you will'

"And I got a chance to work with All Might and became his sidekick once in my life"

"Wait, I thought All Might never once ever got a sidekick ever since Sir Nighteye. How did you become his sidekick"

"MWAHAHAHA, how else do you think I convinced the no. 1 hero other than persuading him so hard that he gives in and made me his sidekick" he said with sparkling eyes and doing muscle poses.

"More like annoying him so hard if that what it is" I sarcastically murmured to myself

"What's that, you punk?!"


"Well, I am cooking dinner. So, don't forget to come down and eat"

"Speaking of forgetting, what are you doing here? I thought you said you're cooking"

"Ah....oh shet"

Veldora rush out of the study room and went down stairs. I then I heard a huge thud and a lot of cursing right after.

"What an idiot"