The Awakening

[Milim's POV]

Three years have passed after the research I made about my parent's career and I lived my daily life continue it is.

On the first year, i got myself a new bedroom in the second floor, right next to the study room which is convenient. Then during that year, I often asked questions from my mother every time she went home from work. I always asked her questions about her quirk, her job and other things about my father's company. She gently answered all of my questions with great patience.

She said that her [Angel] quirk allows her to control the growth rate of everything she touches upon activation. She also can control cell division of a wound, which means she can heal any injury in a faster rate. This is the main reason why she chose the job of a nurse in father's company in the first place. As for father's company, she said it is his dream is to create life with his own hands and he wants to share it to the world. Creating a company helped him boost his progress in achieving that goal. Then she also some other stories like how her and father met, about their school days and other things that happened afterwards.

After a whole year of inquiry from mother, I felt a sense of satisfaction in my chest.

Well, it was and it didn't last long. Why?

It was because in second year, my idiot blonde uncle decided to tell me all about his young hero days and stuff. He continued saying these things after the day I was done with my inquiry with my mother on the previous year.

First, he rambled on about the time where heroes that once became classmate. Heroes with like Eraserhead, Present Mic and Endeavor was his classmate in his first year in U.A. When I heard about that, I gave him a baffled expression as if the things he just said were sound made up. However, he kept on insisting that he is telling the truth, so just said I believed him so he can shut up about it.

He also said that he works in an agency with two other [True Dragon] quirk users. When he told me that, it caught my attention. When I tried asking who they are, he froze and tried to change the topic. I tried to pressure him and he only said that the two quirk users are female and their quirks are ice and fire respectively. I was curious about their identity and kept on pressuring Veldora.

The second year have passed and the information I got from Veldora is quite minimal, because every time I asked him about the two [True Dragon] quirk users, he only cries and trembled in fear. He only told me to stop questioning about them because he was so too afraid of those two.

Damn, what the heck did those two did to him in the past that made him this scared. Oh well, that's fine, I will find out eventually in the future.

During the third and current year, nothing much happened in throughout the year. There's nothing out in the ordinary had happened.

Well, until.....


It was summer and it is quite hot. So, I tried asking to place a pool in the garden area. Veldora complied and set up a non-inflatable pool since Gaia will just puncture the inflatable one with his claws.

Minutes have passed and the pool was set. Me and Gaia jumped into the pool and we started playing with water. Veldora put a foldable chair on the shaded side of the garden and rested there.

"Hey kiddo, just tell me if you need something. I will be just here taking a nap'


After Veldora took a nap, we continued playing in the pool all day long.

After an hour has passed and I felt something uncomfortable.

I felt like something is burning within my stomach

Gaia noticed it and checked my condition

"Tell...Veldora....I... need.... help" I said to Gaia while clutching to my painful stomach

Gaia understood my command and went out of the pool.

He rushed towards the sleeping Veldora and gets on his chest


[Veldora's POV]

I was having nice long nap in the shades for at least an hour

not until something heavy is weighing my chest

I opened my eyes and saw Gaia on top of me

"Hey mutt, what's wrong?"

"Arrf" Gaia barked and looked on a certain direction

When I look at the direction he was facing and I saw Milim clutching her stomach

I got of the chair and walks towards her

"Hey kid, are you feeling okay?" I asked her and she looks at me with a pained expression

"Stomach....hurts.... something...burni-" She stop mid-sentence as she then covered her mouth

"Hey, what's wrong?! Say something?!" I yelled as I pried her hands open

Then a small speck of energy was formed at Milim's mouth and the size increases continuously


I grabbed Milim as fast as could and jumped towards the roof of the house. I then pointed her towards the empty sky and.....

*Energy charging noises*


A massive energy wave came out of Milim's mouth and it travels across the sky, tearing the clouds apart as it passes.

"What an incredible her quirk has awoken"

I was shocked, I never seen anyone release that kind of large amount of energy with her quirk. No one in the family of [True Dragon] quirk user can release that amount of power.

Not even 'those two'.


[Third POV]

Everyone in the surrounding area saw the massive energy beam that shot towards the sky

Some people were shock in awe on the spectacle and others screamed in horror and ran away, thinking that a random villain is attacking the town.

And then, on the other side of the Nava residence, a suspicious looking white van was parked on the shady part of the road. Two people inside the van were also watched the whole thing happening.

"Hey boss, is it about time we get that child of that bastard Nava guy?" Says the guy with a full-face high-tech helmet, and black and violet spandex.

"Patience [Atom Matter], we just need an opportunity for that blond guy and that dog to get distracted for us to get her" The other guys replied. He has a neon colored mohawk hair, wearing a black leather jacket and pants with neon highlights.

"Why can't we just beat them up and grab the girl?"

"Are you retarded, that blonde guy was the hero named [Tempest Wind]. He can just blow us away with his wind and strike us with thunderstrike. As for the dog, I am quite certain what it can do, it has dragon wings and horn. I don't know what that mutt is capable of" The boss of the van explained to his sidekick.

"So, we're just going to sit here and wait?!" Atom Matter yelled at his boss

"Correct and we're- oh? It seems that the blond guy is making his move"


[Few minutes ago, Veldora's POV]

After a long period of time, Milim finally stop releasing energy waves from her mouth

Then after that, she fainted and her whole body just droop down.

"Hey Millim! Talk to me! Hey!" I panicked as I tried waking her up

However, I got no response which means she is completely unconscious

I tried thinking of a solution on the current situation

My first option is contacting Veldanava and tell her that her daughter has awoken her quirk and fainted, but I declined that idea because I knew that Brother will just experiment on his daughter and just treat her like a guinea pig.

My other option is rushing her to the nearest hospital to recover and then I will try calling Veldanva for help.

I chose the latter choice and quickly got down from roof and went inside the house.

I grabbed a spare towel and covered Milim

I then grabbed my keys and carried Milim towards my car.

I placed down Milim at back seat and Gaia jumped in besides her.

I went towards the driver seat and started the engine.

I suddenly a strange presence on the other side of the road but I ignored it for now and drive towards the nearest hospital.


Little did Veldora know, the van that was parked on the other side of the road also starts its engine and followed Veldora's car.