Lost Child in the Hospital

[Veldora's POV]

I currently driving my car towards the nearest local hospital. I could have brought her to my brother's company but that building is a hundred blocks away from the house. So, the thought of bringing her there was dismissed immediately. I also could have called him in the phone for help, however, it might take them too long to come and also, I don't trust him regarding Milim's health. That bastard always experiments every bloody thing he could get his hands on. I couldn't imagine Milim being experimented by her father, the thought of seeing that made my blood boils. So, bringing Milim to the hospital is the safest course of action.

After few turns and few minutes of traffic, I arrived at the hospital. I might have taken long to drive and I could have just fly with my quirk, but I can't risk losing my hero license for that. Anyway, Iget out of the driver seat and I carried milim out of the back seat. Gaia followed me behind and we walk to the emergency room.

The nurses greeted me and ask me what was the situation. I told them that my niece fainted due to quirk awakening and they guided me to a vacant room to put Milim in. When we arrived, I placed Milim down at the hospital bed.

A female doctor soon came in the room and assess the situation. I told the doctor everything that had happened this morning. I told her that Milim used a lot of energy upon awaken the quirk and that she fainted right after she ran out of juice. The doctor understood the situation and approached Milim.

The doctor then removed her glasses and her eyes begins to dilate rapidly. I was shocked and creeped out when I saw that but I didn't voice it out to not be rude to the doctor. The doctor scrutinizes Milim's body from head to toe and then she patted certain parts to check something. After the whole assessment, the doctor put back her glasses and faces me.

"How is she, doctor?"

"Don't worry, the patient has only experienced mild metal and physical fatigue.' The doctor explained Milim's condition

"Okay then, what will be done for her to recover?"

"She only need plenty of sleep, so I recommend letting her stay here for few days"

"I see, thank you very much. My name is Veldora Tempest, I am the hero [Tempest Wind]" I introduced myself after saying my thanks to the doctor.

"Ah I see, you're very welcome Veldora-san, my name is Sakura Minotachi"

We shake each other's hand and the doctor and then she exited the roo.

After that, I checked on Milim's condition. She seems okay and sleeping peacefully, which is a relief to see.

Now that Milim's condition is stable, I decided to call Veldanava about her condition and I will tell him that everything is fine.

I look at Gaia who is sitting next to the hospital bed. I decided that I will go out to make a call and order Gaia to stay and guard Milim.

"Hey Gaia, you stay here and guard Milim for me. Don't restrain yourself if someone is planning to hurt Milim, do you understand?"


"Good" after Gaia confirmed my request to guard Milim, I exited the room to make a call to Veldanava by the stairway.


[Third POV]

Little did Veldora know that he went pass a suspicious looking male nurse after exiting Milim's room. The nurse looks at the blond man walking away from the room and to the stairway. The nurse secretly grinned at the opportunity presented to him and decided to do his task at hand.

The nurse looks around to see if the coast is clear before entering Milim's room. Gaia notices that someone is entering the room and he growls at the person entering. The nurse was startled by the appearance of Gaia. However, he recovered and he remove his rubber gloves, revealing his hands with violet glowing nerves.

When Gaia saw that, he assumes a battle stance to defend Milim from the man. The man charges at Gaia and reach his hand to him. Gaia dodges the hand and tried to counter attack. Gaia lunges at man however the man dodges and touches Gaia with his hand.

When the nurse touches Gaia, he activated his quirk [Shrink] to change Gaia's size. Gaia shrank to the size of a rice grain and fell to the ground. The man grabbed a nearby jar on the table and put Gaia in it. He sealed the jar and watches Gaia trying to break out the container with no chance of success in breaking out. Gaia snarled at the man and the man smiled with glee on the sight of a defenseless dragon dog.

He then looks at the window and suddenly thought of a funny yet evil thing to do to Gaia. The man walks towards the window and opens it. He then lifts the jar over the edge of the window and decided to drop it from a high ground. Gaia notices the plan that the man is trying to do and he was terrified of the action he is about to do to him. The laughs at the dog's reaction and decided to let go of the jar, making fall from the great height.

After he is done dealing with the nuisance, he decided to continue his main objective. He approaches the unconscious Milim and he looks at her greedily.

"Now that I achieved my goal, soon I will become filthy rich after getting that bastard to surrender his secrets and his fortune to us" The man maniacally plans as he reaches his hand towards Milim.

He then touches Milim and activiated his quirk. Milim shrank to the size of rice grain and she was put into another jar. The man sealed the jar and covered it with a cloth.

He then put the jar on a medical cart and pretends to transport medical supplies as he pushes the cart away from the room without anyone's suspicion.


[Veldanava's POV, few minutes ago]

I am currently resting at my office after a long day of research and experiments. So far, the progress of the test subjects is going smoothly. Which means my goal of creating a utopia of dragon quirk animal kingdom will soon be realize.

Not soon after, my phone rang and I pick it up to see who is calling.

'Veldora? what is it he is trying to do this time? I hope it is not another prank call, I have grown tired of his silly antics for the pass four years'


"Hello? Is this Veldora?"

"Ah brother, hello"

"Hello Veldora, what is it you're trying to say this time?"

"I know this might anger you, but please humor me this time, okay?"

"*sigh* you always say the same thing last time"

"I know, this time it is serious, very serious"

"Oho? how come? Don't tell me that Milim was injured from one of your pranks, Veldora. I told you to stop messing with my daughter"

"No no, it's different this time. Your daughter has fainted"

"WHAT? But how, you didn't knock her out accidentally, did you?"

"WHAT NO! I meant that Milim fainted after her quirk was awakened"

I froze when Veldora told me that my daughter's quirk has awakened. I almost forgot that quirks manifests if the child turns four years old. I also almost forgot that it was four years since I left the house after Milim was born.

I told Veldora to stay put in the house and I will send my subordinates to pick them up. However, the next thing Veldora said will haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Well, you see bro, I drove Milim to the nearest local hospital, but don't worry she is safe here"

"YOU IDIOT! GET HER OUT OF THERE NOW!" I yelled at the phone and almost crashing it.

"Huh? Why, we just got here and-"


"Okay okay, geez what a drama queen"


I am losing my composure when Veldora just drove Milim in a danger zone where villains are scattered in the darkness. I have heard a report that a group of syndicates called the [League of Villains] that wants to steal the secret of my company for the past few years. The syndicate also knew that I have a daughter and they plan to steal her when her quirk was awakened.

"What's wrong, darling? You look stress" Lucia entered the room with a tray of tea cups and tea pot.

"Lucia, we have bad news, call our subordinates and send them to the hospital near the Musutafu city"

"What? Why? Did something happen to Milim?"

"Milim's quirk was activated and Veldora drove her to the local hospital because fainted after the awaken"

"WHAT?!" Lucia yelled while covering her mouth as she dropped the tray, breaking both the cups and the pot.

"Ah, also call those 'two', they know what to do when things get messy"

"Alright dear, I am calling them right away"

I nodded and Lucia immediately rush out of the room. I rubbed my forehead to soothe the pain in my head due to the things that happened today.

*Ring ring*

The phone rings again and I immidiately picked up the phone. The caller is Veldora again.


"Hello Veldora, did you get Milim with you?"

"Bad news bro, Milim is missing in her room"



I slammed the table with my fist. A lot of paperwork fells and scattered all over the floor.

"Bro what the heck, are you-"



I crushed the phone due to the anger rising from within me. I threw the phone to the glass wall, breaking them to piece. I flipped the table with all my strength and threw all the furniture and shelves.

"Velda?! what happened here? what are you doing?!" Lucia rushed back inside the room to see what is causing the ruckus. She saw me very angry and unhinged.

"Velda calm down, tell me what happened" Lucia tried to calm me down by patting my back and shoulders.

"Milim... *pant* was *pant* missing in the hospital"

"Oh dear....."

"She was taken was taken, it's highly likely it was that syndicate who took her"

"Oh god no"

"We need to hurry before it's too late. Did you call the two women I asked you?"

"Yes dear, they said they are on their way"

"Good, let's go" I calmed myself down and we both rushed out of the room and prepare for our departure.