Texas Hold'em

Alexander looked at the setting sun, its gentle orange hue cloaking the expansive, lush meadow with a rueful expression.

"Looks like the other two shops will have to wait till tomorrow," He commented, a bit frustrated that he let the day slip by so quickly, though he tried to be as fast as possible, even skipping lunch to make up time.

And this had the effect of producing a silent rumble, "Grrrr," from his stomach, expressing its displeasure over not being fed in ten hours.

"Do you wish to then meet them, tomorrow master?" Takfiz wanted to make time for him tomorrow.

"Yes, tell them, I will meet them tomorrow after lunch," Alexander announced the reschedule and then excused the old man after a few last pleasantries like telling him to take care of his body, not to catch a cold, and take care of his grandson.

And with all these done, Alexander rode back to his home, thinking back on the day.