Temple Killing

As Alexander was having a fun night devouring the two thirsty minxes, their lovely voices turning the room into a carnival of carnal opera, at the same time, another more sanguinary opera was taking place in the center of the city, sanctioned by its very ruler.

Camius and his small group made joined in front of the temple at around midnight, their surroundings illuminated only by some distant fires and the few, small torches they carried.

The temple of Ramuh, being in the capital city of a very religious, conservative province was naturally very grand, arguably exceeding even the pasha's own residence in terms of cost per square feet, decorated ornately in frescos, murals, and tapestries, and made with the best building material available such as granite, onyx, and oak.

It was a huge two-story building, around ten thousand square feet per floor, and inhabited by exactly sixty-nine priests and priestesses.

(Note Author- Yea, I'm that childish.)