Spinning Shop (Part-2)

Spinning was perhaps among the oldest professions in the world, right alongside mercenaries and prostitution.

There were cave drawings of spinning in Alexander's previous life, there were spindles found in tombs where women would be buried with them, and there even spinning tools even found in Tukanhamen's tomb.

In the very beginning, humans spun by hand, which was called finger spinning.

In this process, one would take the wool, flax, hemp, or cotton, hold it with one hand, and pull and twist it with the other, thus creating weaving yarn

But obviously, this was an excruciatingly slow process.

This was why the drop spindle was invented, and it was also the same tool typically used in Adhnaia and throughout the rest of this known world.

A drop spindle was one of the simplest tools one could envision, just a straight spike usually made from wood, with a circular weight at the bottom.