Spinning Shop (Part-3)

After Alexander had finished inspecting the close to two hundred women working under Gelene, who were engaged in spinning yarn, making the fabric, and then finally stitching the underwear, the duo decided to have lunch in Gelene's office situated a bit further away from the hustle and bustle of the workshops.

From the outside, it appeared completely normal, no different from a little wooden hut with a small door and few windows.

"Master, please make yourself comfortable," Gelene politely gestured for Alexander to enter before her, to which Alexander complied with a light smile.

Alexander found the inside to be though small, but not tiny.

Instead, there was a cozy feeling.

In addition, it was quite luxuriously decorated, with thick woolen carpet covering the floor, an expensive mahogany table at the back that was likely Gelene's office table, and two small, but very comfy-looking leather couches in front of it.