
Seeing the enemy become more and more squeezed, the island of blue shrinking under the relentless onslaught of the black and green, General Achillas rejoiced, his heart already dancing with glee.

He began to dream of presenting all these heads at Lord Parker's feet just like he had promised and expectantly looked forward to the rich rewards that would be waiting for him for this great accomplishment.

The thought was so sweet that Achillas even found the hated Lord Bernard pleasing right now, as he could not give the man thanks for his help from the bottom of his heart.

'Hah hah, Bernard, oh Bernard, thanks for all your hard work. I will be taking that commander's head for myself!' Achillas sang.

And so enthralled in his enjoyment was he that the general failed to even notice Alexander's presence in the formation, even though he was very gaudily dressed, drawing every eye in the vicinity towards him.