Obstacles To the Rescue

The legionaries grasped their rope of chance quickly and with everything they had, thus obeying Alexander's instructions instantly.

So the two attacking forces faced an enormous counterattack out of nowhere that momentarily stunned them.

To them it appeared as if the blue armored men had all of a sudden gone insane, disregarding all concerns of personal safety and only wishing to attack and kill them, dragging them down to hell with them.

Hence the large momentary burst of power had both the Margraves and Heeat soldiers recoiling in horror, unable to contain them any longer and conceding a large amount of ground to them, thus giving the legionaries a slight respite from the absolute crushing.

It was a respite that they greatly needed.

"You maggots! Why are you retreating? Attack! These are the death throes of a mad dog. The last whoosh before the candle goes out. What are you afraid of?"