Discussing Princess Camelia (Part-2)

"..... what if the people did not know?" 

Lady Parthia turned to instantly give the man a stunned look at this offer, as if unable to think this was even possible.

And her eyes only got more incredulous as she heard him slowly propose,

"For example, I can have you hide at the back of the temple for the last few months of your pregnancy, easily hiding your belly. I can just say to everyone that you were in mediation as a priestess who was to advance and thus not receive any visitors."

"I could even let you interact with your family from behind a screen or partition to reassure them…. that way they would not still notice your swelling belly. What then? Would you accept my seed if there were no consequences?" 


Turning to look at the lady as he made the hypothetical situation, Alexander was suddenly surprised by how serious and ruminative her face seemed to have become- it appeared she was taking the offer absolutely at face value.